The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1956 29 AMHERST Quarterly Dinner Held by Chamber; Growth Reported Amherst. Dec. 4 Iamilton I. Newell, president, presided at the quarterly dinner meeting of Chamber of Commerce this ei ening at the Lord Jeffery Inn. A group of 60 school children, under direction of Dr.

J. Clement Schuler. director of music in the town schools, gave a concert of Christmas and patriotic selections and led the audience in carol singing. Walter C. Jones and the Town Highway Department were thanked for setting up the Creche on the Town Common.

W. E. D. Ward, executive secretary of the Chamber, gave a report on the activities of the organization and its future plans. Ho said there has been an expansion of places of business in town and reported that the- Welcome Patrick Wagon Cox, is a doing new velmber.

recently leased the Drake Hotel, was introduced. Miss Barbara Sheehan of North- ampion, executive secretary of the Pioneer Valley Association. AVAS A guest. She spoke on the beginnings of the association and discussed the development of the new turnpike. Successful Hunters Amherst, Doc.

4-Those ing deer on Monday were Irving Pettyjohn, Edward Jacque. Albr ri Brace, Philip Ripa, Victor Keedy and Vernon Thomas. si Miss killed a Josephine 130 pound Silvonic doe of State this morning, while hunting in Leverati. She killed her first deer 1948 and has not been successful since. Three juniors in the regional high school were successful deer hunters yesterday in Bernardston.

They are Robert Raskievitz, 150 pound doe: John Britt got 120 pound buck and Wayne Nelson a 100 pound spike horn buck. WASELLIE KUDRIKOW Antherst, Dec. 4 W'aselijc Kudrikow, 63, of 160. Summer North Amherst, died this aftcroon at nursing home after A long illness. He WAS born in Russia, Jan.

1, 1803. and came to this country in 1950. He had resided in North Amherst for the past five years, and had been employed by Peter Mokrzecki and Sons of North ladley, farmers. He was A member of the Si. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church of West Springfield.

Besites his Mrs. Salaw (Ristich) Kudrikow. he leaves two sons, at Ford Hood, and Victor at home: a daughter, Miss Dushanka Kudrikow, also at home; and a brother, Anton of Fort Wayne, Ind. The funeral will be held at the Newell-Judge funeral home. The time of the services and calling hours will he announced.

Rev. V. V. Stepan Kovsky, rector of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, will officate.

Burial will be in North Amherst Cemetery. BUILDING PERMITS Amherst, Dec 4 George A. Cavanaugh, building inspector for the town issued nine permits during the month of November for a total of The permits wEre as follows: Thomas A. Kirley, Strong a barn on Strong $300: John H. Mitcheli.

433 North Pleasant one family dwelling, Red Gate Lane, Miner W'. Tuttle, South East Cow Shelter No. Stanley $3000; WV. J. and P.

J. Wentworth, 62 Mount Picasant, one family dwelling, Wildwood Lanc, Miner WV. Tuttle, South East Cow No. 3. Stanley $3500; Shelter.

Boynden, R. F. D. No 2. Amherst and E.

II. Perron, Flat Hills Rd, Amherst, a garage addition, South Whitney $1200: Fred W. Edgington, 71 Cottage one car garage, 71 Cottage $750; Harold C. and Louise McCleary, Pelham one family dwelling, Pelham $1500. GRACE CHURCH EVENTS Amherst, Dec.

4-There will be Holy Communion Wednesday at 8 A. m. in the chapel of Grace Church, Wednesday at 7.15 D. n1. the religious education staff will meet.

On Friday a "'Quiet Day" will he held beginning with Holy Communion at 8 a. IN. and will be followed by breakfast and meditations. senior choir will rehearse Friday at 7 p. m.

in the church and the junior choirs will rehearse Saturday at 9 a. n1. Each Sunday morning coffee is served to students from 10.30 to 10.15 a. m. in the rectory.

AMHERST BRIEFS Amherst, Dec. 1-The Woman's Relict Corps will have A family supper Wednesday at 6 p. hy n1. Mrs. in Masonic Hall served Laith Warner and Mrs.

