The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Land Is Sold to Westfield Bank Harry N. Abell. seated, sells almost two acres of land at 643 Main St. in to Westfield Savings Bank, which will construct new Agawam office on the site this year. Observing the transuction are from left, Arthur W.

Knapp, president of Fuller, Scharoff and Smith, representing the bank, and Clayton N. Fuller of Springfield, resenting Abell. Other Suburban News on Page 27 LUDLOW CENTER Mrs. Roberts Named to Two Grange Posts LUDLOW CENTER Mrs. Marion B.

Roberts of St. has accepted two important offices in Grange work for the coming year. At the recent meeting of Springfield Pomona she was elected lecturer and Monday night she was returned to the office of master of Ludlow Grange, a she occupied from 1965 to 1966. Walter D. Briggs has master this past vear and has laid the groundwork for participation in the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Grange.

Ludlow officers elected Monday night, in addition to the master, include James Evans, overseer; Mrs. Eva Sanford, lecturer; Mrs. Bernice Dickey, assistant lecturer; Dorvall Giguere, st ward: Wilfred Mrs. Virginia Howes, chaplain. Poirier, ass istant steward; and Raymond Ashwell, treasurer.

Also, William Richter, gatekeeper; Mrs. Fannie Korol, Ceres; Miss Joan Barker, Pomona; Mrs. Harriet Gates, Flora; Mrs. Bertha Tower, lady assistant steward and Walter D. Briggs, a three-vear member of the executive committee.

LUDLOW CENTER BRIEFS LUDLOW CENTER An important meeting of the Hampden County 4- Fair Association will be held tonight at 7.30 in the League Building, West Springfield. Mrs. Leroy Blish of Clearwater, Fla. is visiting Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Jones Mr. and Henry Jones of this town and her son's family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Blish of Northampton. Mrs.

Blish was the original owner of the Homestead Inn on Center St. Ludlow Grange will hold rummage sale Friday from 6 p. m. to 9 m. and from 9 a.

m. to 4 p. m. in Grange Hall. Mrs.

David Mitchell is chairman and will be assisted by Mrs. Fred Korol, Mrs. Walter A. Pease, Mrs. Robert Tower, Mrs.

Thomas A. Hiersche, Mrs. Walter A. Pease, Mrs. Curtis McArthur, Mrs.

Richard Howes, Mrs. Wallace Przybycien, Mrs. Carl Pease, Mrs. James Fenney, Dorval Giguere and James Evans. HOLLAND HOLLAND BRIEFS HOLLAND Mrs.

Carolyn (Henke) Johnson, daughter of Selectman and Mrs. E. Henke, was among the recent graduates of the University of arts Kansas. degree with in a elementary bachelor education. A 1963 honor graduate of Tantasqua Regional High School, she is the wife of Warren J.

Johnson. U. S. Navy, stationed in Hawaii, and is joining him there this month. Congregational Church members are planning a bord June 24, proceeds to go to the "Paint the Church Servings will be at 5 and 6.30 in the elementary school auditorium.

Mrs. Warren Walker, and Mrs. Frederick Hunt, Jr. are cochairmen. Reservations can be made with Mrs.

Walker and tickets are now on sale by church members. Albe and braided rug will be given away. Alpheus Hoy, chairman of the Democratic Town Committee. is a surgical patient in Wesson Memorial Hospital, Springfield. Agawam Democratic Women Install Westfield Bank Buys Agawam Site for Branch W'ESTFIELD Westfield Savings Bank has purchased an almost two-acre site at 643 Main St.

in Agawam on which it will construct a branch office in that town. WV. Knapp, president of bank, Arthur. said. construction of the new branch will begin early this summer.

60-Year Resident The Agawam property was purchased from Harry N. Abell. a resident of that neighborhood for 60 years. Abell was represented in the transaction by Clayton N. Fullor of Springfield, and the Westfield bank by Philip C.

