Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Sargentyolo (2024)

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Grand Tale

Chapter Text

It was common knowledge that magic was trouble.

‘But think of how many amazing things one can do with magic!’ some would think. The possibilities do, in fact, seem endless. Magic could achieve no end of things that would otherwise seem impossible.

That's what made it so troublesome.

Magic had a tendency to come about in the most unhinged ways. For instance, a wizard crafting a new spell was never as simple as ‘I have created a spell that hastens the ripening of fruit'. It's always something along the lines of ‘This spell makes fruit age at twice the speed, but as a result, it also has a tendency to come alive and try to eat you.’

And that just didn't make sense!

So we meet Treyvi, a pursuer of magic in its many forms.

As an elf, one would assume that Treyvi would have a proclivity for the magical arts. One would, however, assume quite incorrectly.

Treyvi was what elves affectionately referred to as a doiraen-isk. Or as it translated literally into the common language, a dud-elf. It was a rarity for an elf to be born with no inclination to magic, but she was an exception.

Unflattering nickname aside, Treyvi was not far removed from how other elves looked. She had the same platinum blonde hair that most high elves had, cut short in a bob that just brushed her neck and swept down to cover half her face. Her ears were pointed upright and out. Her eyes were gold, covered by a pair of large, round spectacles and her skin pale but for the natural rosy hue that dusted her cheeks and nose.

Her attire, however, was yet another point of contention amongst elves. Most elves wore traditional garb of leaves, barks, and thin fabrics, but those that ventured outside elven lands would sometimes be swayed into dressing themselves to match the cultures they found themselves in. Treyvi was one such elf, who had ventured into a human town and been swept away by their lifestyles.

A white, form fitting blouse and a green, tapered shoulder cape covered her torso. She wore a short navy skirt with hosen shorts underneath to protect her dignity. Brown, shin high boots were laced tight to cover her feet.

She figured if she already stood out for her lack of magic, then she may as well stand out for other reasons too.

Since Treyvi had such miniscule magical reserves, she had instead dedicated herself to learning about magic as much as she could. She had started with elven magics, of course, but quickly realized that there was simply so much more to be seen! Magic was everywhere in this world, and to limit herself to just the elven circles was folly to a scholar like her!

Of course, this too was frowned upon by most elves. If it wasn't obvious, elves were a very obstinate society. She was ridiculed for delving into magics not their own, and often found herself harassed for it as well.

As she did now. With her underwear being pulled up to the pointed ends of her ears.

Aigh! Dusca siin alfoi!”

Translation: Dusca, please stop.

Ma skalemnfrau ei baythletal! Nurshk!”

Translation again: Then stop asking for it. Nerd.

Nurshk was yet another word Treyvi was very familiar with. It was one of the few words that elves had adopted and assimilated into their tongue from the common language. Sometimes Treyvi wondered if it was done just for her.

The person she was talking to, Dusca, was another high elf in her circle. Her hair was the same color as Treyvi's but was long, flowing down her back and nearly touching the ground beneath them. Her eyes were a deep maroon color and she lacked the natural blush that Treyvi had. Her ears were longer than Treyvi's but pointed back instead of out.

She wore a deep green leotard and an autumn leaf cloak, all the leaves a range of orange, reds, and yellow. Barkskin bracers protected her forearms. Like most elves she didn't exactly have a sense of modesty, so her lower half had only the leotard to cover her. She had a pair of sandals on that wound their way up her calves like vines.

Dusca was, in some sense of the word, a friend. Likely Treyvi’s only one. Less an ‘unconditional, have your back when you need it’ friend, and more of a ‘did not hate her as much as other elves but still loved picking on her’ friends. That was a friend, right? She wasn't sure, she didn't have any beside her and Dusca had assured her they were friends and that this was apparently something friends did. Except only if Treyvi was the one having her panties pulled and nobody else.

It was a very common occurrence besides that, with most elves ripping her small clothes up her perky little booty. Yet despite this, she never had any other elves refer to her as a friend.

Aigh! Stop already!”

Dusca scoffed and pulled harder. Elves hated it when someone spoke a language that was anything but elvish.

Treyvi winced and cringed as her cute, human-made underwear sliced through her lips and crack. It was made worse by the fact that she and Dusca were the same height, five foot two, so Dusca would jump to make the panties go higher, sending painful jolt up her ass each time. She had gotten these panties since they were soft, all white with a cute little bear on the seat and a pink bow on the front. Only now they weren't soft and she would most definitely be tasting them for the rest of the day.

Using that uncouth human tongue again! Studying foreign magics! Wearing these absolutely ridiculous clothes!” Dusca growled, punctuating each statement with a harsh tug that made Treyvi's legs cross more each time. “You're lucky it's just me right now! Dorelein and the others were looking for you earlier!

Treyvi winced more, both from the continued wedgie and the knowledge that Dorelein was looking for her. Dorelein was notoriously her biggest critic, and she and her circle of friends liked to go out of their way to make Treyvi their personal arshelar. There wasn't a direct translation for that word, but it roughly meant a person that you torment because it's humorous and embarrasses them and makes you feel happy while doing so. She was... A lot of elves arshelar, actually...

She was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, she was Dusca’s as well.

Dusca finally stretched the fabric enough to trap her face in it, leaving her standing knock-kneed in an atomic wedgie. “Why can't you just be a normal elf!?

“W-why do I have to be like everyone else!? I'm already different!

Dusca groaned and reached forward, pinching her nipple with a quick twist. Treyvi yelped and stumbled before falling forward, ass stuck up in the air and back arched uncomfortably as she tried to pry the waistband from her chin.

It was like this every day for the last eight hundred forty nine years. She was a grown elf, damn it! Even fifty year old elves were constantly pulling on her undies or flicking her ears! Fifty year olds! Having such a young elves pick on her had shattered her already miniscule amount of self esteem.

It was even worse when they used magic as well. Elves had a bond with nature, so much of their magic was based around plants and the like, all used in more and more unique ways to humiliate her. Vines pulling her clothes or swatting her rear, living plants swallowing her and dissolving her clothes, different ivys used to give her embarrassing itches or smells. It was torture!

Do you want to be exiled from the circles? Is that what you want?

Everyone always threatened her with this, that if she continues to pursue other cultures she'd be ‘exiled’. And yet here she was, nearly eight hundred fifty years old and she was still the circles favorite punching bag. It dawned on her there that exile was never truly a threat. They liked having her around far more if it meant they could bully her and keep her confidence broken.

Well no more.

Urgh! Nefta! To hell with your exile! I'm leaving my own damn self!

She had shouted this so loud that it echoed a little. Nefta was a particularly violent way of saying ‘f*ck it’. All was silent as she finally managed to get her panties off her face. She scowled into Dusca's eyes, who for the first time in their many years of knowing each other, was shocked to silence.

Good. Treyvi huffed and stomped off to her hollow. She needed to pack and leave. Now. She was done with other elves. She wanted to see the rest of the world.

So far she'd only ever seen the nearest human town, a quaint and bustling little trade town, but she wanted more. There were so many different places with magics of all kinds to see!

She shoved the few belongings she had in her travel trunk. She didn't own a lot, mostly books. It took barely any time to get everything together, and when she was done she kicked her door open and marched for the entrance of their circle's grove.

Along the way she saw many elves staring at her, wide eyed. Evidently she had been heard by more people than she thought when she had shouted earlier. There was murmuring and pointing but she ignored it. She didn't see them as her people anymore than they saw her as theirs.

At the gate of the grove, she saw Dusca and— ugh, Dorelein. Dusca looked nervous, wracking her hands together. Dorelein looked furious.

Where do you think you're going?” Dorelein demanded. Treyvi sneered.

“Anywhere that's not here!” she spoke in the common language, confusing them as to what she had said. She didn't care, and moved to stomp past her but Dusca intercepted her.

W-wait! You can't just leave, Treyvi!

She spat on the soil and she heard everyone around her gasp. To spit on the earth was a grave offense to elves. She glared into both of their eyes, turned her chin up, and stomped out of the grove.

She didn't look back the entire way out of the forest. And for once...

She felt amazing.


Treyvi sighed as she sat by the small fire she had made. It had taken the whole day to get out of the forest her circle resided in. She stared up at the boundless night sky, so open when compared to the way the trees would block it in the circle.

She had done this passionately but hadn't thought of where she'd be heading first. A human settlement of some kind? They were generally the easiest to integrate into, but Treyvi wasn't looking to simply settle down somewhere else. She wanted to see everything! Learn everything! She just needed to—


She jolted and went on alert. Footsteps were approaching her camp. She couldn't use magic to defend herself but she had a particularly large stick! She desperately hoped that'd be enough.

She listened intently as the steps grew closer. She tensed, ready to swing her makeshift club.

Treyvi— AIGH!


Treyvi had already started swinging when she realized who it was that she was swinging at. She had to quickly turn and smack the ground, a small puff of dirt flying up.


Dusca, for her part, looked terrified. Rightfully so, considering she nearly had her skull cracked. Treyvi had the dark thought that maybe she should've kept going before shaking it off. She wasn't worth it.

Dusca caught her breath and adjusted a large backpack she had before scowling. “You almost killed me!

Treyvi rolled her eyes. “You would've been fine. Mostly.”

Dusca squawked, and stomped a foot. “I most certainly would not have been!

Treyvi sighed. “Such a baby...”

Dusca glared. “You better not have just said something rude!

The best part of most elves not knowing the common language was that Treyvi often got away with calling them names that they didn't understand. Granted, they would just get more aggressive if they heard her speaking another language, but it was the little things.

What are you doing here?

Dusca suddenly clammed up, an out of place blush crossing her face.

Erm, I... That's to say...

Treyvi stared at her, dumbfounded.

Did you follow me!?

Dusca stammered. “N-no! I just... Happened to be on a walk and ran into you!

Treyvi gave her a deadpan glare. Dusca flushed more.

Okay fine! I was worried you'd get hurt!

She took a deep breath and looked Treyvi in the eyes. “Come back to the grove? It's dangerous out here!

Treyvi frowned. “Don't pretend like we were actually friends, Dusca.”

Dusca winced. “Well, I know I wasn't the nicest to you—

Treyvi glared and pointed to her butt, her panties still bunched up above her skirt. Dusca laughed awkwardly.

Erm...” The gears were visibly turning in her head. “I... Thought it was f-funny?

Treyvi glared harder. “Wrong answer. Go away.”

Dusca slapped her hands together and bowed. “Wait, please Treyvi! I'm sorry! I don't want to know you got hurt because we all pushed you away!

You should've thought of that eight hundred years ago!

Dusca slumped. “Y-yeah, you're right...”

Treyvi huffed. “And what's with the bag?

Dusca dug a toe into the dirt. “Er, well... I figured you probably wouldn't listen to me and go back but...”

Treyvi raised an eyebrow and waited for her to continue.

I, uh, figured that if I couldn't convince you to return, I could at least go with you until you're ready to come back!

Treyvi shook her head. “Absolutely not.

Dusca whined. “Come, Treyvi, please!? I want to be better to you! I want to actually be your...” Dusca blushed and scrunched her face up, “... Friend...

Treyvi stared at her for an uncomfortably long time. Dusca started to fidget in the spot, flushing the longer she just watched her.

“... You really mean it?

Dusca nodded rapidly. “Yes! I'll be the best friend ever!

Treyvi hummed. “I have conditions.”

Dusca nodded again, beaming. “Of course! Your word is now my law!

Treyvi pursed her lips. “First, you will not badger me or burden our journey with elven norms.

Dusca clicked her teeth but relented easily enough. “Very well. I shall deign not to speak of them.”

Second, you will learn the common tongue.

That made Dusca put up a fuss.


Treyvi narrowed her eyes. Dusca froze and groaned.

Fine! I'll learn the language of the stupid!

Good enough for now, Treyvi thought.

Third, you will stop calling me a doiraen-isk.”

Dusca nodded solemnly, looking ashamed for having to admit it. Treyvi nodded.

And last, you will turn around.

Dusca blinked. “Huh?”

Treyvi spun a finger and Dusca turned around slowly. What exactly did this have to do with her conditions? Was she making sure that she had packed properly? Was she—

Dusca froze as she felt two hands wrap around the lower end of her leotard.


Treyvi smirked viciously behind her.


Dusca shrieked as she had her only form of coverage pulled up her ass. The material immediately rode up the front as well, leaving her bare puss* lips to gobble up the material along with her round ass.

Expect a lot more of this!” Treyvi laughed, “I can't believe you always said I deserved these! Your butt is bigger than mine!

It was true. Treyvi had a cute, perky butt that stuck out in just the right way. It wasn't especially large, but it was round and bounced easily. Dusca, in contrast, had wide hips and round cheeks, fairly uncommon for elves, frankly. The fact that elves didn't believe in pants only meant that everyone could always see the full moon that was Dusca's bottom.

Aigh! Stop! It hurts!

Treyvi grunted, pulling up harder and eliciting another squeal from Dusca. “You don't say!

Dusca continued squeaking and yelling as Treyvi mauled her leotard. The material never ripped, a design of the eleven race that Dusca was now very much cursing. The good news was that it also wouldn't get stretched out too badly, though with the strength and speed of each pull Treyvi dished out, Dusca wondered how that would hold up.



Treyvi laughed and leaned back, holding Dusca off the ground to hang, supported by nothing but the fabric invading her ass and cooter and Treyvi's body. Dusca's eyes crossed and her legs twitched as she spasmed.

Finally Treyvi dropped her. Dusca wheezed and rubbed her absurd lips. She'd deal with her ass after. Treyvi dusted her hands off and sighed, turning around to survey the camp again.

That was fun! I get why you enjoy it so much now!

Dusca didn't know what she'd just said but she could tell it was aimed to condescend her. Growling she jumped up to her feet and grabbed two fistfuls of Treyvi's panties. The other elf gasped.

Hey wait— OOOOOUGH!

Dusca hauled the material up, bouncing the other elf up and down over and over and over again. Treyvi wailed and flailed, kicking her legs as her underwear violated her nether region.

None of your rules said I couldn't do this back to you! You wanna get handsy with me!? Then I'll be just as handsy with you!

Treyvi couldn't even get the words out to refuse, instead continuing to scream as she was bounced.

Dusca huffed and dropped her, Treyvi groaning as her glasses were left askew on her face and her ass pointed in the air.

Urgh... New... Rule...

Dusca slapped her ass and she squealed.

Nope! That's one I won't follow!

Both girls groaned and unclogged the drain, sighing when their clothes popped out of their cheeks. They glared at one another but settled down for the night.

Treyvi sighed, thinking of all the places she would go and how it would be to have a... Friend, along for the journey. She turned to see Dusca snoring, face pressed down into her sleeping roll, her butt stuck up. Treyvi giggled quietly. What a position to sleep in.

She sighed and stared back up at the stars. Just where would this adventure bring her? Just how far would she end up from her former home?


Not far, it turned out, since at the moment she and Dusca set out the next morning they were immediately faced with a roadblock. What kind of roadblock?


Treyvi squealed this whilst being held aloft by her panties yet again. Draenfie, or as it translated, Snickervine, was a peculiar type of flora that was native to their forest. It was called as such for two reasons.

One was that when it was rustled, the sound the vines made sounded like mischievous laughter.


The other reason was that it was semi sentient with only the capacity for pulling practical jokes on passers-by. Dusca was learning this the hard way— by having her bodysuit become one with her asshole. Treyvi would get her to wear underwear when they got to the nearest town. At least if that ripped, her companion wouldn't be naked.

Why was there a sentient prank plant, one may ask? It was mostly placed around the outer parts of the forest to keep intruders out. The plants that could kill were deeper in, and as elves they were immune to most of those.

These, however, were indiscriminate. Snickervine grew in the boughs of the canopy, and would fall to catch people off guard.

Almost no elves dealt with them due to never leaving the depths of the forest they come from. Treyvi, as one of the very few elves that had left the forest before, was unfortunately familiar with them.


Treyvi winced as she watched Dusca get bounced like a paddle ball. It was a testament to elven weaving that her clothes remained untorn, but an equal display of the strength of a Snickervine that it had stretched as much as it had.

The wedgie or the vines!?


There wasn't exactly a way to make the vines stop without wedgies, unfortunately. Treyvi yelped as a vine wrapped around her ankles. Even knowing what was coming didn't help. She cried out as the vine holding her legs and the one snagged on her panties pulled in opposite directions.

Wiggling did nothing. Well, nothing but make it worse. She cringed as she tried and felt the material tighten in all the wrong places.

You're the one with magic! Why don't you just tell them to stop!?

Dusca wailed as she was bounced. “I HAVE TO FOCUS TO DO THAT!”

Some good that did. As if she could focus at a time like this! Dusca was feeling her clothes invade places she'd never had invaded before. It felt like her ass would never stop burning after this!

The vines suddenly swung the two nearly face first into each other. They yelped when they stopped just short, swaying and tapping noses. They both struggled as the vines descended towards their bottoms again. Dusca squirmed more fervently.

No! Take her! She's used to them!

Wha— oh, you fungal-brained bitc—



Their arguing was cut short as the wedgies continued. Only now it seemed the vines had a goal. It started with Dusca.

Her tongue hung out of her mouth, eyes rolling as not one but two vines now pulled her leotard up in harsh, twisting pulls. Her legs twitched with every pull but hanging as she was and with her arms bound she could do nothing but take the full force of each tug.

Even the expertly woven elven garb could not hold forever. It ripped with a loud, shearing noise that made Treyvi wince past her own wedgie. The choked squeak that Dusca made was the classic sound of a wedgie victim's soul leaving their body. She could now assuredly say that she was alone in this hell.

Treyvi cried out as the pulling on her own panties increased twofold, the material dragging up her back and grinding against her ass. She watched the vine bring it higher and higher above her head, stretched to impossible lengths.

The vine wrapped around her and Dusca tightened, squishing them together, their legs being pulled past each other so as to puzzle piece them together. Meanwhile, the vine holding her panties above their heads descended.


Treyvi moaned, eyes crossed and twitching as the waistband of her panties was pulled over her head for the second time in twenty-four hours, only this time it was hooked to the back of Dusca’s head.

Finally, the vines dropped them, the two elves falling unceremoniously on their bums, their cheeks forced to take the burnt of the fall. Tangled in each other's legs and secured face to face by Treyvi's panties, the two elves could do nothing but sit their, near comatose after having their asses brutalized.

After a few solid minutes of pained silence, Treyvi finally managed to snap out of her stupor and speak again.


Her response was muffled against Treyvi's neck. “No more pulling please...”

Dusca was still out of it, then. She tried getting out of their conjoined wedgie but there was no sign of being able to. With their legs still interlocked, there was no chance of standing either. They were stuck crotch to crotch, locked together by her own panties.

Well, at least things can't get worse than this!


Things got worse pretty much immediately after.

Afte oin leck t’doir!

“Just put it on, foong-brahr!”

After Dusca had awoken and they'd extracted themselves from their position, Treyvi suggested they make tracks as fast as they could for the human town. Dusca had agreed quickly, forgetting, at the time, her distaste for humans in favor of getting as far from any more Snickervine as possible.

Now however, Dusca had recouped enough to remember that she abhorred humans and their customs. Especially this one.

Dreshleng bek altoilila!

“I don't care!” Treyvi growled and switched back to elvish, “Put the damn clothes on!

I refuse!