Virginia Britt. Robert C. Adams, who las been stationed at the son Air Force Base, is having A month's furlough at his home here. On 1 he will report to the Chanute Air Force Base near Grantoul, Ill. Among those getting deer 011 the first day of the hunting seasor.

were Harvey Burns, a 150 pound doe; Raymond Powers, a 110 spike horned buck; James Sullivan got a buck 011 his 0411 farm in Pelham Valley: Chester Green, A 150 pound deer and William Russell, a 150 pound buck Unity Chapter, Order of the Listern Star, will hold a fair on Friday from 12.30 at 8 p. m. at Masonic Hall. Tea will be served from 2 to 4 p. m.

by Mrs. Zelda S. Barstow' and her committoc. A chicken pie supper is soheduled for 5.30 and 6.30 p. 111.

for which reservations may be High School Yearbook Editors made with the chairman, Mrs. Marion Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Smart and daughter, Carol, of Ankara, Turkey, who have been visiting his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Raymond Smart of McClellan will leave On Thursday, by planer from Idlewild Field, N. their home. The Ladies Guild of the Second Church will hold a food sale in Mathews Shore Store on Dec. 14 at 11 m.

featuring Christmas foods. Maude Perron. Mable Harris and Marion Duncklee will bc in charge. To Fete Murray Amherst. Dec, 4-A party will te held Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.

m. in the Pelham crated Murray, Church rural letter honoring carrier Harold for 39 years. The party will be in form of "open and will be given by his many friends O1: his Rural Route No. 2 in Pelham. Mrs.

Auburn Weaver will be the hostess and Mrs. Charles Wentworth, cohostess. Friends of Mr. Murray are invited to attend. Mr.

Murray completed 39 years of service as a rural mail carrier for the Amherst Post Office at the close of the work day on Friday. Grange Activities Dec. activities Amherst, in the near Futureansi include the December meeting Hampshire County Pomona with Amherst Grange Thursday evening. Old Timers Night will he held Friday evening in charge of the rast masters with Fred Kentfield, chairman. Past masters and their wives will serve refreshments.

On Dec. 8 starting at 10 a. m. a rummage sale and bazaar will be held in charge of Tillie Thomas. Mary Dzuiba, Adelaide Merwin, Helen Bemis and Marie Hammill, Saturday evening a public card party will be held in charge of Lucia Wentworth and Eleanor Wentworth.

On Dec. 11 a public baked ham supper will be served in the Grange Hall. The annual Christmas party will be held 011 Dec. 21 with refreshments being served by members received during the past year. VACCINE AVAILABLE Amherst, Dec.

4-Fred Siino, agent for the Board of Health, has arranged with the state Board of Health to obtain polio vaccine for those between 19 and 30 years of age who desire it Those wishingto reccive this protection should sign up with their own physician. There will be 110 charge for the vaccine. WORTHINGTON Mrs. Pease Feted On 89th Birthday Worthington, Dec. 4-Mrs.

Harry D. Pease of Huntington Rd. was honored Saturday on her 189th birthday when Mrs. Frank(lin II. Burr, Drs.

Howard Andrus, Miss Josephine Hewitt, Mrs. Edward H. Newcomb, Mrs. W. Warren Rausch, and Mrs.

Roy W. McCann attended a party arranged by her daughters, Helen and Mary, and her ter-in-law, Mrs. Chauncey Pease. Friendship Guild Airs. Norman R.

Hallowell of Williamsburg Rd. will he hostess 10 the Friendship Guild Thursday evening at 8. Mrs. Carl S. Joslyn will be in charge of the program.

Members are reminded that the dime cards for the love gift offering to turned in at this meeting. Instead of the customary exchange of gifts, this organization con-! tributes for the benefit of a former member. The current ey-making project of the Guild for the support of the charitable program is the sale of vacuumpacked candy. Gifts for local hoys in a the service have been mailed and Christmas trees for shutins will be prepared and de. Ilivered.

An addition Garage to the Addition town garage at the rear of the fire station is under construction to house the sand and salt for winter highways as well as tools. Grange Card Party Worthington Grange No. 90 will hold the weekly card party Friday evening at 8 in the Town Hall with prizes and refreshments. Missionary Speaker Dr. Frank C.