Smith of the Westfield law of Fuller. Scharoff and Smith. Knapp said preliminary plans now are being drawn for the colonial building that will bring the bank's services to Agawam. The new office will open late in this year or early in January, he said. Zone Change Approved The purchase of the Main St.

land followed the required zone change for the approved at the town meeting in March. "Westfield Savings Bank is anticipating serving the town of Agawam," Knapp said. "We already have many mortgages in the community, and many Agawam residents have savings accounts with us. Westfield Savings Bank also has just completed its first vear as a part of the school savings program in the Agawam! schools." bank has a branch in West Springfield and a drive-! in branch in Arnold St. It occupies a new main office at 141 Elm St.

The bank has assets of more than $50 million. Kindergarten To Graduate 44 AG.AWA.M Little Kindergarten will hold its 13th. annual graduation Friday at 6.30 in the house of Agawam Congregational Church. An open house will follow the graduation. The school directors, Mrs.

George Huba and Mrs. Harry Leonardi, as well AS Mrs. James Pease, teacher, and Mrs. L. Johnson, teachersaide, will be on hand.

There are 44 members in year's class: Barbara Atwater, John Bailey, Dina Borgatti, Cindy-Anne Cartello, Matthew Davis. Cheryl Depka, Diefenderfer. Do ek, Julie Edwards, Christine Fenton and Lisa Fern. Also, Michelle Fieldstad, Alan Fogg. Jennifer George, Lauri Girard.

Susan Hannon, John Haramut. Peter Hofgaard, Dana Keay, Marie LaFrancis, Robert La Vi lette. LeClerc, Michael Leiterman. Mark Maruca. Sheila ski, Stephen Ouelette and Lynn Perry.

Preston. David Provost, Beth Pullen. Jeffrey Roberts, Cheryl Robinson, Douglas Rossi, 1 Michael Schwein. James Shoemaker. Theodore Smith.

Bruce Strniste. Robert Taupier, James Teahan. Brian Thresher, a tricia Trehey. Maryann Turner, Gregg Tyler and Lauric Wright. Agawam Activities AGAWAM Lions Club will meet tonight at in the parish hall of Agawam Congregational Church.

Ladies Auxiliary of Victor Emmanuel Society will hold a picnic tonight at 6.30 in V-E hall. Trading post of First Baptist Church will be open today from 10 to 4 and 7 to 9. Hearing Friday AGAWAMI The Board of Appeals will hold a hearing Friday at 8 in the town administration building on the petition of Andrew J. and Mary Giordano to allow the division of land at 739 Mill St. into two; building lots.

Graduated in Vt. AGAWAM--MisS JoAnn Trzcinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trzeinski of 597 Suffield was graduated Sunday with a degree in nursing at the twoyear Vermont College in Montpelier, Vt. She is a graduate of Agawam High School.

WASTE COLLECTION AGAWAM -Route 4 waste collection is scheduled Thursday on the following streets: Amherst, Belvedere, Brookline. Columbus, Country, Giffin, Granger, Greenacre, Ilenry, Highland, Holland, Homestead. Keating. Kensing. ton, Mill, Morris.

Northwood. Norris, Old Mill, Randall, Rhodes, Rowley, Royal, Royal Lane, Springfield, Oaks, Vassar and William. PICNIC MEETING AGAIAM The annual picnic and business meting of East Agawam Current Events Club will be held tonight at 6 in the home of Mrs. Richard 49 Simpson Cir. Election of officers i is scheduled.

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1967 27 St. Mark's Country Fair To Open With Parade EAST LONGMEADOW St. Mark's Country Fair will open with a parade Friday at 6 p. m. from the center of town to the fair grounds at 1 Porter with Marshall Hanson as parade marshal.

Parade units will form in the rear of the EAST LONGMEADOW Chery Sheet Lists Receipts Of $779,132 EAST LONGMEADOW The cherry sheet has been received by the Board of Assessors from the state Department of Corporations and Taxation and lists $779.132.79 as the town's estimated receipts for 1967, according to Samuel E. Thresher, chairman. Local Aid Fund The total includes $227,775.80 in local aid reimbursem*nts and $551,356.99 in local aid fund distributions. The aggregate amount from the sales and use taxes will be $307.202.29, the sheet notes, la about $75.000 more than last year. because of the sales tax, and is a minimum figure.