There was a gruff clearing of someone's throat, and Treyvi sent an apologetic smile to the store owner. After all, it wasn't just the noise that was likely annoying them. It was probably the fact that Dusca was naked everywhere that counted.

Although the many onlookers from inside and at the windows would likely say she was the best catch at the shop all day.

Treyvi flushed. Why did every elf have to have no shame!?

Put the bark forsaken clothes on! You're making a scene!

I'll put on a whole damn play if I have to! I'm not wearing such ridiculous garments!”

The ridiculous garments were not, in fact, all that ridiculous. She managed to persuade her to put the top on, a cropped, forest green shirt. It was the bottoms she was struggling with.

What's wrong with these!?

It looks like something a human would wear!

It IS something a human would wear you doofus! That's why we're here!

The bottoms in question were a black, lacy thong and a pair of walnut colored leather pants. Dusca had already hated the thought of putting on underwear, stating that it was a human custom to feel shame for their natural bodies, but it was truly the pants that was making her dig her heels in.

This had been going on for nearly twenty minutes. The plan was to be fast and not cause any trouble for the owner. Just an easy go in, cover up Dusca's nakedness, and leave. Instead Dusca was just drawing more attention to that little detail.

But it's just so... Why's it look like this!?

Just put it on! It's comfy!

Comfort be damned, I will not reduce myself to wearing these! Can't I just wear the thing?

It's thong, Dusca, not thing. And no you can't just wear that! It's indecent!

Suffice to say that Dusca clearly had no problem with indecency considering she was standing full bear to the world with no inkling of it bothering her. Treyvi put her hands to her hips.

You told me you'd do away with the elven norms!

Dusca groaned and stared at the garments with a look of utter contempt. She made a noise in her throat before snatching them and stomping.

Fine! I'll wear the ugly human clothes!

Finally!” Treyvi practically shouted, wincing and covering her mouth. She smiled nervously and nodded to the shopkeeper. “Er, sorry. We'll take these ones.”

One purchase later and after being practically booted from the store, the two elves were left standing in the middle of town. Dusca was disgruntledly picking at her rear, trying to dislodge both the underwear and pants riding up her ass.

Grr! These clothes practically humiliate me on their own! Why must they stick like this!?

That's something that particular type of underwear is known for.”

Dusca grunted at the knowledge and went back to picking at her wedgie before she stopped and glared at her fellow elf.

You knew this and didn't tell me!?

Treyvi hid her smirk, shrugging.

Oops. Guess I forgot!

They were given a warning by the town guards moments later after Dusca had given her a swirly in the town fountain. That left them to find lodgings for the night. There was only one problem.

What do you mean we must pay to sleep?

Treyvi dragged a hand down her face. “We don't need to pay to sleep, we need to pay for a room.”

Dusca complained that it was the same thing. Treyvi duly ignored her. The issue wasn't Dusca's whining this time, it was that they had very few funds.

Most of Treyvi's finances, if they could be called that, was money she had received through trading information about elves or trinkets from the forest. Since their race was so reclusive, scholars would pay a lot for such chances. So surely Treyvi would have saved up a tidy nest egg, no?

Well, she would have if she hadn't immediately spent most of said money on clothes, books, and human foods. She noted now that she had been foolish to do so, but if she were to study other cultures and their magics seriously she would need to try everything!

The innkeeper shook her head. “Sorry ladies. No money, no room.”

Dusca looked ready to hop the counter, not needing to know the language of humans to figure out what was just said. Treyvi flicked her ear and she hissed, pouting instead and crossing her arms with a huff.

“Um, excuse me?” A new voice asked from behind them. They turned to find a human girl, a good six inches taller than both of them, fiddling with her hands.

Ugh, she looks as pathetic as you.”

Treyvi flicked her ear again and Dusca sulked.

“Hello,” Treyvi bowed slightly, “Is there something we can help you with?”

The girl looked surprised that she spoke so clearly. “O-oh! I hadn't realized you knew the common language! Most elves refuse to learn it...”

“I have studied it for a good many years,” Treyvi smiled, preening slightly. It was rare to come across them, but humans that recognized the rarity in her knowledge always gave her a sense of pride.

“Right! Of course you would have! Elves have much longer lives than we humans...” The girl seemed to go into her own space for a moment, muttering about age and relativity to years. She shook her head quickly and stammered. “B-but excuse me! My name is Fria! Fria Af’Leoht!”

Fria was, as she would be to most elves, fairly adorable, though when you were a race that could easily live past a thousand most other living things started to seem cute. Her voice was higher in pitch and softer than their own elven timbre.

She had olive skin and dark brown hair that curled in waves down to her upper back, a purple ribbon tied in a bow on top of her head. Like Treyvi, she too wore glasses, though hers seemed even thicker and wider than even the elves. Her eyes were a mix of hazel and green, and freckles dotted her face across her cheeks and nose.

Her breasts were very large and hung with clear heft to them. Her hips, too, were wide and round with a backside that dwarfed Dusca's easily and she had a slight pudge to her tummy. She wore a dusky orange tunic with a brown belt around her waist, off white tights, and brown boots.

She had a body that was completely unheard of to elves. Since their race didn't breed or mother the way that many of their counterparts did, elves generally didn't fill out much. Even Dusca's butt, which she and many other elves would have considered large, was smaller than most humans' own consideration of the term.

“A peculiar name,” Treyvi mused. She shook her head. “But my manners evade me. I am one called Treyvi.”

She nudged her fellow elf and nodded to the girl. A roll of the eyes and a full body sigh followed before she introduced herself.

I am one called Dusca.”

Fria tilted her head before she spoke, surprising both of them. “Treyvi and Dusca are the elven words for Tall Tree and Falling Sun, correct?

Dusca looked shocked. Treyvi laughed and regarded the human girl with more respect. “You've gone and broken her! Had she known you could understand her, she likely would've held her tongue!

Dusca flushed and smacked her arm. Fria waved them off with a flush. “Oh, I didn't mind. That's actually pretty tame compared to what most elves had said to me!”

They both believed it.

Dusca cleared her throat, trying to save face. “Your understanding of our words is good but your pronunciation is in need of some work, human called Free Ah.

“Er, Fria. No need to emphasize any part of it.”

Dusca stared at her. The silence was palpable. Fria hunched over on herself. “Er, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to misspeak!”

Treyvi shook her head. “She's not judging yo— okay, well, she's definitely judging you, but she's not upset you corrected her. She has no idea what you even just said!”

Fria sighed, holding a hand to her chest. “Oh thank the stars. I had thought I'd offended her!”

“Fear not. She's what you humans would call a... Sourpuss?”

Fria giggled, a sound like wind chimes.

Dusca was starting to look like a child left out of an adult’s conversation, stomping a foot and slapping Treyvi's arm.

What are you both spitting on about!?

“Oh so now you wish to know the common tongue?”

Grk!” Dusca blushed bright and turned away. “Fine! Keep your secrets!

Treyvi ignored her. “So then, child. You never told us what you were asking after.”

“Oh, I'm actually twenty two!”

Treyvi nodded. “Yes. Quite young, as I understand it.”

Fria looked like she wanted to correct her but realized talking to an elf about age was a forgone conclusion. Instead she steadied herself and adopted what she hoped looked like a poised and professional position.

Treyvi smiled. “Cute.”

She deflated slightly. That wasn't quite what she was hoping for but she'd have to just press on.

“I am looking for travel companions who are well versed in the world as I plan to embark on an adventure! Will you please accompany me!?”

Will you pay for our room?


What!? We need a bed!

Rather than look offended, Fria looked determined. She nodded resolutely. “I will!”

Works for me.

Treyvi sighed. “Unfortunately I don't think we're as well versed as you want. She's never left the circle before today and this town is the furthest I've traveled.”

Fria still looked hopeful. “But you both know magic, right!?”

Treyvi winced. Dusca gave her a questioning look. Treyvi leaned in to whisper to her fellow elf.

She thinks we both know magic.

I know magic. Take her deal!

Oh yes, and that helped us so much earlier...”

Sh-shut up! We can't afford to refuse!

I'm not going to lie to a child!

Adults lie to children all the time! It's fine!

Fria watched the two elves get more and more into it, pinching each other's ears and faces before devolving into further means of fighting.

Namely pulling each other's underwear.

Dusca cringed at the feeling of lace chafing against her crotch as Treyvi pulled the front of her thong up harshly. “Just accept the damn offer you coward!

Treyvi yelped when Dusca hiked up the sides of her panties, holding them up to her armpits. “She'll end up getting killed you heartless tree stump!

Fria rubbed her thighs together, blushing as she watched. Man that's hot, she thought to herself. She shook her head and slapped her cheeks. Focus!

“Erm, you two?”

They ignored Fria, continuing their pulling and insulting. Fria tried again in their tongue.

“If my offer is too much I can—”

We accept!

No we don't!

Fria sighed. Maybe she should just let them work it out their way. Besides, it totally wasn't like she was enjoying watching them. It couldn't take that long, right?

Turns out it could take longer than she expected. It was about fifteen minutes of back and forth pulling before finally Treyvi called uncle first. Dusca didn't look far away, though, tears visible at the corners of her eyes.

AIGH! Fine! Just let go already!

With a snap the panties flopped pathetically down, looking like a pair of suspenders that hung rather than panties anymore. Dusca went to work stuffing her hands down the front of her pants to unclog her drain.

“We will... Join you on your journey...” Treyvi finally agreed, wincing as she plucked her own wedgie.

“Wonderful!” Fria cheered. “I can't wait to set out!”

One transaction later and the three of them had rented a room at the inn. It was a simple room, just two beds and a small desk between them with a long candle on it for light. Since there were only two beds available, Fria insisted she sleep on the floor

Is this a weird human custom?” Dusca asked. Treyvi shrugged.

“N-no! I just, erm, think you two deserve it?”

Which was her polite way of saying she was too much of a doormat to claim one of the beds. Treyvi shook her head.

“Nonsense. You can share with me, if it's fine with you. Otherwise I'll just share with Dusca.”

Dusca tilted her head. Treyvi repeated the statement to her and the other elf scowled.

I don't want to share with you... You smell bad and you sleep with your arms up!

How do you think I feel!? Your butt moves around so much in your sleep, it ends up on your pillow most of the time! I run the risk of waking up with your ass on my face!

“I could s-sleep with Dusca!” Fria was practically salivating. Dusca eyed her wearily.

Ugh, I guess if I had to pick between you and the human... Wait, you don't do anything weird in your sleep, do you?

Fria shuffled in place. “W-well, I've been told I have a tendency to g-get, erm, grabby?

Dusca sneered and looked between the two. “Enjoy sleeping together.

Treyvi shrugged, turning back to Fria. “Ignore her. She's just cranky from a long day... I don't smell by the way!”

Fria nodded, mostly to assuage the slightly manic look that crossed the elf's face when she claimed that. Treyvi for her part didn't mind the notion of her bedmate getting cozy. Worst case scenario, Fria ends up cuddling her like a stuffed toy. It sounded almost nice!


It was not nice.

When Fria said she got grabby, she should've said she got gropey.

Fria had fallen asleep quickly, and Treyvi was about to follow when the taller girl started moving. At first she prepared herself for the hug she was expecting.

In a way, she did. Fria had ended up pulling her in for a hug, smashing her face between her massive boobs and throwing a leg over her, effectively trapping the elf in place. She had brought her head down to, snuggling right into Treyvi's ear, her shallow breaths sending a warm shiver down the elf's spine.

The trouble started after that, when Fria’s hand found its way to her chest.

“Mmf!” Treyvi gasped for the umpteenth time since they all turned in. The human girl's hand was clamped firmly around the elf's small, pert boob. And, as it turned out, Fria had a habit of twitching in her sleep. With two of her fingers pressed together and inadvertently pinching her nipple, every twitch was giving Treyvi a mini titty twister.

This was already bad enough, but what was worse was that Fria's other hand had gone lower. Due to Treyvi's sleight size in both height and frame, the human girl easily got her hand to go all the way on her ass, fingers splayed out as she squeezed her tender cheek meat. This wouldn't have been quite as bad if it weren't for the fact that Treyvi's booty had been through a lot today.

“Mmmm!” Treyvi also couldn't get the girl to wake up as she was. Her arms were trapped by her sides and her mouth was muffled in a sea of boobies.

Was there any way for it to get worse?


Treyvi cringed at the wet feeling and sound. Turns out it could get worse. So much worse.

Fria had started drooling. And given the position of both her head to Treyvi's ear, that meant the drool was going...


Treyvi's thoughts would remain silenced as Fria continued to flood her ear with a slow but steady flow of saliva. It was like so many of the times she'd been given a wet willy, but somehow, even without the twisting of a finger, this felt so much worse. Truly this was as bad as it got.

Fria somehow proved her wrong again, multiple times in a row this time. The first came when the hand on her ass finally moved. Only it ended up moving to catch her by the silky, beige sleeping shorts she was wearing.

And then it started pulling.

As if she hadn't gotten enough wedgies already!

She squirmed and groaned as her ass was violated by her choice in bottoms yet again. Fria had a strangely fierce grip in her sleep!

Treyvi gasped when the hand on her boob let go, only to snake it's way underneath her sleeping shirt and grab the exact same boob, raw this time. And the grip doubled there too just now! She yelped as her whole breast got squeezed hard, just before fingers wrapped around her nipple, clamped down and twisted again.

Then, as if to truly pour salt in the wound, Fria had omitted the very important detail that, in addition to being a sleep grabber and drooler, she was also a sleep smoocher.

And given the position of her lips to Treyvi's ear, that meant—


A pair of lips just went right to her ear canal. And it turned out Fria liked using tongue. Treyvi was forced to spasm as her ear was violated by the, soft, warm, and oh so very wet tongue of the human spooning her. Not to mention that all the pooled up saliva was now getting swirled around. The loud, obnoxious kiss smacking sound was also right in her ear, reverberating around her head.

Her eyes started to swirl as her brain felt like it was filled with nothing but spit, tongue, and the overwhelming sound of kisses. Not to mention her nipple was tweaked again and her shorts got another vicious pull.

Treyvi felt like she was in hell.


Fria awoke feeling amazing! That was one of the best sleeps she'd ever gotten! She looked around to see Dusca was still asleep and that, true to Treyvi's words, her booty was clenching her pillow.

“God I wish that were me...” Fria muttered. Speaking of elves, she checked to see how her bedmate was faring.

“Ms. Treyvi?” Fria looked down, startled at the sight.

Treyvi's face was entirely flushed, her sleeping shorts were lodged so deep up her butt that her knees were knocked together rigidly, her shirt was pulled up and exposing one of her small boobs which looked like it had been rubbed red and the nipple was rigid as stone. Not to mention her ear looked soaked!

“Ms. Treyvi! Are you alright?”

Fria watched as Treyvi turned a slow, murderous glare on her. Fria gulped and remembered that she may have forgotten to express just how... Active, she could get in her sleep.

“Uh... Eheheheh... Sorry...?”

She started screaming when Treyvi pounced.


Dusca awoke to a strange sight.

Is this another weird human thing?

Hm. Must be. Right, child?

“Humuna wuah... Bwah...?”

Fria was laying half on the bed, her face and upper body hanging off the edge towards the floor, her boobs hanging freely with her. Meanwhile, her ass remained on the bed, stuck up in the air with what Dusca assumed was once a pair of panties, light green with little white hearts and a frilly waistband, absolutely shredded and crammed deep up her crack.

She also had the candle from the nightstand shoved up her butt, half sticking out of the hole it had been forced into, the wick end pointing out and towards the ceiling.

Did you do that?

Treyvi huffed. “I don't want to talk about it. And she won't either unless she wants me to light that candle!

Fria moaned, looking incredibly happy through her overstimulated face despite her condition.

“Yesh pleeeash...”

Dusca winced. “Um, right! You're the boss! Just... Don't ever do that to me... Please?

Treyvi stomped out of the room.

Don't give me a reason!

Chapter 2: Coven Cove: Witches and Wedgies


On the first leg of their journey, the girls reach Coven Cove, a wonderful place of sand, fun, and mystical practice! Surely their embarrassment is over and they can walk through without any mishaps.

Fat chance.

Chapter includes: wedgies, anal humor/foreign insertion, enema, tickling, omorashi


From here on I’ll be including the content of each chapter in the summary, that way people will know what they’re getting into. Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was with bright eyes and brighter backsides that the traveling trio of Treyvi, Dusca, and Fria arrived at their first major stop of their journey. They crested the edge of a hill, looking down towards a beautiful sandy coast.

Treyvi sighed in relief upon seeing the upcoming signs of civilization. “This is it! Coven Cove!”

Coven Cove. An unlikely sight, to those with preconceptions about witches, wiccan, and practitioners of the mystical and spiritual arts. While most believed these folks to be partial to dark caves or swaps, the reality was that most of them had long ago realized the health hazards of living in such dank places.

So, as a part of a movement started by a collective of these groups, they all started a small bayside community that came to be known, due to its primary populace, as Coven Cove. A place where soulful magic and beach liveliness combined into, surprisingly, quite the markedly successful location.

Dusca winced, poking gently at her rear and hissing when she made even the slightest contact. She was relieved that they'd be able to rest soon.

She made a face as her lips twisted to speak awkwardly. “That is... Cove of... Watches?”

Treyvi had been teaching her fellow elf the common language since they set off from the last town. Fria had been helping as well, in exchange for honing her elvish from the two of them. It was slow going, but Treyvi could tell that Dusca had been starting to get it.

“Witches, Dusca,” Fria corrected gently. Dusca took feedback from the human girl better than she did from Treyvi, likely because she felt less humiliated when someone who was born and raised speaking the language corrected her instead of another elf who already learned it.

“Wi... Witches...?” She looked at both of them hopefully after saying it. Fria beamed and cheered while Treyvi gave a satisfied nod. Dusca preened and straightened.

She had taken to understanding the language decently. She couldn't follow long conversations or big words, but she was good at getting the important parts.

Treyvi dusted her hands off. “Okay girls. Let's get moving. I'm sure they've got lots of different potions and salves to help ease the pain!”

The pain she was referring to was the pain in their butts. Literally. They'd had an unfortunate run in with a pack of lesser spotted bongoga. Which were essentially monkeys with massive hands that had a tendency to grab or smack anything they saw. They were only called ‘lesser spotted’ because most people avoided them. They were, in actuality, quite common. Upsettingly so, as the girls discovered.

And that was just the last few hours. It'd been three days since they set out from the town they'd met Fria, and they'd been beset upon over and over, with each event seemingly focused exclusively on the girls' bottoms.

It had been a long, painful afternoon today, but after an incredibly stretched pair of underwear each and their bottoms being spanked bright and raw, they had escaped and made it to their destination.

The trek down to the cove was easy enough. It was once they reached the gates that they had an issue. They attempted to step forward, only to have a trident and staff crossed in front of them.

“Sorry ladies,” said one of the guards holding the trident, “Coven Cove has a strict dress code.”

“Bathing suits must be worn at all times,” said the other guard, “Failure to do so is punishable by law.”

Treyvi grimaced. She had read about that peculiarity once but had thought it more of a cultural suggestion than an actual law. Last she checked, she didn't have a bathing suit. She knew for a fact Dusca didn't. That left...

She sent a hopeful look back at Fria. The human girl winced and shook her head.

“Come back when you've got the appropriate dress and you may enter!” They punctuated their point by slamming the ends of their respective weapons on the ground.

The three walked away, contemplating how to gain entry to the town.