Laubach, author and missionary, will be in Great Barrington Sunday and will preach at the First Congregational Church there at the 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. services.

He will also be present Mrs. Laubach at a tea and reception in the ANTE Zion Church at 5 p. m. Rev. David Woodson, who spent much time in this town this fall working among migrant workCIS, is pastor of the latter churhe.

It is expected that sev. cral from this town will attend at least one of these services and anvone wishing to join this group may call Mrs. Joseph W. Sene. HADLEY Hadley, Dec.

4 The Polish Women's Alliance will hold its annual Christmas party at the Quonset Club on Sunday 6.30. Everyone is, asked 10 bring a small gift for a grab bag. Those desiring to attend should call before Thursday Mrs. Frank Zalot Mrs. Stanley Kozera, Mrs.

Joseph Kokoski, Mrs. Joseph Baj or Mrs. Stanley Jekanoski. Any bills against the town for services or materials should be presented 10 the selectmen as soon As possible. The 1-II Handicraft Club will mect Thursday from 6.30 to 8.30 p.

In. in Hopkins Academy work shop. Any boy from grade 6. through junior high school whol EASTHAMPTON Santaniello Wins Fourth Term as Local 273 Head Easthampton. Dec.

4-Donald Santaniello was elected. president of Local 273, IUE, AFL-CIO, for a fourth term at a mecting Monday at the Hampden Specialty Products Co. Santaniello defeated Raymond Thibodeau, sticker candidate, by a vote of 198 to 72. Howard Belrose was re-elected recording secretary for A fourth term. His opponent was Frank Nephew, sticker candidate, whom he defeated by a vote of 179 to 84..

Other officers elected and un-! opposed were: vice-president, Armand Lebeau; financial secretary-treasurer, Frank Dubiel; guard, Chester Duda; and trustee for three years, Installation ceremonies will he Jan. 6 at 2 p. m. at Pulaski Hall. An international representative of the IUE will be installing officer.

The election commitiee included Edward Dolat, chairman, Michael Dorunda, Edward Kozlowski, Max Kuwla and Thomas McGreevy. Clubs Will Have Guest Meetings Easthampton, Dec. 4 The Tuesday Afternoon Club and the Ira Club will join for their Annual guest mectings of the year. The affair will be a an event of Tuesday, Dec. 11.

at the home of Mrs. David Strong of Alain St. The legend of Christmas will be told through carols sung by Miss Genevieve Lapointe and narrated by Mrs. Strong, who will also serve as narrator of the entertainment. Hostess for the program will be Mrs.

L. A. Rust and Mrs. Strong of the Tuesday Afternoon Club and Mrs. Everett Fuller of the Ira Club.

They will be assisted by the executive committees of both organizations. Tuesday Club met this afternoon in Miss Leocadia Baranowski's laboratory at Easthampton High School. Specimens and visual aids used in Miss Baranowski's biology classes were viewed by the group. A business meeting and tea followed in the office of the guidance director. Mrs.

Samuel Kendrick was hostess, Davis Family Fund Party in Town Hall Easthampton, Dec. 4 lic card party being sponsored by the home and community service committee of the Easthampton Grange for the benefit of the Davis Family Fund Friday at 8 will be held in the Town Hall. Original plans called for the benefit affair to be held in St. Philip's parish house but due to! the fact that somen 200 tickets have already sold the change of place was necessary. The Town Hall' will hold a large group and additional tickets are available.

Prizes will be awarded and refreshments will be served downstairs. Homemakers Meet Easthampton, Dec. 4-Twentyone members of the Park Hill Homemakers group met last home of JIrs. Grace Petcen of Union St. Instruction in the final series of sample stitches of the creative stitchery project were given by Mrs.

Raymond Brown. The annual Christmas party; will be all event of Dec. 10 at the home of Mrs. Christine Sena. Unexpected entertainment was provided by an inconspicuously installed tape recorder.

Mrs. Albert Weidhaas was a guest at last evening's meeting. "Homemaker's 100 Hour Week" will be the subject of the next meeting Jan. 7 at the home of Mrs. Bronson Pike of Hampshire Northampton.