Receipts under reimbursem*nt programs are estimated as follows: $5116 veterans' benefits; $448. abatements to veterans; $28.000, school transportation under Chapter 71; $1833.70, outside schools transportation; $127,799, construction of school projects; 706.48. School lunch program, and $2573.50, free public libraries, Chapter 78. Also. $8788.

aid to families with dependent children. $1216, disability assistance; $4904, tuiItion and transportation of children: $8220, old age assistance; $10,664, medical assistance: $108 general relief; $99.22, care lot premature infants, and 670.90, valuation basis distribution. Estimated receipts from sales and use tax are $11.918.64. cial education programs under Chapters 69 and 71; school aid, Chapter 70, $250,276.45, and from meals tax distribution, $2491. Estimated amounts to be raised this year total $74.066.03 and include $60,307.27 for coun -ty taxes, $10,771.59, state recreations areas tax: $1803.22.

audit of municipal. accounts, and $1183.95, motor vehicle excise bills. 1967 Tax Rate Underestimates to be raised are $2050.16, county, tax, and $1613.95, state recreation tax, for a total of $3664.11. The figures will be used by the assessors to determine the 1967 -tax rate, which last year was $29. The total assessed valluation of the town now is 000,000.

First Baptist Church Plans Bible School EAST LONGMEADOW First Baptist Church will conduct. a Daily Vacation Bible School June 26 through 30 from 9 to 11.45 a. m. on the "Exploring God's hidden Children from four years through high school age are invited to participate. Bus transportation from Hampden and East Longmeadlow will be provided.

Those wishing transportation may call Rev. Reuben Martin at the parsonage, 44 Parker St. The school will be directed by Mrs. Wilda Martin and Mrs. Barbara Rayder.

Methodist Church and proceed along Elm St. 10 Mapleshade then to Porter Rd. Parade Entries Participating in the parade! will be the Fire Department color guard, the Board of Selectmen, state Rep. Vernon R. Farnsworth, Fair Chairman Richard A.

Clark, Miss East Longmeadow, East Longmeadow Hgh School band and majorettes, the 4-H coltri guard and 4-H groups, 1hc Chicopee 4-H drum corps. and majorettes, Ludlow 4-H, he local 4-H Dog Club and Horse Club, Agricultural and Flockmasters' floats, the Never Ends band, drummers, a teenage car in appreciation of the drop-in center, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, antique bicycles and cars, a racing car, and junior and senior clowns. Any other group wishing to enter the parade may contact Mrs. Victor Cella of 39 Bond Ave. Exhibits' in the church hall will be accepted Thursday between 3 and 81 P.

m. and judged after 8. The hall exhibits. under thc direction of Mrs. Barbara Wright, will be open to the public Friday between 5 and 9 p.

m. and Saturday between 9 a. m. and 6 p. the fair hours.

Two-Day Event There will be music for dancing Friday night from 7.30 to 10. A clown show will be presented Saturday at 3 on the midway. Booths, games and rides will be featured at the two-day event. A country store and booths featuring sewing and handcrafts, baked goods, refresh-! ments, odds and ends are included in this second annual youth fair. E.

LONGMEADOW BRIEFS EAST LONGMEADOW The Board of Appeals will 'hold a public hearing in Town Hall tonight at 7.30 11 the petition Leo M. Speight for a special exception to remove loam from property at Melwood Ave. and Powder Hill Rd. Mrs. Rose Massa's and Mrs.

Muriel McNulty's Grade 2. classes at Center School recentply were taken on a tour of WARREN Warren Briefs WARREN The Boar of Health 1 this week adopted bylaws for town dump in South St. The regulations bar transportation of uncovered' rubbish. junk cars, fires, use by nonresidents, contractors dumping without a permit, picking, parking on dump promises and discharge of firearms. Dumping hours are from 7 a.

m. 10 8' m. Refuse must be deposited lat the rear of the dump. the board ruled. Elementary and junior high bands of the Warren and West Brookfield schools will present second annual public spring concert Thursday at East School here at 7.30 p.

ml. The bands. under the direction of Charles S. Glanville, will offor selections ranging from the classics to modern show tunes. with a newly-organized stage! band playing jazz classics.