Dusca, for one, was both furious and confused. “Why would anyone have clothes for bathing? Is it not the point of bathing to strip nude and cleanse the body!?

Fria tried to soothe her, to no avail. Treyvi shook her head, snapping her fingers to get the other elf to focus.

“Regardless of how ridiculous such a thing is, we'll need to fit their attire if we wish to enter. Otherwise we'll be sleeping out in the jungle back that way, and none of us want that, do we?”

Fria perked up, blushing wildly. “I-I want that!”

Treyvi sighed. “Nobody sane wants that.”

They'd learned shortly after setting out with her that Fria, for as genteel and kind as she was, also seemed to enjoy being humiliated. And berated. And hit. And probably a lot of other things that neither elf wanted to know. Point was, while the two elves felt nothing but suffering each time their butts were put up to the proverbial chopping block, Fria almost attracted that kind of thing and reveled in it.

It made traveling with her a dangerous affair.

“So what do we do? What makes these clothes more suited for bathing than one's own nudity?

Treyvi shrugged. She only knew about bathing suits through reading, and there had never been any pictures included. At least, not in any of her tomes. Fria had explained that if she wanted to see pictures of clothing in a book, there were explicit publications that specialized in that kind of thing. Whenever she asked Fria if she had any, the human girl would grow red and refuse that she had any knowledge of such things, despite being the one who explained them to her.

Yet another oddity of their travel companion.

Fria tapped a finger on her chin. “Well, bathing suits can look like a lot of stuff. I guess the guards can tell what is and isn't, but we can probably get away with just wearing our underwear...”

Dusca looked even more confused. “So bathing suits look like... Underwear?

Fria shrugged apologetically. “I guess they kinda do? At least, most of the popular ones for women do.”

Treyvi hummed in fascination. Dusca grunted in irritation.

Fria dug a toe into the sand. “There's just one issue...”

Treyvi sagged in exhaustion. “And that is...?”

“Um... Neither of you wear bras...”

Both elves blinked. They hadn't thought about that. Elves generally didn't wear much of anything to preserve modesty, and even Treyvi who had a preference for human clothing didn't wear a bra, finding them a strange feeling.

Can't we just wear one of yours?” Dusca asked.

Fria coughed awkwardly and pulled one out of her bag. The problem became evident immediately. Dusca held the article up to her chest, eyes wide at the sheer amount of space left unfilled.

Oh.” She poked the cup down until she felt it pressing against her chest. It sank. Deep. “I suppose that makes it harder to say they're ours...”

Good thing elves didn't get jealous about that kind of thing. Both girls were actually more afraid than anything.

“Well the only other thing I can think about is a one piece but that seems even less likely for us to find...”

One... piece? Like my old leotard?

Treyvi nibbled on her lip, thinking aloud. “Do these bathing suits also look like underwear? Because at this rate that's all we have available.”

Fria shook her head. “No. Not unless you're wearing a—”

The human girl suddenly stopped speaking as her face lit up, both with an idea and in the dusty red of arousal.

“Eheheh....” She laughed, a slight trail of drool making itself known. “I think I've got a plan...”

Both elves shivered at her look, holding each other for safety. Fria, meanwhile, approached the two with her hands outstretched, groping the air.

“Maybe it's not so bad that those bongogas found us after all!”

Fria pounced. Both elves screamed.


“Excuse me!” Fria bounded to the town gates, bubbly and bright. “We were here earlier! We have bathing suits now!”

Behind her, Treyvi and Dusca waddled up slowly, their faces contorted in pain, knees knocked, and gait rigid as they stood on their tiptoes. Dusca stumbled for a moment and her eyes twitched.

“... Gurk...!”

The guards looked over the human girl with a critical eye, then the elves in confusion before shrugging. They turned to one another for a moment, a silent message passing between them before they both looked back at the three girls and nodded. The trident guard stepped off to the side.

“Seems good to me! Welcome to Coven Cove, ladies!”

The staff guard stepped away as well. “And may I just say, I love your monokinis! Such cute designs!”

Of course. Monokinis. That's definitely what they were wearing. It wasn't like Fria had abused the fact that their panties were all far larger than they had been this morning to give all three of them a splitting, crack burning shoulder wedgie, positioned to perfectly cover their nipples.

These were just your run of the mill, normal human bathing suits. Treyvi's was blue and had yellow stars printed all over it, Dusca's was black with white frills, and Fria was wearing pink with strawberry prints.

To say nothing of the fact that Fria simply could've worn her bra like she'd mentioned. She said they'd sell the lie better if they claimed they were matching styles. Of course, neither elf had the wherewithal to debate this while the human girl pulled their panties into a cruel imitation of beach fashion. As they walked past, both elves flushed deeper when they overheard one guard lean over to the other and whisper, “did you notice their lips were hanging out?”

The two elves quickly covered their crotches, adding even more awkwardness to their walks. To distract themselves, they took in the scenery from within.

The whole town existed on the rocks and sand of the cove and bay that it was built on. Rather than stone buildings or paved pathways, the town was supported by a complex series of winding docks and boardwalks, with huts and homes built out of lighter materials. Magic permeated the air, and even helped create the higher walkways, floating boards forming staircases up to hanging treehouses.

“Okay...” Treyvi choked out, cringing in pain, “First stop, some kind of alchemist...”

They arrived at a thatch hut on the ground level with a sign labeled ‘witch doctor' that was lined with different bottles and vials, complete with a large, bubbling cauldron. A beautiful, thick woman with chocolate skin, a shaved head, wearing a green and gold stringkini and intricate white body paint was inside, mixing something in a mortar and pestle. She was only slightly taller than Fria, perhaps by an inch or so.

“Oh, wow!” Treyvi walked up to a shelf with a vibrant red thistle, observing it closely. “Jurnbells! These are supposed to be potent magical stimulants!”

The woman turned and smiled faintly. “They're also powerful aphrodisiacs, ma'am.”

Treyvi waved her off, even as Fria immediately started picking some weed to purchase. “Please, no need to call me ma'am. You're the doctor here. The respect should be yours. Plus I'm not a day over eight hundred seventy!”

The woman laughed. “I fear you're still my senior by a sizable amount, Miss. And please, call me Amulra.”

Dusca grunted, trying to adjust her wedgie as she looked around. “Treyvi! You can be a nerd later! Which of these will ease the pain!?

Treyvi scoffed but turned back to the witch doctor apologetically. “Sorry about her. Do you happen to have any salves that deal with, erm, skin irritation and chafing?”

The woman tilted her head. “I fear you're in the wrong place. I'm a witch doctor. My work is mostly with the spiritual. If you're in need of medical assistance, you need to see a Witch Doctor.”

Fria hummed. “Which doctor?”

“A Witch Doctor. A doctor for witches.”

Treyvi shook her head. “We're not locals... Or witches.”

Amulra nodded. “Understood. Then you want to visit Dr. Witch instead. She's on the upper walkways. Her methods may seem a little... extreme, to outsiders, but all the people here love her treatments. People sometimes go casually, just for fun. Still, I’m warning you that things can get a little... invasive? But she's a good friend of mine, and I trust her work implicitly.”

That sounded incredibly odd, but they weren’t exactly in a place to question it. Treyvi thanked her and she and Dusca waddled out of the hut. Fria stuck around, fidgeting and twiddling her fingers. Amulra tilted her head as Fria worked up the courage to speak.

“Erm, do you do... dolls?”

The witch doctor raised an eyebrow. “Depends on what it's for.”

Fria started drooling again. “Um... Pleasure...”

Amulra smirked. “My kind of woman. Do you have a sample of the person or people you want—”

Fria thrust two small pouches forward.

“Th-that’s hair from each p-person... And the torn fabric is, um, panties...”

The witch doctor slowly took the bags, holding them as far and as little as possible before placing them to the side. She then reached below the shelf she was next to and pulled two blank dolls up. She placed the pouches before each doll and then started chanting.

Weaving her hands through the air, wisps of magic flew through the pouches, opening them up before connecting the contents to the dolls. The dolls started glowing before, in an instant, they both had transformed to resemble her two elven companions; in cute doll form. Complete with clothes to match.

She took each doll and handed them gently to Fria. “Whatever you do to these dolls will be felt by the ones they resemble... They do know you're doing this, right?”

Fria was salivating at this point. She nodded dumbly. “Y-yeah... Can I also have a bundle of Jurnbells?”


The three left— after Fria made some purchases— to find Dr. Witch. It was hellish to climb the stairs in the state their panties were in, each step sending a shock of pain through their ass and lips that made it impossible to ignore. Dusca grunted with each step, hazarding a glance at how much further they had to go. The answer was an unfortunate amount of steps still remaining before they reached the upper walkways.

To make matters worse, since the steps were suspended in air by magic, they had a tendency to sway and dip when stepped on. There wasn't any fear from any of them that they'd give out, the real issue laying in the fact that occasionally a step would move forward with their next step, causing them to stretch their legs longer to keep from falling, this allowing more fabric to cleave its way into their unguarded undercarriages.

I have decided... I hate this place...”

Treyvi couldn't even muster the energy to before or agree with her, focusing as much as she could on getting to this ‘Dr. Witch' as soon as she could. Then after, she'd find the first actual bathing suit she could and buy it in a heartbeat, regardless of price. Anything to get out of this neverending wedgie.

Finally they arrived on the walkways. Dusca nearly kissed the planks.

“That looks like it!” Fria pointed to a hut with a hanging sign, the icon on the sign being a little potion with hearts inside.

The girls hurried inside and we're immediately confronted with a thick, pungent aroma.

Yeugh! What is this rancid odor!?” Dusca cried, covering her nose and mouth.

Treyvi grimaced as she sniffed. “Smells like Roxroot. It's known for having a particularly repulsive scent to ward away vermin...”

Fria was starting to turn green. Apparently even she had limits to what she considered appealing. Before they could voice any more complaints, someone called out to them from the back of the hut.

“It's also quite the curative for colds and flus!”

A woman came from the back holding a small crate full of swirling, glowing potions. She wore an incredibly revealing black bikini; a high cut thong bottom and sling style top. She also wore a wide brimmed, black hat that curled in the back, sunglasses, and had straight, raven black hair cut blunt at the ends around her mid back. She was likely very pale once upon a time, however after what must've been years of living here, she'd developed a perfect, bronze tan, with barely any tan lines. Unlike Amulra, Dr. Witch was easily six feet tall.

She waved a hand behind her, a magic sigil appearing and spinning once as the smell of Roxroot dissipated. She fanned any residual scent away from her face before turning to face them.

“Are you all here for something?”

Fria stared at the woman, tantalized. “Are you Dr. Witch?”

She smiled. It was a crooked and twisted grin but her eyes were warm, denoting she just smiled weird. She set down the box of bottles she was holding and dusted her hands off.

“That I am! Belinda Witch, nice to meet you! It's rare for us to get elves here. Even more so those who actually wear anything!”

Treyvi shot her a confused look. “What do you mean?”

The doctor clapped giddily. “Oh! And you speak the language of the cities! You two may just be one of a kind!”

Dusca growled. “Enough ogling us like we're animals in one of those disgusting mortal enclosures! We require remedies!

Dr. Witch hummed. “But this truly is a rarity...”

Dusca looked ready to blow, so Treyvi gave her a quick swat to the rear. She yelped and held her already red bum, sending a teary eyed glare at her fellow elf.

“I apologize for her. She's correct however that we require your aid... I'd still like to know why we're so unique, however.”

Dr. Witch twirled a finger in the air idly. “Well, elves are already reclusive as is, and are very unlikely to find themselves in such an open, hot environment.”

The doctor suddenly started moving towards them, circling them and randomly poking at their butts, leaning in closely to inspect them. The girls all winced each time one of her nails prodded the sensitive flesh.

“And any elves we have ever received here simply forgo wearing clothes in place of a bathing suit. As I’ve come to understand it, in your culture and customs, nudity is fairly normal. We don't actually have any rules or laws against nudity here, either, considering half the town is a nudist beach.”

Treyvi heard a pathetic, shattering sound. A glance over told her it was Dusca's spirit breaking. She could tell, hers just made the same noise.

“And these are... Not bathing suits, are they?”

The girls flushed deeply at having their disguises discovered. One embarrassing story about their journey here and their plan to enter the gates later and Dr. Witch was sorting through her bottles, laughing lightly.

“That's quite the story! Luckily for you, we have a tendency to get burns and stings around here, so I have just the thing to treat those poor tushies! I’ll have to grab something more specialized for the chafing though. I’ve seen some pretty nasty sand wedgies before, so I’m sure the potion I use for that will work here too.”

She pulled out a bottle full of murky green liquid. She swirled it slowly and small clouds appeared within the bottle.

“I'll apply this to the affected areas and you'll be feeling better in less than an hour! Feel free to undo your— snrk!— bathing suits!”

Treyvi and Dusca sighed in relief at the permission. Dusca practically flew out of her panties, tearing them down her legs and out of her lips before tossing them in the trash with a scalding glare. Treyvi did the same at a much more subdued pace and not nearly as much rage. A shame too, she had really liked that pair.

Fria squeaked and covered her face, though they could all easily see her peeking through her fingers at the two naked elves.

“Y-you two got naked so e-easily!”

Treyvi sighed. While she wasn’t as comfortable as most elves when it came to their liberal clothing sense, she had still grown up in an elven circle, something that one couldn’t exactly do without getting used to having a lot of other people see you naked. Communal bathing hours often held up to twenty elves at once and not an ounce of clothing to cover them.

“This be... is.... normal?” Dusca once again spoke in a stinted and incredibly heavy accent.

“Fascinating...” Dr. Witch mused as she approached with the potion. “Your friend speaks much less fluently than you. Is she younger?”

Dusca went red with indignation and stomped a foot, fists clenched at her sides. “She is same me!”

Fria gently nudged Dusca’s arm, leaning in to whisper. “She is the same as me...”

Dusca went redder. “She is... the same... is me?”

Treyvi shook her head. “Close enough. We’ll do more practice later. As for your question, doctor, she’s only younger by a few decades. I just happened to be more invested in the world outside the circles than my fellow elves.”

Dr. Witch nodded, intrigued. “I might ask to pick your brain later, Miss. For now though, let’s get you three fixed up!”

Me first!” Dusca claimed, stepping forward. “I can’t take this pain any longer!

“Very well,” Dr. Witch uncorked the medicine and stepped behind the elf, grabbing another vial full of clear looking liquid and pouring some onto her hands before rubbing the viscous looking solution over the neck and lip of the bottle..

It should’ve been simple, honestly. The doctor would apply the medicine to their abused bottoms and they’d be on their merry way to explore the town in earnest. There were very few things that could possibly go awry.

That should’ve been a sign for the girls considering absolutely nothing had gone their way thus far on their adventure. From getting spanked, wedgied, or just battered about by nature, the girls hadn’t been given a break since they set out. So what could possibly be the issue here?

Well as it turned out, the application process of the potion was a lot more intimate than Dr. Witch had let on. This was made very evident when she reared back with the bottle held sideways before swinging it forward for a direct bullseye with Dusca’s anus.


Dusca shrieked and tried to jump away, but an invisible force clamped around her wrists and ankles, bending her over at the waist and keeping her from running. All the while the doctor behind her continued as though everything was normal, even as her eyes glowed to hold the telekinesis keeping Dusca bound. All the while Treyvi watched in horror white Fria rubbed her thighs together viciously, a hand holding her crotch as she watched without blinking.

“Hold still please,” Dr. Witch said calmly, “The potion needs to drain into your system in order to work to its fastest and fullests effect!”

It was frankly absurd that the woman thought that Dusca would be able to register what she was saying in the moment, let alone rationalize that she needed to let it happen.

“T-Treyvi...?” Fria asked absentmindedly, saliva falling freely from her lips, “C-can I go next!?”

Treyvi practically pushed the human girl in front of her. There was no way in the Twelve Hells that she’d be going through with this now!

Dusca continued trying to thrash, to no avail. “OH MERCIFUL EARTH MOTHER! I CAN FEEL IT IN ME! WHY IS IT SO SLIMY!?

Dr. Witch made a noise of confusion. Treyvi mustered enough courage to speak without stuttering. “She, uh, wants to know why it’s slimy...”

“Oh!” The doctor laughed genially, as if she wasn’t currently violating their companions ass with a bottle of medicine. “That would be the primary ingredients! Slime Globules, Jellyweed, and Squish-Algae Dew! All of them together make for the perfect cure for a sore booty!”

Dusca cringed with each ingredient named. Knowing that all of that was currently swirling in her ass was making her feel sick. Not to mention the fully unexpected ass-f*cking. That was certainly making things terrible.

“You’ve almost taken it all in! Just a little more before the bottle is drained!”

Treyvi couldn’t look away despite how much she wished she could. She muttered despondently. “Amulra said other people here came to you casually...”

Dr. Witch gave an amused little snort. “Oh yeah, I get tons of locals coming in just to get their rocks off! I’m surprised she didn’t warn you that things could get invasive! Almost all my potions get administered this way!”

She had said exactly that, as a matter of fact. They’d ignored the warning in their haste to find a remedy to their aching butts. Now their hubris was coming back with a vengeance.


Finally, after far too long, Dr. Witch twisted and pulled the bottle out with a loud ‘pop’. Dusca yelped and the magic binds lifted away, allowing her to fall forward, ass pointed up but noticeably less red than before. There was also a thick, green fluid pooling in her now gaping hole, and the occasional drop would fall and hit the floor with a plip.

“There you go! The potion’s already absorbed into your system and working its magic! And far faster than my normal patients! Interesting... That wasn't so bad, right? The excess pooling is normal, but I suggest staying in that position unless you want it to all come flooding out!”

Dusca whimpered from the ground. Dr. Witch turned to Fria, pulling out another bottle.

“Alright, into the next patient!”

Treyvi held up a shaky finger. “Don't you mean ‘onto’ the next patient?”

Dr. Witch just cackled.

Treyvi was able to cover her eyes this time around and drown out the sound of Fria having far too much fun with what she was doing. She was dreading her own turn, peeking through her fingers at Dusca who was still twitching on the floor.

After far too short a time for Treyvi (and likely for Fria too, if her disappointed moan meant anything) Dr. Witch popped the bottle out of the human's ass and grabbed the third and final one. Treyvi ignored how much more of the fluid appeared to be dripping from Fria’s own anus.

“All done! Last one!”

Treyvi held her hands up defensively.

“Surely there's a different way to take this!?”

Dr. Witch tilted her head. “Well, no duh there's a different way.”

That made the room go completely silent. Dusca slowly turned her face on the ground to stare at the doctor.

“... What?

Dr. Witch rolled the bottle idly as she spoke. “I mean you could just drink these but they taste and feel awful! Not to mention they take effect much faster like this! But I mostly just do it this way because everyone in town prefers it! Figured that's why you all came here! Was I wrong?”

Fria jumped back up, a flood of green potion gushing out of her asshole and bent herself over again. “No! Do it again—”

Dusca placed a silencing bubble around Fria's head before turning a murderous glare on the doctor. She was clenching her own cheeks as hard as she could to keep from leaking out the potion.

Treyvi gingerly stepped up and took the bottle. “I think you've misunderstood! We didn't want all... This!”

Dr. Witch looked bemused. “Really? Your friends seemed so eager! That one insisted on going first and the other wanted to go again!”

Treyvi grimaced. “Er, yes I suppose that's true but still, I have no desire to see this bottle shoved anywhere on... Or in my person.”