Mrs. Ethel York assisted the hostess with serving reiresh- ments. SINAL EMILE DIONNE Easthampton, Dec. 4-Sinai Emile Dionne, '84, died early this morning at the home of his son, Arthur Dionne of 450 East with whom he resided. was born in South, Durham, Quebec, Canada.

1872, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 3 Joseph Dionne. Ho. was married in Can10 the former Rebecca Beaulieu, who died many years ago.

He came to Hasthampton 54 years ago and was employed at the former West Boylston plant, retiring shortly after that contpany moved. Besides his son, he leaves a brother, Simeon of W'estcrly, R. a sister, Mrs. Mary Belisle of Norwood; four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. The funeral will be held at the Boucher funcral home Thursday at 8.30 a.

11. with A requie.n high mass at 9 a. m. in Notre Dame Church. Burial will be in St.

Brigid's Cemetery. will be Wednesday funeral, to 5 Calling hours at the home and 7 to 10 p. m. BENJAMIN J. LAVALLEY Easthampton, Dec.

4-Benjamin J. LaValley. 60, of 5 Charles St. died this morning in Cooley Dickinson Hospital, after a long illness. Born in Morrisport, N.

Jan. 12, 1896, he was the of the late Benjamin and Aurelia (Dushane) LaValley. He WAS married 34 years ago in Notre Dame Church to the former Muriel Maloulin, whom he leaves. Mr. LaValley was employed at the Hampton Mills as a watchman.

Besides his wife, he leaves four sons, Arthur and Norman of this town, Edward of and Richard at home; a brother, Doll of Schenectady. N. six sisters, Mrs. Noel Chagnon of Eastkampton, Mrs. Midas ITebert of Williamstown, Mrs.

Virginia Cadorette and Mrs. Joseph Noury, both of Barre. Mrs. Minnie Therrien of White River Junction, and Mrs. Edith Guillmette of Bethel, and 11 grandchildren.

He was a Southampton Cubs Win Awards Men's Club of Southampton sponsors a Cub Pack which in Town Hall every week and is directed by Kenneth Gunn, leader. Saturday night was one point in the careers of cubs as they were awarded pins and arrows for outstanding Left to right are Clifford Emerson, who received the Gold Paul Stasz, awarded one gold and one silver arrow; Mr. and Peter Stasz, who received two silver arrows and one gold arrow. quiem high mass in Notre Dame Church at 9. Burial will be in St.

Brigid's Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Wednesday and Thursday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10. member Sacred Church. held at Friday of the League of the circuit in a television set was Heart of Notre Dame discovered fire fighters. There The funeral will be was considerable damage to the the Boucher funeral home television set and little smoke at 8.30, with A solemn re- damage to the house.

Children's Yule Party The children's Christmas party sponsored by Dalton LaVallee American Legion, will be Dec. 23 from 2 to 5 at the Legion home. The committee headed by Henry Latka will meet Thursday at 7.15 preceding the regular post meeting. HAYDENVILLE concrete ties. for distribution overseas.

ONLY MAPLE CAN MAKE THIS OFFER Hotpoint Dryer $1 ONLY YES! One Dollar Buys This Dryer When You Purchase This Hotpoint AUTOMATIC WASHER Washer $329.95 Dryer 1.00 Buy Both for $330.95 EASY TERMS No Payment Till 1957 At Maple Electric you always receive courteous service. Buy where thousands trade and receive service quality and price. MAPLE ELECTRIC "THE APPLIANCE KING" 2 Holyoke. St. Tel.

1666 Haydenville, Dec. 4 Walter Kopka, proprietor of the Riverview Club on Main and Mrs. Kopka, will sponsor a Christmas party for the children the village in the dining room, at the club Sunday night, 23, at 6. There will be games and contests with prizes and gifts. Parents who plan to have their children attend are requested to register for their children either by telephone or going to the club, so that the Kopkas will know how many gifts to purchase and refreshments to provide.

The Holy Society will sponsor the annual Christmas party for children at St. Mary's Dec. 16, at 6.30. The committee in charge of purchasing gifts. George Childs, John quest that the of any preBreguet and Patrick: Larkin reschool child planning to attend, telephone to some member of the committee the name, sex and age of such child.