AIRS. ARTHUR GADBOIS SPENCER Mrs. Albina (Leneau) Gadbois. 67, of 18 Salem St. died Monday in Worcester Memorial Hospital.

She was the widow of Arthur A. a dbois. Among. survivors is a brother, Felix Lencau of We st Warren. Funcral will be at J.

Henri Morin Son funeral home. Spencer, Wednesday. with al requiem high mass in St. Mary's Church at 8. Burial will bo in Holy Rosary St.

I Mary's Cemetery. I 4 Agawam Democratic Women's Club held its annual installation dinner Tuesday night in Betty's Old Towne House. From left are Mrs. Marcel Bedard, installation banquet chairman: Mrs. Alfred Christopher, incoming president: Lester Hyman, Democratic State Committee chairman, speaker, and Mrs.

Frederick Drew, outgoing president. 3 Girls in Tie As Top Scholars At Ludlow High -Graduation exercises at Ludlow High School will be held June 11 at 8 in the high school auditorium. Tied for the top academic spot are; Karen Alves, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alves of 481 Center Jane Teluk, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. John Teluk of 202 Lyons and Diana Presz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Presz of Pool St. The three girls are four.

year maximum honor students. Miss Alves will enter Mount Holyoke College in September. Miss Teluk will enter Vassar College and Miss Presz will enter Our Lady of Elms College. At the graduation exercisMiss Alves will deliver the commencement address and Miss Teluk will present A class "message. Miss Presz will give the Clas Day oration.

LUDLOW Magna Circle Plans Strawberry Supper LUDLOW Mrs. O'Connor of Indian Orchard is chairman of the ticket committee for the strawberry supper sponsored by Magna Circle, Daughters of Isabella, to be held June 20 in Knights of Columbus Hall, Lake Lorraine. Sittings will be at 5 and 7. Mrs. Carric Peck is general chairman.

Deadline for tickets is Tuesday. Plan Rummage Sale LUDLOW The PolishAmerican Citizens Auxiliary will hold a rummage sale the 24th at Eastern Springfield. Persons having donations may call Mrs. Lena Witowski or Nirs. Lottie DudDonations may be left at the home of Mrs.

Vera Czub. 103 Williams St. LUDLOW NEWS BRIEFS LUDLOW Rubbish will he collected on the following streets today: Howard. all side streets below Howard, Sewall, Prospect, Haviland, Lockland, Silva, Warsaw, Nocl, Phillip, Baker, Barrett, Railroad and White. Elizabeth D.

Easson Lodge will meet tonight at 7.30 in Masonic Hall. American Legion Post 52 will meet. Thursday at 8 in the club rooms. Following the meeting, movies will be shown of past Ludlow parades. All veterans ave invited.

JOSEPH J. MOURA LUDLOW seph J. Moura, 75, of 37 Franklin husband of the late Mrs. Benta (Ferreira) Moura, died Tucsday in Ludlow Hospital. He was born in Gralhoes, Portugal, and came here 58 years ago.

He was employed 25 years by Chapman Co. AS A shipper and retired 10 years ago. ile was a member of Our Lady of Fatima Church, GreClub and Locall 278 at Chapman Valve. He leaves a son; Patrolman Acacio Moura with Ludlow police department; a daughter, Rose, at home, five grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. The funeral will be held Friday morning at 8.15 at Ludlow funeral home, with a solemn high mass of requiem 9 in Our Lady of Fatima Church.

Burial will in St. Aloysius Cemetery, Indian Orchard. Calling hours lat the funeral home are tonight from 7 to 9 and day from 2 to 4 And 7 to 9. The rosary will ber: recited Thursday night at 7. PALMER Chamber Backs New Palmer Zoning Proposal PALMER Directors of the Chamber of Commerce Tucsday 'reaffirmed chamber support of proposals of the town Planning Board on land use and zoning bylaws, to be presented to voters at a special town meeting Monday at 7 in the high school auditorium.