Dr. Witch shrugged and Treyvi sighed in relief before nervously lifting the bottle to drink the contents while Dusca continued trying to kill the woman with her eyes. Treyvi did her best to ignore that this bottle, however clean it may be right now, had likely been in someone's ass before.

Like Dr. Witch said, it tasted like fermented grass trimmings, felt like dense goo, and smelled like a decaying tree. To most, that would in fact be terrible. The key difference however...

“That's quite good, actually!”

Elves basically subsisted on a diet that tasted like this already. Relatively speaking, it wasn't anything gourmet, but Treyvi had been expecting something tasting of brine and dead fish, so it was a pleasant surprise!

“Huh. Guess I've never had an elf try my brews before... Was that why it worked so quickly on your friend? Hmm... Are you ladies in need of any coin, by chance?”

Dusca looked ready to argue before Treyvi stopped her in their native tongue. “Clothes?

Dusca stopped and checked her pack. With a long-suffering sigh and another meteoric glare, she relented. Treyvi nodded to the witch.

“Well, since elves are so rare around these parts, I was wondering if you'd be willing to taste a few more of my potions and tell me how those taste as well! I'll only use very small doses, so don't worry about any adverse effects, and I'll compensate you tremendously!”

Treyvi looked intrigued but asked an important question. “Why pay us so well?”

Dr. Witch walked past her and grabbed a tome off a shelf, holding it before her.

“This is The Alchemist's Almanac!” She paused and looked awkwardly to the side. “... Eight edition... Ahem! Only the most accomplished and brilliant brewers make it into the ranks of this book! I've been trying for years but haven't found a thesis worth anything yet! But! Any information on elves are practically absent in any of the editions, and those that are included are only on things like basic anatomy! If I submitted research with real, live elves testing my potions!?”

Dr. Witch tittered and held a hand to her chest whilst looking off dreamily.

“I’d be a shoo-in! So I implore you! Please allow me the honor of having you two as participants!”

Dr. Witch bowed deeply. Dusca looked ready to decline at the mere thought of being a test subject, but before she could, the doctor added:

“For science and magic!”

Treyvi slammed a hand down on the table next to her.


Dusca screamed in rage.


They'd hashed out the deal a little more after Treyvi agreed, mostly because Dusca wouldn't stop screaming. In addition to monetary compensation, Dr. Witch agreed to let them lodge in her guest house. Apparently even witch doctors... Well, doctors who were also witches, were as well off as doctors anywhere else.

She'd also given them real clothes, and the only reason Dusca agreed to wear them was because, for once, she actually liked how they looked.

Dusca's ‘bathing suit’ was incredibly revealing, a request from her that she wear as little ‘cloth imprisonment’ as possible. It consisted of two pasties in the shape of nettle leaves, and another leaf shaped patch, a strapless thong, that covered just her genitals and asshole.

“More... Mortal dress must... Look like this way!”

Fria was nearly panting as her eyes raked over the elf. She didn't even correct her speech this time. “Agreed!”

Fria went with a bikini and was wearing a purple sling top and high cut bottom with a skirt attached. She'd fought them to wear it, having wanted to continue wearing her panties. She'd only been convinced when Dusca got fed up and ripped them off of her in a fit. Fria had been more than content enough afterwards to change.

Treyvi shook her head at the scene and examined herself one more time. Her own swimwear was more modest than her companions, a pair of baby blue shorts that stopped at her upper thighs, and a green bandeau top. The shorts were made of a strange material that practically molded itself to her, but she found that it was quite nice. Well almost. For what felt like the tenth time in only half an hour she tried to pick the material from her cheeks and lips, only for them to snap back and find themselves once again sculpted to her lower half.

“Now then!” Dr. Witch entered the house with a crate full of different potions, “Have you all settled in!? There's much to learn!”

Dusca grunted while Treyvi perked up, eyes shining.

“We're ready!”

Dr. Witch nodded. “Wonderful! First things first, I've brought a friend who will be acting as my temporary assistant. She's got her own potions that she wants to test as well, so I've agreed to let her so long as she sticks to the rules you've all set!”

The door opened again and a familiar face stepped in.


Indeed the witch doctor from before stepped inside, her own crate of potions on hand.

“We meet again, you three! Was Belinda able to help you?”

Dusca hissed and Fria swooned. Treyvi shrugged. “Something like that.”

A long line of sample potions was set out in front of them, a name and set of ingredients listed on them.

“Okay! I've set all the potions we've got in an order that will be most safe! The doses are small but we'll still wait a certain amount of time between brews so as not to have side effects!”

Dusca poked a bottle and looked at the witch skeptically. “And how long will this take?”

Treyvi translated the question and the doctor tapped her chin.

“If we take our time it'll be at least two days. If we rush we can have it done in less than eight hours.”

Treyvi winced as she read what some of the potions' ingredients were. “We should probably do things the safe way...”

Dr. Witch gave a thumbs up and pushed the first potions forward. The two elves lifted them while Fria watched from behind Dr. Witch and Amulra. Treyvi read the contents of the bottle in elvish for Dusca's sake, since she'd only know the plants by their elven names.

Blaze berries, Dusk mint, Drumtree bark, and... Knackweed.”

The two elves looked puzzled before looking at one another. After a moment they both laughed and said something else in elvish and laughed harder. Dr. Witch looked confused.

“What's so funny?”

Treyvi shook the bottle, looking at it with an amused grin. “These ingredients are all used to make the equivalent of mouthwash for elves. Not generally all at once, mind you, but it's all quite good for your teeth. Perhaps this can be done in one day after all...”

Dusca shrugged and took a swig. She swished it around, closed one eye in a wince, and spit it out.

“Blegh... It is... Bitter mix...”

Treyvi did the same with a smaller amount and stuck her tongue out in disgust when she was done. “Eugh... Yeah that wasn't great... What's this for, anyways?”

Dr. Witch was rapidly conferring with Amulra as they both wrote down notes. After saying something quietly to the witch doctor, she replied to the elf's question.

“That remedy normally is used as a way to treat cavities and gum disease. If I may, can we see your teeth?”

Treyvi shrugged and told Dusca what they wanted. They both opened their mouths to show off their teeth. The two women peered in intently.

“Amazing! Your teeth look incredible!”

“You say elves use these things for their teeth regularly?”

Treyvi shrugged, still keeping her teeth clenched and mouth open as she tried to answer as best she could. “Kahndah... Shumtimes ish only fer feshtivals!”

The two women wrote down more notes. Eagerly, they pushed another potion forward.


This went on for several hours. Each potion seemed to work differently for the elves than it did for the mortals that had made them. Some had nearly opposite effects while others had greatly exaggerated effects. While this went on, Fria got more and more antsy to try out her new... Toys.

She snuck away when Treyvi asked to take a break after drinking a potion meant to treat colds that had instead made both elves incredibly hot. While Dusca chugged water and Treyvi fanned herself, Fria snuck away to the room she was occupying and reached under her bed for her travel bag.

She rooted around deep inside before pulling out the two dolls and the bundle of Jurnbells from earlier. She giggled excitedly as she took a flower out of the bundle and started rubbing it gently around the nose of the dolls.

In the other room Dusca and Treyvi had finally thought they were cooling down when, suddenly, it felt like they were heating right back up!

E-eh!?” Dusca yelped, cupping her nose. “Wh-why do I suddenly feel s-so...!

Treyvi fidgeted anxiously. It felt like a white-hot ball had just formed in her core. She sniffled as a bright blush started to form across her face.

“Is th-this a side effect for m-mortals as w-well?”

Dr. Witch looked confused. “Is what a side effect? What are you feeling?”

Meanwhile, in the other room, Fria watched through a cracked doorway. She licked her lips and turned back to the dolls.

“Let's try... This!”

As she said this, she brought Dusca's doll up to her lips and nibbled gently on the dolls ear.

Behind the door, Dusca squeaked and covered her mouth, her ears blushing brightly.

O-ohhh~...” She practically sang, a tingling sensation reverberating from her ear. She had no idea what was happening but it felt...

Gooood~!” Dusca moaned. She blushed brilliantly right after and slapped a hand over her mouth. What the hell was happening to her!?

Amulra tilted her head. “There aren't any inherent aphrodisiac ingredients in this... Unless they work like that for elves?”

Treyvi shakily grabbed the bottle and read the contents over. She shook her head. “N-no, none of these are— AIGH!

Dr. Witch jumped when the elf suddenly cried out. “Wha— is something wrong!?”

Treyvi shuddered, her thighs clenching together hard. “Wh-wha...” Unable to keep her head clear she ended up slipping back into elvish. “Why do I feel so horny!?

With Fria, the human girl had the Treyvi doll and had taken to gently rubbing an arch back and forth from one knee, up and past her mound, and down to the other knee.

“Hehehehe...” Fria kept this up for a little before getting impatient again. Hiding up both dolls, she stared at them in a lust filled haze.

Throwing caution out the window, she took the Jurnbells and untied the entire bundle, dumping them all over the dolls.

O-oh sweet l-lady of flowers...” Dusca moaned, practically melting off her chair and onto the floor. Her whole body felt like it was floating! And she was so damn wet!

Treyvi was vibrating in her seat, just barely able to stay in it. “Muh... Blugh... Hnmgh!?

The two women observing had no idea what was going on. Dr. Witch turned to Amulra quickly.

“I think they may be having a bad reaction to one of the ingredients in that last potion! Quick! Go get any of the soothing tonics you can!”

Amulra nodded and bolted out the door, Dr. Witch followed shortly after. Their test subjects were at risk! ... Oh yeah, and innocent lives too, she guessed.

Neither elf noticed. Dusca was unashamedly humping her hand now and Treyvi was grinding on the corner of her chair.

Fria had the door open now and was watching directly as the elves both lost themselves to their lust. She was drooling now and hugged each doll into her bosom.

“This is incredible...!”

When both elves had suddenly gone blue and started scratching at the ground or their throats, she looked confused. Looking down, she realized that both dolls' faces were stuffed deep into her boobs.

“Oops!” She quickly pulled them free and both elves gasped for air.

What is happening!?” Dusca panted, breathing heavily.

Treyvi coughed. “I have no idea!

Fria looked at the dolls again. She should probably stop soon... But there was one more thing she needed to try!

“I hope this works... Neither of them is exactly wearing any underwear...”

Fria had them both feeling good! Or at least, their bodies were definitely feeling good! Now was the perfect time for them to experience the pleasure she had been feeling during their journey! Turning both dolls around, she lowered the pants on each one and grabbed both their little undies in a fierce grip. She gave a little tug as a test.

Both elves were confused when a pair of their panties flew in the room and swept themselves on to them, going over their bathing suits. A purple thong with a heart on the front on Dusca and a white pair of cheekies with peaches printed on it on Treyvi.



Fria grinned a big happy smile. It did work! Now they could feel all the happiness she felt! Without even considering the repercussions, Fria gripped each doll by the legs and pulled the panties of each doll as high, hard, and fast as she could.



Both elves moaned loudly as the panties that had flown on them suddenly became razor thin as they rocketed up their unprepared asses. In addition, it was like their legs were lead, unable to move them as it felt like they pulled down forcefully against the direction their panties were going. They squealed as the tightness seemed to only get worse, not noticing Fria going to town on the dolls, forgetting that the real people connected to them felt the force at a scale equal to the real world.

Basically, both the elves felt their panties become ingrained in their assholes and lips. Nothing was spared as their underwear cleaved into them, and because of the Jurnbells, they both moaned the entire time, every sensation being replaced by pure ecstasy.

In a twist that made Treyvi feel even more pain and pleasure, the bottoms she'd been wearing already were also wedged deep inside her. Apparently the dolls couldn't differentiate bathing suits from underwear, so the magic just decided to pull both! Fria marked that information down for use at a later date.

She needed to give the girls a big finish! But what could she do? Without thinking, she let go of the dolls legs to rub her chin, sending the dolls springing, then bouncing. The bouncing only continues as Fria offhandedly flicked her wrist up and down.

Which meant the elves had all of this replicated on them.

The feeling in their legs went away, but the pain only increased as the two elves felt their panties suddenly pull them up, the two left floating in the air as they bounced over and over. Dusca's eyes had rolled back and Treyvi's own eyes had crossed. Both elves cupped their crotches, even as the dampness beneath their clothes became more and more obvious.

“Oh! I got it!”

Fria put both dolls back to back before taking their panties and bringing them together. Holding them both around the middle, she started twisting the panties together as tight as she could!

For the real deal, the two elves were suddenly flung into each other, their asses colliding with a loud clap. They moaned loudly as their panties began twisting together like a tornado. They could do nothing but feel everything get tighter and tighter, fingers twitching, toes clenching, knees knocking, asses and puss*es burning.

Fria twisted until she had to struggle to get any more. Still, she was determined! She set her elbows before cranking the last twist as hard as she could! Her efforts bore fruit too! She was able to get one more brutal, creaming rotation out, the material popping loudly as it ripped in places.

Both elves finally reached their boiling point, wailing in ecstasy as their panties tightened so hard, their legs flew out. Neither girl could even acknowledge the dripping between their thighs as they shook and climaxed.

“There we go!” Fria said, letting go of the dolls' panties to give the girls relief. Only when she did, the fabric remained twisted together. Fria looked at it nervously. “Uh oh...”

She tried tugging at it lightly, the elves moaning more as she tried to undo the twist. No dice, they were twisted together so hard they wouldn't come apart. Fria blinked at the dolls in her hand.

“Uh oh!”

She had to do something fast! Lest her traveling companions get stuck with a permanent, conjoined wedgie!

“Hold on girls! This won't be too bad! You might even like it!”

Fria grabbed the panties and wrenched at them with all her might, pops getting louder and more frequent as she did. Unfortunately for the elves, the Jurnbells had started wearing off and all that pleasure was now replaced with the sensation they'd normally be feeling: immense pain, discomfort, and embarrassment.

HOW DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN!?” Dusca shrieked, flailing and kicking as her ass exploded in a fiery pain.

Blughhhh....” Treyvi's eyes were swirling, evidently she'd gotten the worst deal since she had two pairs of bottoms shredding through her.

Finally with a final grunt, Fria tore the pairs off the dolls. The real elves felt the pressure immediately drop as the pairs were shredded and ripped fully from their bodies.

Fria quickly ran over to check on the two humiliated elves. “Are you two okay!?”

Treyvi croaked weakly, groaning. “What... Happened...?”

Dusca was heaving but slowly raised a hand to point to the dolls Fria was holding. “What... Are those...?”

Treyvi looked at them, confusion blooming on her pained face. “... Are those dolls... Us?”

Fria laughed nervously. “W-well, ya see... I kinda had Amulra make dolls of you so I could, ya know... Maybe fool around with you two for fun? A-and I may have also rubbed a few... lot... of Jurnbells all over the dolls to make it all feel really good?”

The two elves stared at her after she rushed out the last part of her explanation. They both gave her empty, blank stares that made the human girl shiver.

“Er... No hard feelings?”

When Dusca spoke, it wasn't her normal heated tone. It was icy and calm. Which was far scarier! She even managed to say it in the common language so Fria would understand!

“Yes... Hard... Feelings...!”

The two elves jumped atop the girl, pinning her to the ground. Fria yelped, staring up at them, their faces fully silhouetted but for their eyes glowing sinisterly. Fria, despite the fear in her spine, was incredibly aroused as she thought about all the ways they'd punish her for her transgressions.

“W-what are y-you gonna do to m-me!?”

Treyvi turned to look at Dusca, who stared back intently. A silent conversation seemed to go through just their eyes before they nodded and looked back down to her.

Fria wiggled and rubbed her thighs together as they both reached down towards her. Oh no! It looked like they'd be tormenting her! What a shame! What a tragedy! Maybe they'd tear all her panties off her one by one, or fondle and tweak her breasts, or spank her silly and sore, or, or, or...! She shuddered in exite— arous— FEAR as they got closer!

She braced for her pleasure!



Her anticipation turned into confusion, before it turned into genuine horror. No... Not this... She loved almost all forms of punishment, but this... She could never, ever get over this!

They were tickling her! Hard! Everywhere! Relentlessly!


Fria kicked as she laughed hysterically, unable to move as the two elves moved to sit on her chest and continue their tickle onslaught. Dusca muttered some elven incantation and vines sprung from between the floorboards to bind her wrists and ankles to the ground, leaving g her unable to even bend to try and defend herself. Tears sprang to her eyes and her core clenched tightly as they attacked every possible tickle spot.

Dusca glared down at her coldly. “In elven circles, there is a punishment in which the offender is tickled in front of the entire community until they soil themselves.

Treyvi looked down her nose at the girl beneath her. “Other times, they may be forced to recite the entire elven alphabet whilst being tickled, and if they mess up, they must start over.

Fria was only just barely able to hear and understand their words over her own shrieking laughter. They wouldn't do that to her, right!? She didn't think she knew the elven alphabet in order yet! And even she, for all her love of pain, punishment, and humiliation, would be mortified if she wet herself!


They ignore her, continuing their offense with ease. Fria held on hard, feeling the tingles inside her as she slowly lost control.

And then she finally did. She gasped as she felt Dusca attack the soles of her feet and Treyvi reach under her arms. Her mind went blank, then everything went bright white before she was very much aware of what was happening.



Fria wished she could’ve stopped for long enough to realize that she, a grown girl of twenty two, had in fact just wet herself, if not for the fact that Treyvi and Dusca had not yet stopped their tickling. Instead Fria was forced to relieve her entire bladder while restrained to the floor.

Her thick thighs caught far too much of the stream, and her bathing suit was woefully absorbent, meaning that every time she clenched her thighs together or twisted, she was forced to hear and feel the wet slosh and squelch of her own pee.

The elves didn’t stop even as she had emptied all that she had. So as she lost more and more breath to this tickle torture, she was forced to lay in the puddle she’d created, thankful that the spaces in the floorboards didn’t allow the urine to make a puddle and creep up her back. As it was, she was left with tears in her eyes, piss in her bathing suit, and not a breath left in her lungs.

This punishment went on for what felt like hours to Fria, until finally Dr. Witch and Amulra returned to a room of two bottomless elf girls tickling Fria mercilessly, the human girl's face red and pinched, gasping out as she lost oxygen to her laughter. It smelled like pee, and the shine between Fria’s legs indicated exactly why.

“What... Happened here...?” Dr. Witch stared, utterly lost. Amulra just made a very confused noise, trying to figure out what she should be trying to understand first.

The elves finally relented and Fria scrambled out from under them before running awkwardly to the bathroom, legs clenched and hand between her thighs as she dripped all the way. The door slammed shut as the elves both huffed.

Dusca stomped to her room, Treyvi doing the same. Before slamming her door shut, Treyvi angrily shouted back through the door.

“Come back tomorrow!”

Both women stood there in silence. Dr. Witch adjusted her hat and cleared her throat awkwardly.

“Uh... Lunch?”

Amulra shrugged and turned around. Lunch sounded nice, plus it'd give them a chance to go over the notes they'd gotten so far. One thing was for sure, though.

Elves were a fascinating bunch!


Talk about a load of waterworks, eh? Eh? I’ll see myself out…

Chapter 3: High Waters and Higher Waistbands


The girls decided that the next stop on their journey will be the Magical Citadel but to get there, they need to cross the ocean first and stop at Marina Crater along the way. With sun, fun, and bums galore, it’s sure to be quite the memorable voyage.