To remove the "clickety clack" caused by trains passing over rail joints, British railways reballast then tracks, weld them together mile lengths and lay them in rubber grooves on SOUTHAMPTON Kay E. Breyer To Wed Dec. 22 The meets pack these work. Badge; Gunn, Easthampton, Dec. 4-A reception of new members will be held during the mormng worship service Sunday in the Easthampton Congregational Church.

tor, Rev. will Allan be K. Wadleigh, assisted by Deacon Kenneth Knight in welcoming the following into church memberMr. and Mrs. Robert W.

Cowell, Mr. Edward S. Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M.

Thayer, Miss Dorothy M. Kidder and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Templeton and son, Jeffrey. A coffee hour will follow in the church parlor and dining room.

The deaconesses will be in charge of the hour held in honor of new members. Those who have joined the church duryear also will be honored guests. New Members Reception Sunday EASTHAMPTON WOMEN HURT IN ACCIDENT Holyoke, Dec. 4 Three Easthampton women were injured in one of a series of automobile accidents which happened here this afternoon shortly after 4. Automobiles operated by Amedee D'Amour, 73, of 106 North East this city, and Miss Sally Burt of 5 Main Easthampton, collided at' the intersection of Maple and Jackson Sts.

Miss Burt 'received chest and knee injuries and her mother, Beatrice Burt of the same address, also received chest injuries. Riding in the Burt car was Miss Janet Cullen of 127 Main Easthampton. All three were taken to the Holyoke Hospital by the Holyoke Ambulance Service. Mrs. Burt and Miss Cullen were hospitalized, the latter for observation, and Miss Burt! was taken to her home after receiving medical treatment.

Jo Anne O'Brien, six, of 8 Beacon ran into Nonotuck near Dwight and brushed against the automobile operated by Adam S. Przekopowski of 720 Dwight this city. The child was taken to her home and was reported to have been shaken up. Carl E. Vradenburg of 242 East Main Chicopee Falls.

operating A 1ruck, backed against A traffic light standard at' Appleton and Race Sts. The standard was knocked over. Easthampton, Dec. 4-Mr. and FASTHAMPTON BRIEFS Mrs.

Frank Thompson of Payson have had as their guests the past few days. Mrs. Thompson's sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.

Putnam Place of Peru, N. Y. Dalton LaVallee Post. American Legion, will meet Thursday at 8 at the post home. Committee reports will be made and refreshments will be served following the meeting.

Joseph Natale of Northampton is substituting for Miss Dorothea Kelton at junior high school and Edward Berestka for John Kershaw at the high school. Town Clerk Frank J. Janik has received notification that the change in the zoning by-law's voted the September special town meeting on Ward has been approved by the attorney general. A section of Ward Ave. next to the Philipp Manufacturing Co.

plant was changed from residence and business to industrial. Funeral of Michael T. Donovan of Gaugh St. was held this morning at the O'Brien funeral home followed by a high mass of quiem in Immaculate Conception Church. William McAuliffe, Assistant pastor.

was celebrant. Bearers were Francis, Raymond, and Bernard Edward Boyle McCarthy. and Charles Chester Waterman. Burial was in Brigid's Cemetery with Auliffe conducting the committal services. Marriage intentions have been filed by John F.

Bouthillette of 29 Jackson Northampton and Rita M. Lefevre of 8 Irving St. Fred Abel of 298 Main St. was taken to the Cooley Dickinson Ilospital in the town ambulance this morning after suffering a shock. Ben Connor of Summer St.

was taken from the Cooley Dickinson Hospital to a Northampton nursing home in the town ambulance today, Fire fighters were called to the home of Albert Miller of 11 Liberty St. this afternoon when the house filled with smoke. A short Southampton, Dec. 4-Invitations are in the mail for the wedding of Kay Ellen Breyer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Freyer, Middle Rd. to Gordon Theodore Hardy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hardy, Tolland. on Saturday, Dec.

22. at First Congregational Church here. Miss Breyer was guest of honor at a bridal shower last night given by Mrs. Louis Schmidt and Mrs. Raymond at the home of Mrs.