May be Opposed A large turnout is expected amid reports of opposition coming. Chamber President Bacon said "Adcption of practical, reasonable controls is felt to be vitally necessary to the planned future development of Palmer and 10 the present protection of all property owners." Some 20 years ago, a town committee presented a zoning code. but the plan was by a majority vote. A second planning board has worked about 11'0 years on what it claims is a modified and limited set of zoning laws which will protect evervone concerned and help the town progress. Confident of Vote Chamber directors said they were confident of a favorable vote o11 the issuc, "especially if misunderstandings about proposals arc clarified front the floor before the start of If a vote motion is pushed, in all societ probability ballot.

it will be under If voters bring zoning into town Monday, it will be for the first in town history. Monson, five miles away, will be watching with interest. on has no zoning. and if Palmer gets it, Monson may push for new bylaws. Palmer land Monson are among the, few communities in the state without zoning.

Every town surrounding Palmer and Monson, has it. and have reported cess with the regulations. FRANCIS C. BLAIG PALMER Francis C. Blair, 72, of 62 Pleasant died Monday in Western Massachusetts Hospital.

Westfield. He was born in Rettray. Scotland. Doc. 30.

1894. son of the late James and Mary (Ramsay) Blair and heriwas resident of this town 55 years. He retired 1 from Spencer Wire Mill, seven years, ago, after having more than years' service. He was a World War I veteran. a member of Thomas Lodge of Masons.

member and past commander of Merrill L. monds, Post 130. American Le- Officials Visit Milton Bradley Plant Vincent G. Martin, vice-president of Milton Bradley, is welcoming a group of East Longmeadow officials to the firm's new plant in that town. From left are Martin, Richard Hickey, chairman of the East Longmeadow Board of Selectmen, John Lundgren, chairman of the East Longmeadow Board of Public Works, and Murray F.

Lynch, chairman of the town's IndusA trial Development Committee. The Milton Bradley visit. was part of a series of tours planned by the Industrial Development Commitice 10 plants based in East Longmeadow. The committee which is made up of eight (gion and attendant of the lond Congregational Church. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Elizabeth (Moncrieff) Blair, (daughter, Mrs. William J. Douton in Waterford, a brother, Stewart of Palmer, A sister, Mrs. John Moon of Monson. The funeral will be held Thursday at 10 at Beers and Story home.

Rev. Wilbur B. Sadleir officiating. Buriali will arkCome- tion will be in Hillerest Park Cemetery, Springfield. Calling at the funeral home are today' from 2 to 1 and 7 to 9.

tributions may be to the American Cancer Society. Two Are Chosen For Boys State PALMER -Michael Sawyer. Mr. and Mrs. George Sawyer of 20 Knox St.

and Raymond Matera, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Matera of 724 North Main St. will be sentatives of Merrill L. Simonds'847 Post 130.

American Legion, the Boys State in the University of Massachusetts July 16-24. The local students will partici-land with over 300 high school from all sections of the commonwealth in a week of activities which will include setting up of state. city and town governments. They will be thoroughly schooled in the fundamentals of government. District Court JUDGE NORMAN L.

SNOW Presiding PALMER Andre Cadieux, 22. Upper Stafford Monson; charge, setting open air fire without permit; plea, nolo: fined $10. James A. Noble, 27, of Palmer Monson: charge. driving to endanger; plea; nolo: fined $50.

Roger A. Rosworth, 18. of Main Bondsville; charge. speeding; plea, guilty; fined Palmer Funerals James Rathbone PALMER The funeral of James Rathbone. 80.

of 64 Central a retired indus-1 tiralist who died in his Monday, will take place Thursday at 2 at Beers and Story funeral home. Rev. Wilbur B. Sadleir, pastor of Second Congregational Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Knoll Cemetery.

Calling hours are today from 2 to 1 and to 9. Contributions may be made to the memorial fund! of Second Congregational Church. Francis (. Blair The funeral of Francis C. Blair, 72, of 62 Picasant who died Monday in Westfield.

will be held at Beers and Story, funeral home Thursday at 10. Rev. Wilbur B. Sadleir, pastor! of Second Congregational Church, will officiate. will be in Hillcrest Park Cemetery, Springfield.