Included in this chapter: wedgies, swirlies, ENF, bullying, very brief scent kink mention

Chapter Text

Coven Cove had proven a useful first stop on their journey, providing them with funds and resources alike after making fast friends with one Amulra the witch doctor and Doctor Belinda Witch. After another two days of seeing the bewitching and tropical town and providing Dr. Witch with all the test results she could ask for, the girls decided it was time to start considering where they'd be going next.

They gathered in the guest house provided to them by Dr. Witch. At dinner, which was being served as a thank you from Amulra for also having tested her own remedies, the girls asked the two locals for any ideas.

“Well,” Dr. Witch hummed, spinning her fork in thought, “there aren’t many places of interest nearby, honestly. You all came from the eastern town, correct?”

Treyvi nodded and the doctor hummed. The landmass they were on was an island— and not a very big one, at that.

“If you stay on this island, the most interesting places are the elven circle that you two came from, that town, here, and... Well, I suppose the Fortress of Light is an option—”

Fria crossed her arms in front of her in an X shape. “Absolutely not! No Fortress of Light!”

The Fortress of Light was a castle outpost that had been erected during the last mortal war to stand as a bastion in the sea. It had survived a great many battles during said war, and Treyvi even remembered watching one or two of them from a nearby cliffside. Mortals and their wars. She’d never understand them.

Treyvi sent her a sidelong look. “And... why are you so adamant we avoid this place?”

Fria flushed and looked away, scratching at her cheek awkwardly. “Erm... That might... Kind of, sort of... Be where I’m from...”

Treyvi murmured to herself, a hand to her chin. “Hmm. Are you an outcast?”

Fria licked her lips. “Uh, yeah, we’ll go with that.”

Amulra shook her head. “It’s likely for the best anyways. I heard that the noble family that oversees and rules the Fortress and its town have been particularly antsy ever since the Lord’s daughter went missing.”

Dusca grunted. “Fria... You... Know royal daughter?”

Fria coughed into her fist. “Nobility and royalty aren’t the same, Dusca. But yes. I, uh, know of her...”

Dr. Witch closed her eyes in contemplation. “What was her name again? It’s on the tip of my tongue—”

Fria laughed loudly and suddenly. “Oh who cares about that!? So if we have nowhere else to go on the island, what’s our other option!?”

Dr. Witch raised an eyebrow but shrugged. “Well if the rest of this place is a no-go, then you may as well hop on a ship heading East across the sea. Any of those will stop at Marina Crater and you’ll have to catch another boat from there to the next continent.”

Treyvi perked up as she heard this. “Marina Crater, you say? Fascinating... That’s a new territory, is it not?”

Dr. Witch tilted her hand back and forth. “Yes and no. Recent to you elves, maybe, but about two hundred years old to everyone else. Not to mention that the sea people of Marina Crater have technically lived in the area for generations before they made a terrestrial-friendly civilization.”

Treyvi nodded as she absorbed the information. Dusca meanwhile shuddered. “The ocean is... scary...”

Fria sent the elf a soothing look. “Have you ever been on the ocean before, Dusca?”

Dusca shook her head quickly. “Elves are not breathing underwater.”

Treyvi flicked her fellow elf’s arm. “Relax, bubti, we’ll be in capable hands so long as we get someone to ferry us.”

Dusca flushed and snarled at her, huffing and turning away. Amulra tilted her head. “What is a bubti?”

Fria tried not to let her smile show, lest she anger Dusca more. “It means baby in elvish.”

Amulra snorted and Dusca sent her a withering look. Beside her, Dr. Witch brightened, slamming a fist into her palm.

“I’ve got an idea!”

Everyone startled at her outburst and she chuckled and apologized. Treyvi asked her what she meant and the doctor cleared her throat.

“Seeing as we just did all those tests and Amulra and I were able to get such wonderful notes from the experience, I need to submit our report to the Association of Magic, Mystics, and Alchemy.”

Treyvi’s eyes sparkled. She leaned forward, her fists curled in front of her as she nearly pressed her face into the doctors.

“That’s in the Magic Citadel, isn’t it!?”

Dr. Witch nodded enthusiastically. “It is, it is! And now that we’ve compiled all this data, Amulra and I need to go report it in person!”

Fria started putting dishes away, turning to speak to the doctor. “Why in person? Can’t you mail it? Or just use a Sending Spell?”

Dr. Witch shook her head. “The Association requires any submissions made to be given in person and followed by a review period. Not to mention that they also need to be submitted within the month that the experiment or study was completed. Since Amulra helped me, she’ll have to join me as well.”

Amulra sighed. “I had hoped just you going would be enough...”

Dr. Witch smirked. “As if the Association has ever allowed us such ease.”

Dusca snapped her fingers in front of the doctor. “Your plan?”

Ignoring the elf’s impatience— or perhaps just used to it now after being within such proximity for the last three days— Dr. Witch continued.

“Since Amulra and I need to get these notes to the Association so soon, we’d have to cross the ocean ourselves anyways!”

Amulra realized what Dr. Witch was hinting at and sighed with a smile on her face. “I see where you’re going with this now. It could be fun, I suppose...”

Dr. Witch nodded before looking Treyvi in the eyes. “How do you feel about having us tag along until we get to the Magic Citadel? We can even conduct more tests in the field!”

Dusca narrowed her eyes. “This does not please me.”

Treyvi snorted. “Dusca doesn’t want any more bottles shoved in her butt.”

Dusca hissed and slapped Treyvi’s arm. Dr. Witch crossed her heart with a big smile.


Treyvi called over her shoulder. “Fria?”

“Fine by me! The more the merrier! Plus it’ll be nice to have people versed in medicine with us, even if it’s only for a little bit!”

And so it was decided that the five would travel together until they reached the Magic Citadel. Dr. Witch assured them all that she'd have a boat ready for them and that all they needed to worry about was being ready in the morning.


Morning came and the five of them met at the docks of Coven Cove. Or rather, the edge of Coven Cove if one took into account most of the town being a dock.

Treyvi shielded her eyes from the harsh sun as she trembled with excitement. This would be her first time leaving the island of her circle. She'd never gone so far before! The magic she would see on this adventure would be unlike any shed witnessed before!

Fria seemed to share a similar sentiment, unable to sit still as they awaited the two residents of Coven Cove to arrive. Dusca, on the other hand, was doing her best to avoid making eye contact with the ocean waters, visibly shaking whenever a wave would crash and even the slightest amount of salt spray touched her.

“Yoohoo~!” They heard the familiar voice of Dr. Witch call. She and Amulra strolled up, their own travel packs equipped as they waved. “Sorry we're late! I needed to make sure Meowthew knew what to do to run the shop!”

Treyvi tilted her head. “Meow... Thew?”

Amulra sighed. “Her cat.”

Treyvi only looked more confused. “Your cat is running your business while you're away?” Dr. Witch laughed and waved her hand.

“Of course he is! It's not the first time he's had to look after things while I'm away! He's a darling with customers!” The doctor winked and held up a finger. “He can talk, you know!”

Dusca muttered about how crazy these women were and why allowing them to join on their adventure was a poor choice. Treyvi shushed her. Talking cats running doctors offices sounded enthralling, albeit incredibly confusing.

Dr. Witch started walking and they took it as their cue to follow. They passed by docked ships, each one looking highly personalized. At one point, the size of said ships started increasing as well, with some truly massive ships visible further down the pier.

“At any rate,” Dr. Witch continued (though Treyvi vowed to question her more on said talking cat once they had the time), “The ship I booked us for is this way! The captain and I go way back!”

Amulra suddenly shivered, a strained look crossing her face as she seemed to realize something. “Wait... way back...?”

Dr. Witch nodded. “Oh yeah! You know who I’m talking about, Amulra! You two are great friends!”

Amulra paled, a cold sweat breaking out on her brow as she crookedly turned to Dr. Witch.

“You don’t mean—”


Before them was a quite clearly beloved barque, the hull in pristine condition and painted a deep red with a gold trim and accents that made one assume it belonged to a wealthy merchant. The sails were without a single tear and emblazoned across them was an image of a sun. The figurehead on the front of the ship was carved in the shape of a majestic phoenix, its wings open and behind it. From up above, looking down from the deck was the woman who had called out to them.

Amulra groaned deeply, holding her face with both of her hands. She sighed a long, wheezing sigh that conveyed to the other three girls that perhaps this captain was not, in fact, one of Amulra’s friends as Dr. Witch had suggested. Great or otherwise. Dr. Witch waved enthusiastically.

“Captain Basquille! We’re here!”

The witch doctor beside her dragged her hands off her face and glared flatly at the woman who had called out to them.

“Phoebe. It hasn’t been long enough.”

The woman laughed heartily and grabbed a rope before leaping from the side of her ship and spinning elegantly before landing in front of them in a crouch.

The captain in question cut quite the figure. Standing at five foot eleven, she brushed back her ginger hair the same color as a sunset and which curled in deep waves in a waterfall behind her. Her one visible eye was the deepest blue Treyvi had ever seen, the other covered by an eyepatch with the same sun motif from her ship's sails.

She was a broad shouldered woman with strong arms and equally powerful looking legs, her thighs flexing as she crouched. She had a modest bust and a strong, meaty rear. She wore a white shirt with a brown corset and a forest green long jacket overtop it. Her pants were made of black leather and strained to keep her powerful lower half contained. She wore brown boots and gloves, and hanging loosely from her belt was a sabre. And of course, she wore an exceptionally— and perhaps overly— dapper hat, complete with a brilliant orange and blue feather.

She stood and bowed deeply, sweeping an arm in front of her.

“A pleasure to meet ye! Captain Phoebe Basquille, at yer service!”

Treyvi tilted her head at the woman. Something about her was off, and she couldn’t place what. There was an... aura, of sorts, that permeated from her. It was hot. Literally. Treyvi could feel herself warming up, and a glance over showed Dusca and Fria feeling the same. Fria was even panting, though Treyvi quickly realized that had nothing to do with the temperature.

“You’re gorgeous...” Fria salivated. “Can I lick you?”

Rather than be put off, like any sane person, Captain Basquille laughed. “Take me to dinner first, lass!”

Treyvi mentally jotted down that Phoebe Basquille was not sane. That made her worry for the coming journey.

Dr. Witch gestured to the captain with a wide smile. “Girls, meet the woman who’ll be taking us across the Great Sun Sea!”

With a grin wider than the horizon, Phoebe jammed a thumb into her chest. “And I’ll do it faster than any other, ye hear!?”

Amulra scoffed, crossing her arms and glaring off to the side, muttering to herself. “And drunker too...”

Captain Basquille scratched her chin as she eyed the three travelers. “Huh. Elves, eh? You there, human girl! These yer sex slaves?”

Fria swooned and swayed as she envisioned it. “I wish...”

Dusca cuffed her in the back of the head and Treyvi sighed, placing a hand to her chest. “It is nice to meet you, Captain Basquille. I am one known as Treyvi.”

Dusca sniffed. “I am... one known as Dusca.”

The captain didn’t seem to care as much about them being able to speak the same language as her as Dr. Witch and Amulra had. “Aye! Nice to meet ye! You wouldn’t happen to be them pompous, hoity-toity ancient elves, would ye?”

Dusca blinked. “Her... language confuses me...”

Fria went about explaining slang and accents to Dusca while Treyvi replied. “We are both over eight hundred years old. Is that what you mean?”

Captain Basquille waved her hand with a snort. “Nope! I was thinkin’ past yer thousands! So long as ye mind yer ears, we’ll be cabin buddies in no time!”

Dusca huffed. “How old... do I look?”

Treyvi patted her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We can’t all age as well as myself.”

Dusca stuttered before cursing her in elvish. Captain Basquille laughed and pointed at Treyvi with a grin.

“I like yer spirit, elf!”

Off to the side, Dr. Witch crossed her arms and huffed, pouting heavily. “Lucky elves! They don’t have to worry about aging!”

Amulra shook her head. “You’re thirty two, not fifty.”

Fria shook her head quickly and stared at the doctor in shock. “What!? I thought you were way younger! You look amazing!”

Dr. Witch flushed and batted her eyes, fanning herself with her hand. “Oh stop... Actually, don’t. Keep going please!”

Captain Basquille walked over and nudged Amulra with her elbow, much to the witch doctor's dismay.

“And look at us, eh? I had a lad at the tavern the other day keep callin’ me “ma’am”! How’s that fer insulting!?”

Amulra grumbled. “Maybe if you didn’t spend every night at the tavern you wouldn’t look like you just rolled out of bed...”

Captain Basquille clearly hadn’t heard her, continuing to ramble on. Treyvi, who was ignoring Dusca in much the same way that Amulra was ignoring the captain, turned to the witch doctor.

“How old are you, if I may ask. I am aware mortals are generally upset by such a question, so I apologize for my impudence.”

Amulra waved her off. “You are fine, Treyvi. And to answer your question, I’m twenty seven. Same as this drunkard here.”

That froze Fria as she turned and looked at the two women. She looked between Amulra and Captain Basquille with wide eyes. Amulra raised an eyebrow as she stared. Finally, Fria responded to the information.


Amulra’s eye twitched. “And just what is that supposed to mean!?”


They boarded the ship, which Captain Basquille referred to as ‘The Sunrise’, and the captain went about making preparations. They had taken the time to change back into their normal clothes now that they were outside of the Cove. Treyvi noticed something very quickly.

“Where’s the crew?”

Captain Basquille laughed and snapped her fingers. A purple fog started swirling in four separate circles. They rose into pillars before dissipating, leaving eight blank faced water elementals in their place, two in each place the smoke was.

Treyvi was immediately examining one up close. “Incredible! A ship manned by one person and a crew of familiars! I had wondered what that magical aura coming from you was!”

The captain shook her head. “Ah, that would actually be Ash.”

Treyvi tilted her head, letting the water elementals start moving about to prep the ship. Captain Basquille whistled sharply and placed her hands on her hips. A screech came from above, at the crows nest, where Treyvi finally noticed... was that a nest? Like, an actual nest? And was it scorched?

Suddenly a large figure peaked its head over the edge before swooping down. It circled the deck once before it fluttered to land on Captain Basquilles shoulders.

It was a phoenix in all its glory. A bright, fiery orange body that glowed and wavered with heat, a sharp beak and glowing eyes. It was easily as tall as Treyvi and Dusca, with a massive wingspan and wicked talons. Clearly it must’ve loved Captain Basquille if it would so casually rest itself on her. As its plumage continued, it went from orange to blue, the air around its wingtips warping. That explained what bird Captain Basquille got the feather in her hat.

“This is Ash,” she held up a hand and Ash bent over, allowing the captain to scratch under its chin. “He’s been with me since he was an egg!”

Ash screeched again and regarded the newcomers curiously. Treyvi was enamored. Phoenix weren’t just incredibly rare, they were one of the most intelligent magical creatures out there! She approached slowly, hand out. Ash inspected the proffered hand before warbling and nuzzling it.

“And he likes ye! That’s an honor, Ms. Treyvi! He don’t even like Belinda or Amulra!”

Amulra glared at the phoenix. “The feeling is mutual.”

They soon shoved off port, hitting open waters. Dusca quickly started panicking and went below deck and Fria followed to keep the elf company. Treyvi watched the waters crash against the hull of the ship, mesmerized by the motion.

“Careful looking over the edge, Ms. Treyvi!” Captain Basquille shouted from the steering wheel. “There be serpents in the deeper waters!”

Treyvi gave a thumbs up and went back to watching the waters. Meanwhile, Dr. Witch and Amulra were by the wheel with Captain Basquille. The two Coven Cove residents had gotten changed since they’d be leaving their town. Dr. Witch wore a simple black witch's robe while Amulra had opted for a white knee skirt and sleeveless cream halter top.

“Hey, Amulra,” Dr. Witch smirked. “Remember that time me and Phoebe got drunk at the Sea Foam?”

Amulra groaned while Phoebe laughed. “I remember that! Ye were a sight fer sore eyes, lass!”

Amulra snarled at her. “And whose fault was that?”

“Why, mine, of course!”

The incident in question took place at a bar in Coven Cove known as the Sea Foam. Phoebe had been in town to restock and Dr. Witch had convinced Amulra to join them for drinks. It had proven a terrible time for the witch doctor, who was barely two drinks in by the time the captain and doctor had gotten absolutely sloshed.

The night had been punctuated, mostly, by both women getting so drunk they'd decided a fun game to play would be taking turns pulling her bottoms up her ass until they finally got so lost in their drunken haze that they simply tore the damn thing off of her. Given the place they lived, it wasn’t exactly embarrassing to be bottomless. It was, however, pretty damn humiliating to then be bent over the table and spanked while the other patrons watched.

So Amulra didn’t go out drinking with them anymore. Nor did she like Phoebe Basquille. She still considered belinda a friend because the doctor had sobered up and apologized profusely whilst offering her services in the event she’d been hurt. Phoebe on the other hand...

“It went a lot like this!”

Amulra barely had a second to react as the captain let go of the wheel to reach under her skirt. “No, don't you dar-ACK!”

Phoebe laughed as she hoisted Amulra clean off the floorboards, the waistband of her black thong with a gold trim in both hands.

... Phoebe had doubled down and made it a point to piss off Amulra whenever the opportunity came.


“But you're so light!”

As if that was an excuse! Amulra continued to curse while Dr. Witch snickered behind her hand.

“Honestly, Amulra, you should expect this by now! Besides, what's a little pain in the butt between friends?”


Captain Basquille let the witch doctor down and Amulra scowled at her, stepping a few generous paces away before she started digging her thong out of her ass. The captain’s ear twitched as she heard Belinda continue laughing. She smirked.

“You know doctor...” She sauntered over to the taller woman. “You're absolutely right! I should share the fun!”

Dr. Witch froze when she heard this, then paled when she felt her robe get pulled up and over her head and hat.

“W-wait! I take it back! It's only funny when it's someone else!”

Amulra couldn't even muster a response, sending an unimpressed look at the witch. Captain Basquille just shook her head and grabbed the witch's purple g-string.

“Nonsense! Why not share in the fun!?”


Dr. Witch cringed as she felt the already thin fabric of her panties cut through her like a wire. She was lucky to be taller than Phoebe, but even then the captain was doing her best to lean back with her, getting her to the tips of her toes.


Amulra was checking her nails. “Sure does, huh?”

Phoebe chuckled and jerked the string over and over. “I'm sure it's not that bad Belinda! We've been through worse, haven't we!?”


For some reason that's when Treyvi finally realized the commotion behind her, turning and tilting her head.

“Did you say pirate?”

Amulra turned to the elf as she walked over.

“Yes. Captain Phoebe Basquille of The Sunrise, otherwise known as the Sun's Burn. I'm surprised you haven't heard of her before, she's quite infamous.”

Treyvi hummed. “The names of mortals get lost very easily the more recent they were born for us elves. Twenty years to all of you is basically a nap for some of us...”

Captain Basquille continued to try and bounce Dr. Witch, much to the other woman's dismay. Treyvi watched and pursed her lips.

“Maybe Dusca wasn't lying when she said friends simply do this with each other...”

Amulra shook her head. “No. Only idiots do.”

Treyvi thought of Dusca and nodded with a smile. “You must be correct. That describes her well!”

A knocking below their feet could be heard. Dusca's voice was then heard through the boards.


Treyvi leaned down and shouted back.


Dusca continued shouting up in elvish and Treyvi rose with a satisfied grin.