Schmidt. Middle Rd. There were 24 present including the mother of the bride elect, Mrs. Breyer. and Mrs.

Hardy, mother of the bridegroom-elect. Southampton. Dec. miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Wesley Hall was held Saturday night at the home of Mrs.

Delbert Hall at Center St. Guests were present from Westfield, Holyoke, and Springfield. The guest of honor was recently married to FM 3-C Wesley Hall. They are living in Westfield. Refreshments were served by Mrs.

Mederick Payette, Mrs. Willard Sherman, and Mrs. Alan J. King with the hostess. EM Hall arrived home from sea duty for the week end And will be stationed at Newport, R.

until Jan. 1. He was accompanied by friend, 3-C George Wilson of Pittsburgh. Anyone, making interested rope in from A new hay baling string is asked to notify Charles Goral of Moose Brook Rd. A displaced person living at Mr.

Goral's home has strated a way to do this which would he valuable to farmers and others interested. George F. Howland returned to his Main St. home from Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, today. 4 To the graduating class of any item that students want to have ing away and looking at in later Belchertown High School has entrusted to these two senior editor-in-chief, as she discusses Rosemary has not registered may do Thursday.

sol A registered. licensed plumber for more than 55 years, Adolph A. Pelissier of South Middle St. plans to retire at the end of the month. He will spend the winter with his son-in-law and daughter Virginia and together they will visit Florida.

WILLIAMSBURG Two Requests Are Approved Williamsburg. Dec. 4-Three applications for $50 each under the Henry M. Hills maternity fund were received by the Selectmen Monday night. Two were proved and one rejected because of Blue Cross and Blue Shield benefits.

Three applications were also received for benefits under the Worthy Poor funds and all were deferred awaiting information on amount available in the fund. Petitions including 163 signatures were received against granting permission to the Outdoor Advertising Division of the State Department to erect a 40x10 foot signboard on South Main also a letter from the Women's Club representing 60 members. The board announces practically all billboards already up have not had the selectmen's approval. A letter from J. Walter Richard.

stated the School Board has voted to suspend telephone service for the months of July and August at both the Helen E. James and Haydenville Center schools. HE further states: "'In regard tc funds for free lunches the school nurse feels there are children in the schools who would benefit by hot school lunches and she is making a survey, and will report in the near It was voted to pay $120 to the I for Little Wanderers, eXpense of a mentally ill child who must receive schooling, and the welfare agent was instructed to pay it. The date of Dec. 10.

at. 8.30 was set for the hearing on liquor licenses, which will be at the Anne T. Dunphy School. This week's warrant amounted to $2509.33. HATFIELD Plan Baby Beef Supper Saturday Hatfield, Dec.

4-With Edward T. Kostek, president, heading arrangements, the Men's Club will conduct its annual baby beef supin parlors of Hatfield Congregational Church Saturday from Frank T. Woodward is ticket chairman, kitchen workers include Richard Belden, Cory Bardwell, Stewart Watson, John Osley. George Omasta, FranBryant, Philip Maiewski, Luther Belden and Clifford L. Belden, Jr.

Club waiters, headed by Norman D. Hilyard, Paul Dickinson. Henry Donnis, Herman. Southard, Fred Snook, Luther Belden. Harrison Belden, William S.

Parmeter, John Parmcter. William S. Parmcter, Paul Cernak, David Southard, William Podmaver, Charles Belden and Bernard C. Donnis. In addition to baby beef, the menu will include pea soup, salad, mashed potatoes, onions, squash, pickles, home-made apple pie and cheese, and coffee.

Mrs. William H. Dickinson of Main St. will be hostess in her home for the annual Christmas silver tea of Woman's Endeavor Socicty Thursday at 7.30, for hencfit of Brightside. Serving will by Mrs.

Arthur E. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Stanley J. Filipck. Mrs.

John A. Proulx and Mrs. Eugene F. Proulx. Members will also exchange gifts.

Valley Fish and Game Club will meet Wednesday at 7.30. in Legion Home. Real Folks. Society of Hatfield Congregational Church will hold a luncheon meeting Friday at 12.30 in church parlors, with the first division 111 charge. Children high school the yearbook is one as complete as possible for storyears.