Calling hours are today from 2 to 4 land 7 10 9. Contributions may he made to the American Can-! cer Society in Springfield. Wilbraham Briefs WILBRAHAM Mrs. Bruce Campbell WAS installed as president of the Women's! Christian Fellowship of Grace! Church at the group's annual meeting this week at th parish hall of the church. 0thers elected are: Mrs.

Rudolph Baverle, vice-president; Mrs. Godfrey, secretary: Mrs. Richard Swain. treasurer; Mrs. William Leonard.

assistant treasurer; Mrs. John Armstrong, publicity, and committec. Mrs. Roger Whitehill, retiring president. Miss Kathryn E.

Frost. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Reu-1 ben B. Frost.

received a bach-: elor of arts degree recently Muhlenborg College, Allen-! town, Pa. The community recreational arca, Spec Pond. is being readied for the season. The opening will coincide with the' closing of schools and activities will continue through the last week in August. The pavilion is set for use and the lifeguard staff has been appointed.

Escaping injury in 2 one-car. WILBRAHAM Car Thefts Probe Is Continuing W'ILBRAHAM Investigainto the theft of cars is continuing, Police Chief John Leary said Tuesday. Damaged Switch Sunday at 1.35 a. m. police received a call from a Main St.

resident that somcone was try- P.ling a tree in the Breckwood section of that city. As the police left the Main St. home they observed a car on the side of the road near Merrill P.d. and checking it found that this car also had its ignition switch broken and that it was owned by a South Main St. resident.

The owner was contacted. Investigating are Patrolmen Terrence T. Reidy, Al Gouvin ing to steal her car, parked in her dirveway. found When no damage police ar- to rived they the car but the door was open and it is believed the persons responsible were frightened away when the woman turnedd on her outdoor lights. Continuing south in Main St.

police found a 1964 Chevrolet on the side of the road near Main with the ignition at'switch damaged. The vehicle was found to be a stolen car from Springfield that city's Police Department was notified. Stolen Vehicle At 3.25. a call was received from a north Alain St. resident that a motor vehicle was stolen from his driveway.

The car belonged to a Springfield friend visiting the Wilbraham home. It later was revealed that the Springfield police had recovered the vehicle when it WAS involved in an accident, strik- Seniors to Start Exams Today At Minnechaug WILBRAHAM Seniors af Minnechaug Regional High School will take final examinations. starting today and continuing until Friday. a school official announced Tuesday. Other events include the senior prom Friday night at Elmcrest Country Club.

East Longmeadow; graduation rehearsals, June 12 and 11; report cards issued on June 14 and Ilast full day of school for the senior, class. Monday. awards assembly will be held June 13. The senior banquet will be held that night at Betty's Towne House, Agawam. On June 15, the graduation exercises will be held if at 7 weather on the football field conditions are favorable.

or in the auditorium. GOP Family Outing Set June 18 at Spec Pond W'ILBRAHAM A meeting was held recently al the home of Oren K. Gilbert of 3126 Boston chairman of ty: prize committee for the public family chicken barbecue and Ditling the Republican Town Commitice will sponsor June 18 at 2 at Spec Pond. Door prizes will be given at the event, to include full afternoon of events for all gages, Mrs. Charles Berger.

publicity chairman, said Tuesday. Adult and children's tickets are available front committee members. at'accident at 12.20 Tuesday morning was Richard C. Nowakowski. 23.

of 41 Lake Shore who failed to negotiate a curve near the intersection of Main St. and Vista Rd. Police said Nowako: ski's car went out of control, bounced off guide wires, flattened A tree and struck the curbing. then rolled over. Patrolmen Terrence T.

Reidy and Robert Sweeney investi gated. local officials, contacts eXecutives of the various industries. reviews activities with them, and explores various means to help the town and industry work more cicsely together for mutual benefit. At the present time, East Longmeadow is in the process of developing a 165 acre industrial garden park which has 4800 feet of rail frontage accessible..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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