“She's adorable when she's mad.”

Phoebe dropped Dr. Witch unceremoniously, the woman left with her robe over her face and panties up her ass, groaning. The captain came over and clapped a hand on Treyvi's shoulder.

“Yer my type o’ woman, Ms. Treyvi!”

The elf curtsied. “You honor me, Sun's Burn.”

The captain waved her hand and blew a raspberry. “None of that, ye hear!?”

Treyvi hummed. “Was that too formal? In elven tradition it's common decency to refer to one as a title they've earned.”

Captain Basquille shrugged. “It's just that to me: a title. Don't mean much other than words!”

Treyvi nodded with a warm smile. “A wonderful outlook, captain.”

More knocking from below. “ARE YOU IGNORING ME SKINZKAWRO!?”

The captain raised an eyebrow. “Is skin... Something-or-other your title?”

Treyvi tapped her chin as she thought of the best translation. “No. It is an insult mostly meaning... One whose face is equivalent to genitalia.”

The captain blinked. “A f*ck face?”

Treyvi snapped and pointed at her with a grin. “Yes! A ‘f*ck face’! I knew there was a common term for it!”

Captain Basquille looked down at the boards. “I think I like yer friend too! If only all elves were like you two!” She pulled a face and held up a hand. “Er, no offense.”

Treyvi sighed, a hand on her cheek. “I’m quite in agreement with you, actually. I was never very popular amongst other elves in my circle.”

Any further conversation was cut short when the ship shook and rocked, sending everyone reeling. Captain Basquille managed to grab hold of the wheel, Dr. Witch and Amulra had both grabbed a railing. Treyvi had no such luck, and went tumbling ass over tea kettle towards the side of the ship. She screamed as she felt gravity sweep her off her feet, the ship lurching to the side, the deck tilting with it.

Just as suddenly as she was falling, she was stopped. Painfully. Via her baby blue briefs with yellow stars patterned around it.


She bounced once, painfully, before hanging limply in place. Her eyes swirled in her head as she moaned pitifully. The waistband of her panties had managed to get snagged on one of the dock cleats and she was now firmly stuck swaying as Captain Basquille tried to bring the ship back under control.

“What’s going on, Phoebe!?” Amulra shouted over the waves crashing into the ship. Fria ran up from below deck with a pale and shaken looking Dusca behind her. Captain Basquille grunted as she kept the wheel steady.

“I think we just ran over a serpent!”


The captain didn’t reply further, instead whistling loudly. Ash swooped down from his perch and Captain Basquille clicked something to him. He crooned before flying up high and diving down like an arrow into the water.

“Ash will deal with it!”

Fria stared after where the massive bird had just disappeared.

“Did you just send a phoenix into the water!?”

Phoebe laughed. “That I did, lass! Ash loves a bit o’ swimmin’!”

That would’ve gotten more questioning if Treyvi didn’t grab their attention first. They looked over to the edge of the ship where she was hanging still, muttering and yelping whenever the ship bounced on the waves.

“A little help please?”

Dusca and Fria ran over to help her back up. She was hanging too far down, however, which meant the only way they could get her back on deck...

AIGH! Stop pulling so hard!?”

“Do you want us to drop you!?

Was to grab what was within reach, i.e. her waistband, and drag her back up. When she finally flopped back onto deck, she cupped her groin and went to work separating her underwear from her now raw undercarriage. Back at the wheel, Captain Basquille sighed.

“That went better than normal, believe it or not!”

As the pirate laughed into the wind, it dawned on the rest of the women that it would be a long ride.


It had been a terrible trip but Marina Crater was finally in sight. All it cost was several pairs of panties, a whole lot of crack burn, and the occasional giant sea monster trying to eat them, but they’d made it... After five days on the open sea.

Treyvi had stopped making fun of Dusca for fearing the ocean after day one.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it!?”

Treyvi had to commend Captain Basquilles enthusiasm. The woman wasn’t phased by anything. Even now, with a long cape-like trail of underwear flowing freely from her pants and stuck around the wheel of the ship— don’t ask, none of them wanted to talk about it— she was acting as if nothing had happened.

“Is this how it normally is...?”

The captain shook her head with a wave, wincing slightly as the wheel of the ship turned out of her hands, tightening her wedgie. She was a stronger woman than the rest of them, the force required to turn a ship wheel was no laughing matter, especially when it was moving on its own. Treyvi knew she would’ve been crying if she was in the captain's place. As it was, the captain's maroon cheekies had clearly been built to last.

“No, no, normally it's way worse!”

Treyvi dreaded the second half of their voyage. Perhaps she could ignore that looming threat by enjoying Marina Crater while she was here!

They docked without too much issue, only requiring a brief check from a guard ship. Apparently, as long as she wasn't actively doing anything illegal, Captain Basquille was quite good at going unnoticed as a pirate.

Dusca flew from the ship, gluing herself to the stone harbor below with such a fierce grip, Treyvi feared they'd have to take the masonry with them.

The rest of them followed at a far more subdued pace, Fria and Treyvi hauling Dusca up and along with them as they all entered the city proper.

Marina Crater was a breathtaking sight to behold. Unlike Coven Cove, which had been entirely wood and thatch, the entire infrastructure of Marina Crater was made of well-polished stone. Buildings were supported via ornate pillars and columns, and in several areas the water from the ocean even rose over the walkways. Wood was likely a precious commodity in the middle of the ocean, so it made sense that they wouldn't try to build a city out of it.

In the middle of town was a massive open well that led deep into the ocean waters. Rather than grow dark, however, the well was alight with glowing sea life. Coral, fish, and when one focused enough to realize it, entire homes were submerged below, painting the well as less abyssal and more teeming with life.

“The old capital is down there,” Captain Basquille explained when she saw how entranced Treyvi was with the pit. “Lots o’ sea people came up when they built this place, but most of em still live underwater, see?”

Indeed, as Captain Basquille said there were people coming and going from the waters to the streets, all of them with some kind of feature derivative of a fish in some way. Treyvi quickly drew upon all she had read of the sea people.

While bipedal for the most part, the sea people were known to sometimes take on forms more akin to that of sirens. ‘Sea people’ as a term referred not to a specific race, but rather the advanced sapience of the marine life that made up a group that could function within a structured civilization.

Merfolk, for instance, had an upper body resembling a humanoid, but a lower body resembling fish or other aquatic animals. Amphous, on the other hand, were more like humans with fish-like qualities— scale, fins, webbed hands or feet, the occasional whisker or antennae, even gills! Not to be confused with fishfolk, who were literally bipedal fish. The list went on for sea people, of course, even including some races that were notorious shape-shifters.

“I’ll be at the tavern if anyone needs me!” Captain Basquille proclaimed before turning and limping off, her panties dragging behind her and catching the eye— and laughter— of many citizens she passed. It was a testament to her self esteem (or a desensitization from frequency) that she didn’t even bat an eye at any of the attention.

“I’m going to find us an inn,” Dr. Witch stretched as she spoke. “I suppose I can’t complain too much since Phoebe is ferrying us for free, but the bunks on her ship are far from comfortable...”

At least you weren’t sleeping in the hammock...” Dusca growled under her breath. So much rocking... So much swinging... She was getting sick just thinking about it.

Amulra opted to join Dr. Witch, leaving the elves and Fria to wander the city.

Marina Crater was fascinating. Treyvi found that everything was worth a second glance and the people were happy to tell her about their home; in exchange for stories about her own. The forest was as interesting to the sea people as the ocean was to an elf. Well, most elves.

Fria reached a hand out for the elf behind them. “Come on Dusca! It’s not that bad!”

“N-no! I no float! I no water!”

Dusca clung tightly to a pillar as Treyvi and Fria waded through one of the slightly submerged streets. Dusca had started freaking out when she saw that there was no railing on the path, effectively meaning that the edge of the walkway and the depths of the ocean were right next to one another. Apparently this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence with these walkways, as many of the sea people milling about sent knowing looks the elf’s way.

Treyvi felt someone tap her shoulder and she turned to find an Amphous man behind her, kindly and old, with dark blue scales and droopy fins on the sides of his head.

“If your friend is afraid of the waters, you could always get a personal treading apparatus from most of the shops around here.”

Treyvi smiled and bowed deeply. “Thank you, sir. I think we’ll do that!”

He nodded and directed them to the nearest store, a shop called The Reef. Outside was a hanging sign about ten feet off the ground. They walked inside and down a few steps before realizing something.

The inside of the store was flooded to their ankles. When they entered, they found the owner resting lazily against her hand, her arms folded on the desk. Unlike the many fish-like people they’d seen so far, this person was incredibly human looking, with no discernable aquatic features. Well, that wasn’t true. No fish features, maybe, but aquatic...

She was an average five foot six with hair that literally looked like flowing water. Crystal blue and constantly moving, it was like a waterfall from her scalp. Her mocha skin glowed ephemerally, and her eyes were black and bored. She wore only a wrapping of seaweed around her average bust and a skirt down to her shins, also made of seaweed.

“Um, hello?” Fria waved slightly. The woman sighed and slowly turned to them.

“... Hi. Welcome to The Reef... What do you want?”

Dusca was too busy shaking as she clenched her eyes shut and pretended she wasn’t standing in the water to give her normal snark. Fria cleared her throat.

“We need a... what did the man call it again?”

Treyvi leaned in. “Personal treading apparatus.”

The girl blinked slowly. “... A floaty.”

Treyvi shrugged. “I guess?”

The girl just sighed again and turned around and bent down to rummage through a crate. She turned back around and held up a cute looking pair of puffy rings that looked like a pair of yellow ducks.

“How big is the child?”

Dusca finally managed to snap out of her fear at that, turning red and stomping, splashing water everywhere.

“I not child!”

The girl snorted, her expression showing something other than boredom for the first time since they walked in. She smirked at the elf, looking her up and down.

“You sure? You seem to talk like one.”

Dusca fumed more, storming over, leaning in, and pointing at the girl between the eyes. “Truscellya underva muskan tav!

The girl leaned back, bemused. “Uh, what?”

Treyvi coughed, flushing slightly. “Um, she said she doesn’t have to take that from someone who can’t afford real clothes...”

The girl sneered and leaned in as well, pressing her nose to Dusca’s. “These are real clothes, pointy!”

Treyvi gasped. Dusca snarled.

“Uh, maybe we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot!?” Fria shouted nervously, sensing the impending fight.

Normally Treyvi would be right there with Fria, trying to diffuse the situation. Unfortunately, this girl had made the mistake of using a name that was particularly infuriating to elves. Their ears weren’t pointy! Fairies ears were pointy! Their ears were majestic! Treyvi and Dusca both leaned in, shouting at the girl.

Travaloe halgatar binsmallow!

Yevetir ton’gat sarul gestar!

“Blibbity blabbity! Your language is a bunch of nonsense!”

The elves both glared at the girl. They shared a look before nodding and Fria watched, unable to intervene.

Dusca snapped her finger and crossed her arms. After a moment, she smirked and Treyvi started giggling.

“What?” The girl growled. “What’s so funny!?”

Fria cleared her throat, trying her best not to laugh. As it was, she was doing a poor job, a wobbly smile trying to break through her lips. “Um, miss...?”


“Heh— ahem! Uh, Ms. Pondella? You, uh, have a little something... Here.” Fria pointed to the top of her head.

Pondella let out a confused grunt and looked down into the reflective water below. She blinked before turning red all over.

“Hey! What the hell is this!?”

Dusca and Treyvi both burst into laughter, leaning on one another and pointing at the girl. On top of Pondella’s head was a bunch of seaweed, sprouting from her watery hair and making the rest of the girl's hair change from its once pristine blue to a swampy green.

Dusca waved her finger in a circle and the seaweed grew longer. Pondella shrieked and covered her hair.

“Hey! Quit it you forest freaks!”

Treyvi whispered something in Dusca’s ear through her laughter and Dusca laughed more before raising her hand, her eyes glowing slightly. Pondella yelped and stumbled as the weight on her head grew heavier, making her teeter and grab the counter to avoid falling. A soggy piece of seaweed flopped down and smacked her in the face and she cringed. She tried peeling it off and it stuck to her skin grossly.

“S-stop it! I’m warning you! If y-you don’t cut it out you’ll face the f-full force of a nymph!”

That explained why her hair was water, Treyvi noted. That being said, she still wasn’t satisfied. Nobody made fun of her, her friend, and her people! Dusca leaned in and whispered something to her and she smirked and nodded excitedly.

Dusca pointed her fingers at the girl like a pair of scissors and grinned. Pondella paled and held her hands up.

“W-wait! I’m serious!”

Dusca closed her fingers and covered her mouth as she started laughing. Treyvi leaned against her as she wheezed. Pondella quickly reached up in anticipation, but nothing had changed this time. There was still gross, sticky seaweed on her head and it was still heavy and way too big, but it hadn’t changed again. She sighed in relief before smirking at the two elves and putting her hands on her hips.

“Ha! Looks like your magic failed, leaf-lover!”

Fria suddenly found her jaw on the floor and Treyvi and Dusca had now fallen over and were sitting in the water, leaning against one another as they howled and pointed at the nymph, slapping each other's legs in exasperation, not even caring that their bottoms were soaked now.

Pondella raised an eyebrow. What were they laughing at? And was the room colder now?

The nymph looked down and gasped, blushing from her toes to her ears.

Her top and skirt had wilted and dried up into nothing, leaving her naked but for her purple bikini cut panties with pink and blue starfish all over.


She tried to cover her breasts, but that just made her forget the weight on her head, making her stumble and flail. She tripped with a yelp, falling over the counter and landing face first in front of the three girls, her legs above her and flailing as she tried to cover herself.

She managed to prop herself up and glare at the girls through a blush and a curtain of seaweed growing from her head.


They suddenly stopped laughing and watched as the girl clapped her hands together and slammed them into the water. They tensed as the water in the room rippled, bracing themselves for the worst. The ripples seemed to grow more and more intense right in front of the elves, and the two backed up in the water as the nymph’s magic reached its peak—!


They all stared silently as the ripples amounted to a small water spout that only just about barely managed to throw a single droplet of water towards the elves. It fell short and landed pathetically in the water it came from.

Treyvi blinked. “... Was that it?”

Pondella was bright red. “N-No! J-just wait!”

She tensed and grunted, her face twisted in concentration as she tried the same trick again. The same thing happened, only this time the drop of water didn’t even go in the correct direction, flying backwards towards the nymph. She panted heavily as she stared at them.

Dusca leaned in towards Treyvi. “Is that what nymph magic looks like?

Treyvi hummed. “I’ve heard that nymphs' magic is tied to fertility.”

Fria was immediately by their side on hands and knees. “Fertility you say!?”

Treyvi nodded. “Indeed. They say the more love-making a nymph takes part in, the stronger their magic. Hence the term nymphomania.”

Dusca snorted and sent a sly look Pondella’s way. “Then that means...”

The three girls stared at the girl who was now shaking with wide eyes as her hair seemingly steamed with her red hot blush. Treyvi smirked and nodded.

“It would appear our shopkeeper is a virgin.”

Pondella screeched and splashed water at them with her hands as they all started laughing again. It was only more embarrassing that it ended up throwing more water than her magic had.


Treyvi tilted her head. “A being of pure water going through a dry spell?”

Dusca clapped her hands. “This has been the highlight of this whole trip!


Fria bit her lip, still attempting to remain polite. “I don’t know if I would’ve admitted that...”

Pondella buried her face in the water, bubbles coming up as she muffled her scream in the bubbles. Dusca nudged Treyvi and pointed at the nymph. Her fellow elf nodded and the two of them stood and walked over to the girl.

Pondella finally finished streaming and dragged her face from the floor. “Hey. Where’d those two tree huggers go?”

Fria pointed behind the girl, an excited smile and blush on her face as she did. Pondella grunted in confusion and turned her head to see—

Treyvi smirked, both hands gripping one side of her waistband tightly. “Allow us to help you...”

Dusca gripped the other side, a vicious grin on her lips. “... Feel the touch of another!”

“W-wait! NoooOOOOOOOO!”

Without letting her finish her plea, the two elves had already hauled the girl up. Due to the spell Dusca had cast on her, the seaweed atop her had was heavy enough to weigh her down, meaning the elves could pull all they wanted and wouldn’t have to worry about the nymph getting away.

Pondella squealed and flailed as they went to town on her underwear with no mercy, synchronizing their pulls to deliver strong, repetitive bounces and jerks.


“You’re talking to the wrong elf about it! Try over eight hundred years!”


This was the wrong thing to say as both elves revealed that they had not, in fact, been pulling as hard as they could have been. They were now, though, and Pondella cried and pounded her fists against the water as they destroyed her ass.

And that was before the spanking started.

By the end of her punishment, her ass was burning from hole to crack to cheeks, which were a bright red now. The elves both hauled up one last time and dragged the waistband of her panties over her face and under her chin, letting it snap with a wet squelch from the seaweed hanging over her face.

“Ewwwww...” Pondella sniffled, her back stuck in an arch now. Dusca stood above her and scratched her chin.

It’s missing something...”

Treyvi hummed before snapping her finger. “We’ve got all this water. May as well use it, right?”

Dusca smiled and nodded. Both elves leaned down, Dusca in front of the nymph and Treyvi on top of her.

“Bwuh?” Pondella vaguely recognized the movement. Dusca conjured another pile of seaweed right in front of the nymph while Treyvi stuck her hands deep into it. She pulled out her now slimy hands while Dusca spun her arms and the seaweed started spinning quickly.


Dusca nodded and grabbed the back of Pondella’s head.


Dusca then shoved her face into the swirling mass of seaweed. She blubbered and let out a garbled shout, struggling futilely as Dusca gave her a seaweed swirly. The weight on her head didn’t help, but it was made even worse when Treyvi took her slimy seaweed hands and plunged a finger into both of her ears.


And while this was all happening, Fria was openly and shamelessly touching herself. When would something like this happen again!?

... Actually, with this group, it’d happen again twice in an hour. Still, she wasn’t going to pass this up!

Dusca looked up at Treyvi, enthralled as she watched an elf she figured was just a nerd absolutely destroy the nymph beneath her for insulting them. She had a newfound respect for her. Even more so when she looked up and met her eyes, smiling brightly. Dusca coughed and flushed slightly, then blushed even deeper when Treyvi asked:

Hey, wanna hang her on the sign out front?


“Ladies!” Captain Basquille waved with Dr. Witch and Amulra as the girls came into view. “Over here! We were just about to turn in!”

They strolled over and Dr. Witch raised an eyebrow. “Dusca? What are you wearing?”

Dusca blinked and looked at the ducky floaties on her arms. She shrugged. “Someone... gifted me?”

Amulra hummed. “Well hey, that’s nice, right?”

Treyvi nodded. “Quite nice indeed. We caught her at a good time. She was just about to close.”

Dusca smirked and nudged her fellow elf. “She was... Oh, what was the term... Oh! Hanging out?”

Treyvi smiled and nodded. “Indeed she was!”

The elves continued to laugh as they entered the inn. Fria stumbled after them, a very satisfied smile on her face as she walked with a wobble. Dr. Witch watched them in confusion.

“Uh, okay... Goodnight!”

They all washed the sea water off of themselves and, in the elves' case, the residual seaweed before finding the room they’d be staying in.