The task of seeing that the best memory book has heen girls. At left is Marion Cook, A point with her assistant, Scilla. BELCHERTOWN Hearing Friday On Safety Plans Belchertown, Dec. 4-The Safety Committee will hold a public hearing in Memorial Hall on Friday at 8 p. m.

SO that "any interested townspeople who 10 make or constructive, Louis criticism Fuller, to offer" a member of the committee, said todav. Harold Willey, chairman, and Nelson Hill are the other members of the committee appointed by Town Moderator Lewis Blackmer to make a long-range study of the needs of the Fire, Police and Highway Departments. The committee has met with the chiefs of the three departments to secure their needed safety improvements. After hearing suggestions at forthcoming public meeting, the committee is authorized to draw up recommendations for presentation at the annual town ing in February. Fuller said.

Ten Make Bid For Constable Belchertown, Dec. 4-Ten candidates for nomination as constable have their names to the Republican Town Committee, Mrs. Sydney Wheeler said today. applications have so far been received by the committee for nomination to the er offices to be filled in the February cc election, Mrs. Wheeler said.

The offices are: selectman, School Committee members. assessor, and member of the Planning Board. The Republican Committee will meet on Friday night at 8 in Memorial Hall to act on the names submitted. Potential candidates may notify Mrs. Wheeler or Chairman Stanford Harrington of their intentions to run.

BELCHERTOWN BRIEFS The St. Francis Church benefit card party will be at 8 tomorrow in the Pine Room of the church. Garden Club members are invited to the Christmas tea to be given by the Springfield Garden Club 011 Thursday from 1 to 5 at the Longmeadow Community House. will be cared for by Miss Reico Kommo. The Real Folks will also conduct a sale of home-cooked foods Saturday night in conjunction with the Men's Club baby beef supper in the church parlors.

A variety of items will be offered, including candy. Committee is Mrs. Edward Dickinson, Mrs. Paul Dickinson, Mrs. Storrs F.

Start, Mrs. Charles Tinkham and Drs. Herbert V. Marsh. Coach John Skarzynski of Smith Academy has announced his starting lineup for opening game at St.

Mary's in Westfield Wednesday. At center will be Ronald Keith, tall rebounder; forwards, Bob Siemionko. who ended last year with A 12.5 average, and Peter Kotch, transfer from Northampion Iligh School: guards. Donald Moskowiez. who topped the 1cam last scason with 107 free throws: and Peter Pole, harddriving sophom*ore making his first start in varsity basketball.

DALTON Dalton, Dec. 4-The school building committee has announced that it will meet every Thursday night to study the problem of mounting school enrollment. The advice of both lay and professional people, in and out of Dalton, will be sought. Plans do not include any further exploration of regional plan. Speaker at the Wednesday evening meeting of the Women's Fellowship of Dalton Congregational Church will he Mrs.

Donald F. Howes of Ashfield, who has chosen "the Festival of Christmas" as her topic. Mrs. Howe is president- of the Massachusetts Fellowship Congregational Christian Women. Ecuador's Mount Cotopaxi is the highest active volcano in the world.

BECKET Becket. Dec. 4-Past masters' night will be observed at the meeting of Becket Grange day. Former masters have been invited. A special program has been planned by the lecturer, Mrs.

Lawrence LaRock. Refreshments will follow the program: The American Legion Auxiliary will sponsor another whist party on Wednesday in Legion Hall. Play will begin at 8. There will be A mecting of the Becket Sportsman's Club on Monday, Dec. 10, in the firemen's clubrooms.

will Dec. 10, in The Parent Teacher Association the Consolidated School. Speaker of a civilian defense. Refreshments will be Jerome Sullivan, director will he served. People to be tacted for anyone needing trans portation are the president, Mrs.

Phyllis Petersante, Mrs. Olive key, Mrs. Kenneth Gillette, Mrs. Harry Elovirta and Howard C. Smith.

The Junior Red Cross drive at the Consolidated School has been completed with every room Joming in the membership. Gift boxes were filled which have been sent to the Berkshire chapter house for distribution overseas..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.