Once again there were only two beds in the room they’d be sharing. This time, Dusca surprised Treyvi when she offered to let her bunk with her. After remembering the last time she shared a bed with Fria, she was more than eager to accept. Fria pouted, but after all she’d gotten from the elves today, she could manage fine.

The two elves nestled into the blankets. Treyvi startled when Dusca started dozing off and draped an arm around her, dragging her in to be little spoon. She flushed as Dusca buried her face in her fluffy hair, her warm breath tickling her neck. At least this way he wouldn’t end up with her butt on her face...

Night petals upon you, Tre...”

Treyvi blinked at the nickname. She hadn’t ever had one before. It gave her a warm, fuzzy feeling. She liked it, she decided. She nuzzled back into Dusca, enjoying her warmth as the cool ocean breeze blew through the room. She returned the familiar elven goodnight, generally only used for very trusted individuals in one’s life.

Night petals upon you, Dusca.”

That morning, Treyvi did, in fact, wake up with Dusca’s ass on her face. She didn’t get as mad as she normally would, though.





Fria and the others once again found the two elves tangled in each other, pulling at each other's ears and panties as they spat elven insults at each other.

It felt like the two of them had finally become real friends!

Chapter 4: Hotter than the Hells


Treyvi an crew arrive in the Magical Citadel, Mal’Ur, and Fria apparently knows her way around! Allowing her to lead might prove to be a mistake, though…

Chapter includes: wedgies, spanking, voyeurism BDSM, electrocution, anal/knotted toys, and a single c*ntbust.


Chapter Text

The second leg of their journey was thankfully free of the same trials the first was. None of them suffered much more than a little seasickness or a sunburn. Treyvi thanked the waters for letting them pass unimpeded.

As it was, they even had enough peace of mind to indulge in recreation. Treyvi was below deck with Dusca, Fria, and Amulra playing a human game involving cards.

Fria politely pointed at the elf beside her. “Dusca you need to draw two now.”

Dusca seethed and clawed two cards from the deck. From what Treyvi had gathered, the goal was to get rid of all your cards and stop others from doing the same. Dusca was easily holding half the deck at the moment, something that did not escape anyone's attention.

“I hate this.”

“Oh! That was very good, Dusca! Your language is getting better!”

Dusca scowled and muttered elven expletives at the girl as she slapped down a card. Her irritation was not helped by the fact that, at one point, they had started playing with new rules in place, one of which being that the last player out got some kind of punishment.

Since Dusca was always last out, that meant she'd received all the punishments so far. She winced and fidgeted in place, the waistband of her green thong with floral prints bunched up out of her pants.

That, of course, had been Fria's doing. Treyvi and Amulra had been far more mundane with their own turns on the surly elf, but Fria had immediately dived her hands down Dusca's pants and hauled out as much underwear as she could. Dusca's shriek had apparently scared Ash above deck. Dusca had been sour since, and that had been four rounds ago. Fria had gotten her claws on her another time since then, pulling from the front on the second go.

And this was the fourth day they'd played this game now. Fria had ripped two pairs of panties already, and Dusca had yet to move from the last place position.

Needless to say, Dusca wasn't a fan of this game.

A call from Captain Basquille shook them all from their game.

“We're coming up on Kerth Harbor, ladies!”

Kerth Harbor was the name of a small port town that was under the protection of the Magic Citadel, Mal’Ur Kerth. The actual main city would be a ways away from the harbor, but as of now they were officially within the territory of the ancient wizard known as The Arcane Isolator: Mal’Ur.

“Fun fact!” Treyvi was instantly in nerd mode the moment she heard the announcement. “Mal’Ur is ancient tongue for ‘He who reveals’ and Kerth means ‘Mysteries’! Apparently, Mal'Ur was such a genius, he was able to separate complex magic with just his fingers, hence why they call him The Isolator!”

Fria listened in interest while Dusca sat with her head propped up on her hand, her cheek squished into her fist as she stared off in boredom. Treyvi continued her rambling about the kingdom of mages and all she knew about it which— given Treyvi’s age and time spent reading about magic of every kind— was far, far too much.

“... and that’s why in Mal’Ur Kerth, it’s regulation to conduct a magical scan on someone before they enter! The detection magic they use is apparently so sophisticated that it can find even the smallest traces of magic in something, no matter how small it may be!”

“That is fascinating!” Fria nodded along. “So what if they detect magic on you?”

Treyvi hummed. “They generally won’t do anything unless they find something worth questioning. Dark magics, traces of godlike energies, dormant spells, things like that. It’s part of why it’s considered one of the safest capitals around! That being said, that same reason means that the city’s population isn’t too keen on outsiders.”

Amulra sighed. “And yet here we are. A bunch of outsiders.”

Treyvi nodded. “Indeed. As long as we mind ourselves though, we shouldn’t get into any trouble.”

“We only get trouble!” Dusca groaned. “We are... the problem?”

Treyvi shook her head. “No, we are not the problem. We just happen to have a bit of bad luck every now and then.”

Dusca wasn’t sure when this ‘now and then’ was but Treyvi was certainly right about the ‘every’ part. As in every day, they managed to get their asses abused to the point Dusca wondered if she could have hers removed to avoid the trouble.

Treyvi continued her unsolicited lecture as they docked. When they did, they all walked to the plank that would lead them down, making sure they had everything they had come with as they disembarked The Sunrise. It was still early morning, the harbor town just waking up as they arrived.

“Well ladies, it’s been a pleasure!” Captain Basquille tipped her hat to them. “You lassies can board The Sunrise anytime! ‘Sides, if ol’ Ash likes ye, that means yer a good haul!”

Treyvi bowed towards the captain. “Thank you, Captain Basquille. I wish you well on your own travels.”

The captain grinned widely. “Aye lass! There be a shipment o’ fine, aged Saurian Bourbon that I’ve got a, shall we say, appointment with?”

Dr. Witch waved a finger at the pirate. “Don’t tell us! I don’t want to be complicit in anything!”

Captain Basquille laughed loudly and waved as they left. Treyvi would miss the woman. She was a wonderful companion, for all the trouble she could stir up.

“Okay, we’ll need to catch a wagon to the city from here. The station to Mal’Ur Kerth should be on the northeastern side of town, if I remember right. It’s been a little while since I came to these parts...”

Amulra shrugged. “We could always ask if we need to.”

So they all set off for the cart station. It was indeed where Dr. Witch had said it would be, and they were able to pay their fare without issue. The driver of their cart turned back when they had all settled their belongings and seated themselves. His bushy mustache twitched under his nose.

“You lot all set? The capital’s about a half day out from ‘ere, even in good weather like this.”

Dr. Witch gave the all clear and the cart stuttered for a moment as the man took the reins and started moving. Treyvi was practically vibrating in excitement.

“I can’t believe I’ll finally be able to see Mal’Ur Kerth! The Magic Citadel! Aunfiel! Gos aunfiel!

Dusca pursed her lips. Gos aunfiel, didn’t have a solid translation into the common tongue. It roughly meant the same as ‘finally’ but more poignant, like ‘finally what I want most’. Dusca didn’t know anything about the outside world the way that Treyvi did, but what she did know was that it meant a lot to her fellow elf; and this Mal’Ur Kerth was one of the few places that Dusca had remembered the other elf gushing about over and over. It was clearly a place that meant a lot to Treyvi, and Dusca could remember telling her that she simply didn’t care to hear about it.

She winced as she thought about those moments. Treyvi would come up to her and start her verbal waterfall of pure, earnest, passion about these places. Dusca was the only one who would at least let her finish talking about whatever it was she had learned before she, too, would harass the girl. She hadn’t been a good friend to Treyvi, hadn’t been a friend at all, honestly.

But she was trying to do better. Treyvi still didn’t hold any of that against her and Dusca wouldn’t spit on her kindness again. She scrunched her face as she tried to remember what Treyvi had said about Mal’Ur Kerth.

“Mal... Or... K-Karth?” Dusca tried. It was one thing to try speaking the common tongue, but the way that everyone could simply speak parts of the ancient mages language so easily made Dusca realize how stubborn elves truly were to refuse learning of the outside world.

Treyvi honed in on her attempt and her eyes widened slightly, a little sparkle coming to them. “Mal’Ur Kerth. You almost got it!”

Dusca nodded before continuing. “Is place of... Erm... What is it...?” Dusca’s eyes squeezed shut and her ears twitched as she tried to remember how to say the word she was looking for. She gasped and perked up as she remembered. “Book home! Big book home!”

The rest of the women in the cart stared at her in confusion. Except for Treyvi. If the pure happiness from the other elf’s face could be harnessed, it could likely be used to expel an army of demons.

“Yes! The Great Library of Haafghat! It’s the largest collection of magic lexicons in the world!” Treyvi beamed at Dusca. “I didn’t think you’d remember! I told you about that so long ago!”

Dusca puffed her chest out, clearly very happy with the praise and at having gotten her information correct.

“I suppose a library is technically a home for books...” Dr. Witch hummed. “How cute! You must plan on visiting, Treyvi!”

The elf nodded quickly. “Of course! I plan on going to every landmark in the city, minor and major! There’s simply so much that I need to see with my own eyes!”

It was cute seeing the normally fairly reserved Treyvi so excited and jubilant. It was easy to forget that she was older than most of their family lineages. Her and Dusca both. Neither of them acted like it, certainly.

The chatter of the cart continued until they could see a massive structure from the window. Treyvi gasped and stuck her entire upper body from the cart. She nearly fell if not for Fria and Amulra grabbing her by the waist.

“It's magnificent!”

In the distance was a massive city surrounded by shining ivory walls. Even from here one could see the sprawling and complex streets lined with more buildings than Treyvi had ever seen in one place.

At the height of it all was a majestic castle with an absolutely colossal tower in the center that stretched nearly to the clouds. At its peak was a glowing, electric blue orb that swirled with power.

“The Tower of Oncaudiles! It's even bigger than any drawing of it could ever make it seem!”

Amulra grunted as Treyvi leaned forward more. “Could you look at it from inside the cart!? You're not making it easy to keep you from falling!”

To nobody's surprise, that's exactly what happened. Since Fria and Amulra were holding onto the waist of Treyvi's skirt, however, she ended up falling out of both the cart and her bottoms, leaving her crumpled in a heap below with her ass stuck up and her orange cheekies with little books printed all over it.

Treyvi quickly got up and ran around to hop back in, not even apologizing as she continued to stare awestruck at the city. Amulra had let go of the girl's skirt, but Fria was gripping it tightly, looking dangerously close to pressing to her face and smelling it. Dusca swiped the bottoms from her and thrust them into Treyvi's hands, letting her fellow elf put them back on.

Afterwards, Dusca stared out at the city as well, astonished that it was possible to have that many people in one place— and they hadn't even been up close yet!

“I think our elven friends are going through a bit of shock!” Dr. Witch laughed. Amulra shook her head.

“I don't blame them. Cities this big make me nervous.”

Fria nodded. “I understand that feeling. The Fortress of Light wasn't quite as big, but the amount of people there made it feel stifling.”

Treyvi bounced in her seat the rest of the way to the gates. When they arrived, the driver pulled off to a stable area.

“You'll have to go in on foot. Guards will ‘ave to do a scan.”

They hopped out the cart and got in line to be scanned. There were quite a few people waiting, but the guards at the front were able to process them all quickly due to that magic Treyvi had mentioned.

Treyvi watched in rapt attention as people were scanned. She could see the way that the magic washed over them, searching for power. Several guards made the process even faster, and she knew from books that they had to go through extensive training to be able to learn this spell.

“I'm next!” Dr. Witch nodded to them. “Just follow behind me so we don't get separated!”

Dr. Witch stepped forward and the foremost guard halted her. Behind them were three smaller gates. The guard held up a hand and it glowed a dull white. They spoke quickly.



When Dr. Witch answered the light in their hand turned green. Treyvi gasped. A lie detection spell!? That was phenomenal!



“Any items that may possess magical qualities?”

“Potions, a magic lock on a box in my bag, and my hat.”

“Mhmm. This way, miss.”

Dr. Witch stepped to the right most gate and walked through as guards behind it scanned her.


Amulra stepped up.




“Witch doctor.”

“Any items that may possess magical qualities?”


“This way please.”

Amulra was ushered through the middle gate. Fria was next.


“Er, no.”

The light in the guard's hand turned red.

“Miss, I suggest not lying. Do you possess magic?”

Fria winced. “Technically. I don't know how to use it, though.”

The light turned green and the guard hummed. They held up their other hand and it glowed blue.

“I'm going to need to take a small blood test to verify your magical content.”

Fria sighed and held up a palm. The guard held the blue glow over her palm and it enveloped Fria's hand. She winced for a moment as the spell activated and took a blood signature.

The guard released her hand and held it up as another guard presented a blank scroll. They held the still glowing hand up to the scroll and magic started etching itself to the page. When it finished, the blue faded away and the guard read over the contents before their eyes widened and they stumbled.

“Um. Name, Miss? I must confirm this with the spell...”


Red. The guard looked at her skeptically and she nearly rolled her eyes. She sighed and remained silent for a moment before she finally spoke, though begrudgingly.

“Domfrialla Af’Leoht.” The guard's hand glowed green.

Many of the surrounding people gasped, as did the guards. The guard conducting the search snapped ramrod straight.

“L-Lady Af'Leoht! My apologies! I didn't recognize you in such pedestrian garb! Please, right this way!”

Fria sighed and walked, not through any of the gates, but directly through the guards, who had now formed a line for her to pass.

What was that about?” Dusca asked. Treyvi shrugged with a worried glance at their friends back.

I don't know. We'll have to ask her when we get in.”

Dusca grunted and stepped forward. The guard composed themselves as they all fell back into formation. The guard looked a little surprised to see an elf in front of her.

“Uh, magic?” They spoke as if unsure Dusca would be able to understand them.


They blinked, clearly not having expected that.


Dusca tilted her head and turned around to look at Treyvi. She rolled her eyes.

“Dendromancer, if we're being technical. It's really just elven magic.”

Dusca shrugged and turned back around, pointing at Treyvi.

“What she said.”

The guard looked between them, bemused and clearly unsure about that but continued on anyway. The light remained green, after all.

“Any items that may possess magical qualities?”

Dusca once again shrugged and the guard groaned.

“Listen lady, if you don't know any of this stuff then—”

“Her cloak!” Treyvi interjected hurriedly, holding up one of the ends of Dusca's leaf-made cloak. “It was sewn with magic as a thread.”

The guard now has their full attention on Treyvi. “Are the two of you together?”

Treyvi nodded. “We come from the same circle, yes. She's only just recently started learning the common tongue. I've been teaching her with Fria.”

They jumped slightly. “You're both with Lady Af'Leoht!?”

Treyvi tapped her chin. “Um, yes? We've been accompanying her for a short time now...”

The guard called back to the others behind them. They, in turn, continued calling back until it reversed and came back their way.

“She says it's true, captain!”

The guard before them held a hand to their head.

“Of course it is... Please excuse my rudeness, madams. We still have to scan you as a precaution, I hope you understand.”

Treyvi smiled in exasperation. “I don't really, but that's fine with us, right Dusca?”

Dusca just grunted. The guard ushered Dusca through the same gate that Dr. Witch had gone through. Treyvi shook a little, excited to see the detection spell up close.

“Okay Miss, apologies once again but this is procedure. Magic?”


The guard looked like they didn't believe her but their hand glowed green. They hummed in surprise.

“An elf without magic... Didn't know that happened...”

Treyvi sighed. “Ahem.”

The guard bowed their head. “Apologies. Do you have any items that may possess magical qualities?”

Treyvi shook her head. “I don't.”

The guard nodded and ushered her through the gate on the left. Treyvi walked through and the guards behind this gate both held staves.

“Please stand still while we conduct the search, Miss. Failure to do so may result in swift retaliation.”

Treyvi stood still and watched with stars in her eyes as the guards both held their staves aloft. A circle appeared around her feet before slowly elevating to just above her head and then slowly coming back down. As it did, parts of her illuminated, but only in small spots on the surface of her skin, glowing a soft white.

“What are those?” She couldn't help but ask. The guards didn't look like they'd ever had anyone ask about their spell before.

“Uh, those spots are magic imprints. It means you were likely recently in contact with a person possessing magic.”

Treyvi trilled in fascination. The circle reached all the way down without anything of note and the two guards conducting the scan looked to one another in confusion. Did elves without magic happen?

The guard that had answered her question voiced this eloquently. “What in the hells?”

Treyvi looked between the two confused guards. On the other side of the gate, she could see the others staring her way worriedly. Dusca looked ready to break through the guard line to see what was happening. Treyvi raised a hand to assure her that everything was fine.

The guard cleared their throat. “You, er, are sure you have no magic?”

Treyvi deflated a bit and flushed a little. “I'm positive. I've tried to cast many times but I can't ever find any magic to access when I do...”

The other staff being guard was flipping quickly through a little book. They suddenly shouted.

“Aha! It's a dormancy, it's gotta be!”

Treyvi shrunk a little. “Ah, elves actually can't have magical dormancies. We live so long that they sort themselves out and... I'm close to nine hundred...”

They stared at her in shock. They remained silent before muttering to themselves. “Right, elf...” The first guard stood up straight again and gestured to her. “Well this is an unusual scenario. Your search turned out fine though...”

Treyvi gestured forward. “Then may I enter?”

The both nodded. “Yes. My apologies for the delay, Miss. Welcome to Mal'Ur Kerth.”


“You're the missing Lord's daughter!? You're the Af'Leoht heiress!?”

Amulra shouted at Fria without restraint. That was drawing many eyes. Turns out that noble that Fria mentioned knowing of was actually... Herself. And apparently she'd run away from home.

“What made you think running away was a good idea!? Not to mention the part where you hitched a ride with a notorious pirate!”

Fria pouted. “Nothing! I just didn't want to rot away as a stuffy noble for my whole life! And Captain Basquille was great!”

Amulra grabbed both of Fria's cheeks and pulled, the younger woman yelping and flailing as she tried to get her face away.

As it turned out, from what amount Dusca was able to understand with her still limited knowledge of the common language, the Af'Leoht family was very close with the royal family of the Magical Citadel, said to be descendents of Mal'Ur himself. Which Dusca guessed was a big deal, apparently. She didn't exactly care for mortal connections, as they faded quickly.

Thus, Dusca, Treyvi, and Dr. Witch watched on, unsure if they should help and, if so, who exactly they should help.

“You don't get it! Life in the Fortress was so boring!”

“Oh, so sorry! I guess randomly getting kidnapped by bandits because you have no guard would be better, right? Then they can do absolutely anything they want to you because— oh that's right— YOU DIDN'T TELL ANYONE WHERE YOU WERE GOING!”


An elven curse that meant ‘that sounds absolutely f*cking horrible, I'd rather be dead’. Treyvi elbowed Dusca without looking away.

Evidently Amulra had finished giving Fria a thorough dressing down, as both women had rejoined them in more than just physical presence. Fria looked chastened and Amulra looked like she needed a stiff drink.

“Er,” Treyvi started. “We didn't... That is to say, I apologize if Dusca and I have erred in agreeing to travel with Fria.

The witch doctor smiled warmly and gave her arm a squeeze. “Do not apologize for your kindness or the infractions of another, Treyvi.”

Dr. Witch leaned over to Fria, eyeing the girl like a hungry wolf. “Although I've heard the Af’Leoht family has incredibly pure light magic in their blood!”

Fria scooted away from the doctor. Amulra shook her head and reigned Dr. Witch in. Upsetting as this news was, the girl didn't deserve to be dissected. And Amulra knew from experience that Belinda Witch loved a good dissection.

Fria looked over to the two elves, steeling herself with a deep breath as she straightened.

“Um... I feel I owe you both an apology.”

Dusca didn't look like she cared. Mostly because she didn't.

“Mortal titles mean nothing to me.”

Treyvi nudged her lightly and Dusca sulked.

“Still,” Fria sighed, “I apologize for hiding my true identity. As companions— friends, even— I need you to trust me and lying isn't a good way to do that. My real name is Domfrialla, and I'm the daughter of Lord Driu of the Af'Leoht family. Fria is a nickname that a... good friend gave me. I prefer it, honestly. I promise to be more forthright about myself going forward.”

Treyvi hummed. “That's very honorable of you. Does this mean the perversion was an act as well?”

Fria flushed and fidgeted. “W-well, you could always t-touch me to find out... As a test!”

The two elves deadpanned at her. She was just a pervert.

“Okay girls!” Dr. Witch broke them from their huddle. “Amulra and I will be heading to the Association Headquarters now! Hopefully we'll see you around before we have to go back home, but we'll be in the city for the next two days!”

Amulra nodded to them. “And if you end up leaving before us, make sure to say goodbye!”

Treyvi shared a handshake with both women. “Do you need us for anything regarding your notes?”

Dr. Witch shook her head. “The notes will be enough. Not to mention all the behavioral observations I've gotten of you two! Who'd have thought elves to be so prone to humiliation!?”

The two elves glared flatly at the woman. Without a word, Dusca snapped her fingers and a stiff thorn shot straight up from the ground, catching the doctor by the front of her purple hipster panties with black cat silhouettes all over. She squealed as the fabric shot through her puss*, forced to her toes lest she be hanging by them.

“O-okay! I'll omit that part! Let me down! Please!?”

Dusca grunted. She would've done more, considering everything the doctor had put her own ass through. She shivered thinking about the slimy potion that had been unceremoniously used to probe her ass. Still, she was nothing if not magnanimous (she wasn't) so she dropped the witch, the thorn burrowing back into the earth.

The two women walked away, Dr. Witch with a noticeable limp as she held her cooter. This left the traveling trio to themselves again.

Fria stood as if she hadn't just revealed she was a very important figure in society. “Come on you two! Let's go look around the city! I know it pretty well!”

Dusca shook her head. This girl would be the death of her...


To neither of the elves' surprise, looking around the city proved to be a bad idea given their guide.

Fria somehow managed to lead them to the exact kind of place that three girls of their status probably shouldn't find themselves: a seedy looking back alley.

At the end of the alley was a flight of stairs, and at the bottom of that was a very heavy looking door, bolted shut with a sliding metal hatch.

They stepped up to it and Fria knocked excitedly. The hatch slid open and a pair of sharp, amber eyes looked out at them. They were practically glowing.

“Who is— Oh. It's you.”

The elves sighed. Not a great start, all things considered.

Fria bounced. “Hi Aurelle! I brought friends!”

Treyvi waved tentatively. The woman behind the door, Aurelle, barely looked at them.

“You're playing a dangerous game, My Lady.”

Several sounds from behind the door could be heard as she undid a frankly absurd amount of locks and locking spells. The door opened smoothly after, not even a squeak. Behind it was a succubus, in all her nearly nude glory.

“Luckily for you, we love danger here.”

They were ushered in and the elves were shocked by what they saw.

“Tre... Why they... Do that?”

Dusca was referring to the frankly absurd amount of women around the establishment embracing their carnal desires. These, manifested as liberal drinking, groping, spanking, and— because they'd never escape it— pulling each other's panties.

Treyvi shuffled closer to Dusca. “I don't know. And I'm scared.”

Fria waved a hand across the club. “This is the Last Kiss! It's my second favorite place in the whole kingdom!”

Of course it was. The club was dark, lit only by blue flames scattered about. The decor was all black, red, and purple, made up of leather, velvet, and black iron. The bar in the center of the room had a counter that went all around, the drinks lining the cabinets within a rainbow of colors.

Three incredibly scantily clad succubi waltzed over, hips swaying as their tails curled up and around Fria's arms and thighs. They all looked identical, with pink skin, black eyes, long raven hair tied into twin buns, and perfect hourglass figures. Tiny horns adorned each of their heads and their tails were thin and pointed at the end.

“Mistress Af'Leoht!” One of them pressed her chest to the girl's arm. “It's been so long!”

“Truly,” another drawled, tracing a hand in a circle around her tummy. “Will it be the normal treatment?”

The third broke away and held a deathly sharp nail under both elves' chins. “And will your... Companions be joining us?”

Fria was breathing heavily, basking in the attention. “The normal treatment. My friends will just have a drink for now.”

The third succubus shrugged and let the elves go, strolling back to Fria and hanging off her other arm. “Shall we begin then?”

If Fria had a tail, it'd be wagging. “Yes! Let's!”

The three girls cheered and pulled Fria away. The elves were visibly out of place now.

“Here,” the succubus from before, Aurelle, guided them to a set of plush seats before setting down a pair of drinks. “I take it she didn't mention what we did here?”

Treyvi shook her head dumbly.

Aurelle scoffed. She was a pretty succubus. Her skin was pale, but it was a shade of purple, denoting her underworld heritage. Her much darker plum hair was tied into a high ponytail. She wore what was essentially a set of leather belts, only just covering the important stuff and nothing else. So were all the other succubi.

“Here at Last Kiss we offer things you could only dream of,” she rolled her eyes at the clearly practiced line. “Basically women come here to get their rocks off.”

Dusca narrowed her eyes, lost. “Rocks?”

Treyvi leaned in and whispered and Dusca stuck her tongue out.

“Mortals... Gross.”

Aurelle grinned. “They sure are. It's good for business.”

And why wouldn't it be? Treyvi watched as three girls willingly let themselves be bent over the bar as another three succubi spanked them and told everyone to watch. And they all did! Even crazier was that the girls getting spanked, despite being obviously humiliated to the point of near tears, were loving it!

“We'll... Just keep to drinks please.”

Aurelle nodded. “Figured. I'll stick with you two. Every customer gets a girl to service them—”

The elves both grimaced at the term.

“— but given that you two probably don't feel anything but confused here, I'll be your girl. Besides, it's an easy shift for me!”

At the sound of a whip crack and a girl moaning loudly, the elves thanked her profusely.

“So Fria seems pretty well known here,” Treyvi said, averting her eyes as she watched a succubus walk by with a massive strap-on. “I mean, aside from her obsession with... pudendum, that is.” She also ignored the sounds of said strap-on getting used on one of the girls bent over the bar. Getting used very hard, if the sounds of flesh smack flesh were any indication.

Aurelle shrugged. “She's got pure light blood. That means she can keep pumping out life force faster than we can drain it.”

That made sense, she supposed. But then...

“Why did you seem so upset to see her?”

Aurelle grumbled. “Sometimes the women we service here need a check when it comes to their position. We don't really care, life force is life force, but a girl like her? She could land us all in a lot of trouble. Word of warning, careful letting her do the introductions for you two. Two elf girls randomly traveling with a girl in her shoes? People get the wrong idea.”

They didn't know what she meant but we're too afraid to ask. Instead they just enjoyed their drinks as best they could, ignoring the girls that just got dropped into hanging wedgies across from them. Hopefully Fria would be done soon.


Off towards the back of Last Kiss, in a room with a soundproof barrier enchanted around it, Fria sat on a plush couch with the three succubi surrounding her. One sat on either side, the third sat on her lap. The obvious wet patch on her crotch told them all just how horny she was right now. It might even stain the couch!

“We love when you visit, Mistress Af’Leoht!” The succubus on her lap, Myla, crooned, glowing as she sucked from the life force of the girl. “Other patrons only want to do things to us, or have us do things to them...” She pouted adorably, a false tear in her eye.

“But you let us have all the fun the way we want!” The succubus on her left, Ayla, swooned, hugging her arm. She too glowed, basking in the fullness of such a rare meal.

“And you're so generous with your life force!” The one on her right, Fyla, moaned. She too was partaking in the Fria life force buffet, licking her lips as she was filled with her energy.

Fria blushed and nodded, hardly noticing her life being sapped. Aurelle was right, after all. The pure light magic in her made her recover life force almost instantly. “Of course! After all, I can’t participate the same way other clients can!”

They all nodded with a shiver. “If we did things the same way we did with everyone else...”

Fyla held her fists to her chin, her face pinched. “Miss Lucy would punish us! And her punishments just hurt! Last time she did, I had to take a leave of absence until my butthole returned to normal size!”

Fria smiled dopily at the thought. “That sounds like her, doesn’t it...”

“So let’s get this show on the road girls!” Myla commanded. The other two saluted with a wink and they all got up, moving to stand in a line before Fria. They held their hands up and three circles appeared behind them. Fria grew hot and dropped her pants, her hand diving to start working her cl*t.

From the glowing rings, three things appeared. On the left, a metal rod appeared. On the right was a coiled, braided rope, black to match the room. And from the middle, a short stool rose from the floor, the center of the seat occupied by a very phallic protrusion sticking straight up, eight inches long and three inches in diameter but for one section where an obvious knot was sculpted on the toy, much wider than the already thick shaft.

Myla nodded. “Okay ladies! I’m taking point! Don’t let up until the Mistress says so!”

The other two succubi smirked evilly and saluted again with a wink. “Aye aye!”

Ayla and Fyla grabbed Myla by both arms and lifted her with ease. She shivered as they moved backwards with her, feeling the probing tip of the toy on the stool against her asshole. Thank the Hells they pre-lube all their toys...

As one the two girls released her, letting her drop as gravity took over and she was speared by the toy beneath her. She moaned throatily as she felt it reach deep into her anus, stretching her. When she hit the knot, there was only a brief second before gravity once again did its job and she slipped past it, her eyes crossing as it stretched her to new limits.

She always loved when she got to serve Mistress Af’Leoht!

While Myla squirmed and squealed, adjusting to the feeling of such girth expanding her backdoor, Fyla grabbed the metal rod and swung it once. At the end, a spark came to life and she giggled.

“Hurry up with knots, Ayla!”

Ayla swatted Fyla’s ass and the girl moaned, hugging the electric toy to her chest. “Be patient! I wanna make sure we get nice and tight!

Ayla started by running the ropes around Mylas knees, keeping them tight and lifting them up to spread her wide. The rope then constricted her thighs right where they met her pelvis, rubbing roughly against Myla’s lips and opening her up to expose her pearl. After that the rope went up, suffocating the girl's boobs, making her moan as she felt them grow tighter and tighter. When her breasts were squeezed enough to stand out against gravity, Ayla finished the knot by tying her wrists together above her head.

The end of the rope was thrown over a beam going across the ceiling and Ayla grabbed it and took a wide stance.

“She’s ready!”

Fyla cheered and pumped the hand holding the prod in the air. “Then let’s have lift-off!”

Ayla cheered too and pulled down. Myla moaned as the rope tightened everywhere and she was lifted. The lift came primarily from her knees and wrists, so she could do nothing but feel the toy in her ass slide slowly out, getting stuck at the knot as she ascended.

Ayla grinned and pulled with a jerk, dragging her past the knot fast. Myla screamed in delight, the pain and pleasure mixing into a beautiful co*cktail. Ayla held her just high enough that the tip of the dild* was only just inside of Myla’s ass.

Fyla walked up right behind Myla and dragged her nails across her tummy, her arm raking all the way around to her ribs and back. “Ready for the best part?”

Myla could only moan like a bitch in heat. Fyla giggled and held the prod at the ready. “I’ll take that as a yes!”

And with that exclamation, Fyla dug the rod into Myla’s left asscheek, an electric jolt surging through her. She spasmed slightly, moaning loud as she could as she put the room's soundproof spell to the limit.

Fria watched in a haze, cranking her fingers at a fervent pace; one hand rolling over her cl*t violently while the other pumped in and out of her folds, a wet ‘schluck’ ringing out with each twist of her wrist. She panted heavily as she watched the girls debase one of their own.

Fyla prodded Myla’s other cheek, shocking the girl again. This time though, just as she pulled the rod away, Ayla unceremoniously let go of the rope.


Myla screamed as she was once again left to gravity’s whim, this time not even pausing a little bit at the knot and going right to the base. She bounced a little, her ass rippling as she clenched her cheeks. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth stayed stuck in an oh as she twitched.

Fyla skipped around to the front and bent at the waist to look into Myla’s face. “I’m not saying I’m using this as an opportunity to vent, but remember when you gave me that really crazy wedgie the other day and made me finish my bar shift in it?”

Myla could only moan. Fyla nodded. “Yeah, me too! So this is for that!”

Fyla dug the rod right into Myla’s exposed cl*t hard, making Myla gasp before the shock racked her body and she convulsed, a flush to her face as she started to drool.

Ayla grinned with all her sharp teeth on display as she grabbed the rope again. “And remember when you shoved that plug in my ass last week and then forced me to host for six hours, sitting down?”

Myla could only continue to twitch. Ayla hummed. “Same! So take this in return!”

She lifted her again but this time, she held the rope down enough that Myla was just stuck at the knot. The wide, four-and-a-half inch knot spread her asshole wide, stretching her painfully as Fyla continued to taze her pearl relentlessly. Ayla started pulling up and letting go in rhythm, making the knot pass back and forth through Myla’s ring without mercy.

Fria cried out as she finally mounted her pleasure, her climax coming hard as she pumped her fingers inside herself as deep as she could one last time and mauling her cl*t as she leaked on the floor in front of her. At the sight of it, Myla hit her own org*sm, her body shaking so violently that, were it not for the strong constitution of succubi, one may be concerned she was dying. As it was, she instead squirted wildly, Fyla laughing and allowing it to pelt her with a lusty gaze.

“Wow ladies...” Fria moaned, pulling her pants back up and winching when they made a wet, cold, squish sound as they went snug against her sex. “That was great!”

Ayla pulled Myla off the toy one last time, Myla moaning in a daze as she was untied. Fyla and Ayla sat on the couch, laying the spent succubus across their laps.

“Thank you for visiting us, Mistress Af’Leoht!”

Fria had to shake the feeling back into her legs as she walked to the door. She waved back happily.

“Thanks again ladies! Next time I’ll get my friends to join us!”

From the other room, Treyvi and Dusca both felt a deeply unsettling shiver pass through them. They definitely wouldn’t be returning here.


After they left Last Kiss, Treyvi decided to lead them. Fria was glowing. Literally, as a matter of fact. Apparently it was a side effect of her latent magic. She was so clearly in ecstasy that they didn't trust her not to lead them to another club. They were hoping to find somewhere far more tame than their last stop.

They found just the place too. As if guided by scent, Treyvi managed to lead them blindly until they came upon a massive, round building lined with columns.

“The Great Library! It's giant!”

Dusca stared at it. “Books... Come from here?”

Treyvi nodded. “More books than you've ever seen, Dusca! Not to mention that it's attached to the Mal'Ur Magic Academy!”

The three of them entered the space and Dusca could understand why Treyvi had sounded so impressed. There really were more books here than she'd ever seen before. Libraries weren't something elves really made, as most of their knowledge was passed down by word of mouth.

“That's... Many books...”

Treyvi nodded, her smile finally wide again. “So many books... It's perfect!”

They spent quite a while in the library, to the point that the librarians and archivists had gotten to know Treyvi incredibly well after she continually tracked them down to ask questions. Dusca had assumed they'd be bothered by the constant inquiries, but to her surprise they seemed elated that someone was so wholly enamored with the collection of works and their history.

When it started getting dark and they were told the building would be closing down to the public, Treyvi promised to return again the next day. The staff looked elated to hear it. Some of Treyvi's questions had even them stumped. The librarians and scholars said that she'd need someone extremely well versed in magic to answer them.

They stepped out and Dusca was surprised to see that despite the late hour, the city was still active. Not to mention bright. Street lamps kept the city from being completely dark, and Dusca wasn’t used to so many people moving around in the night.

“So this is what a ‘night life' looks like,” Treyvi mused. “Interesting... Have you seen this before, Fria?”

Fria nodded. “I'm actually quite familiar with Mal'Ur Kerth. My best friend lives here! The one who first called me Fria!”

Treyvi nodded. “That makes sense. Who's your friend?”

Fria scratched the back of her head. “Oh, well, she's not exactly someone I'd just say the name of unless I wanted to draw a lot of attention to—”


Despite the still bustling night crowds, everything went silent as a high pitched, song-like voice called out to them. People parted and bowed as a carriage came down the street, someone leaning from the window.

“... Us...” Fria sighed but a fond smile was on her face. Well, that and a sudden bout of nervousness. “That would be her.”

The carriage stopped right before them and the door flew open, a girl stepping out. Treyvi and Dusca stared on awkwardly as she stepped right past them to Fria.

She was just under five feet and had brilliant, shiny blonde hair that spun in two luscious twin drills that nearly touched the ground. Her eyes were a sparkling green, her skin peach like in color including the natural flush in her cheeks. Freckles dotted under her eyes and a small mole on her chin drew the eye to her plush, pink lips and white teeth forming a perfect smile.

She wore a poofy, bouncy gown, purple in color that fell all the way to cover her feet with white ribbons decorating it. She wore white gloves that stretched to her upper arms and like Fria, she had a big purple ribbon in her hair, though hers was behind her head, rather than on top of it.

Most notably, however, was that she was most definitely not human, as the pair of leathery, golden wings with sharp tips and a wiry tail with a barbed end pointed towards the telltale signs of a major demon. Upon second glance, her smile was filled with sharp fangs, not normal human teeth.


She leapt into the taller girl's arms, grinning up at her.

“Why did I hear from Aurelle before you!? You didn't tell me you were visiting! If you sent word ahead, I would've come to collect you sooner!”

Dusca looked over to Treyvi, confused. Treyvi couldn't even muster a response. She was totally lost here.

“Yes, well I um,” Fria broke into a sweat as she observed all the eyes on them. “Could we maybe take this somewhere private?”

The girl nodded as though she'd come up with the idea. “Let us be away! We shall have tea at the castle, mhmhmhm!”

She began dragging Fria with her, clearly far stronger than her thin frame belied and oddly excited for simple tea. Fria quickly stopped her though.

“W-wait! I can't just leave my travel companions here!”

For the first time since she'd stepped from the carriage, the girl acknowledged that Treyvi and Dusca existed. Her wide smile seemed colder and her eyes fell slightly. They both felt the malice dripping from the girl.

“Oh.” She even sounded annoyed, like she'd just found a fly in her soup. “And these are...?”

Fria grabbed both of them by the arms and pulled them in. “This is Treyvi and Dusca! They're elves from the circle near home!”

The girl's smile somehow became even more brittle. “Oh really now? How... Quaint.” She leaned in to not-so-subtly whisper to Fria. “Must they come with us?”

Fria nodded. “I know how you feel about meeting new people, but they're great, I promise! I bet you'll love them!”

The girl finally seemed to show real emotion again, flushing slightly and pouting at Fria. “I am just fine meeting new people, thank you very much! I'm a princess! The Jewel of The Magical Citadel!”

Treyvi finally seemed to realize that she was standing before royalty. Dusca was still stuck on the fact that she was looking at a demon.

“Fine! They may join us...” She muttered the next part. “... I guess...”

“Thank you Lucy!”

Princess Lucille De’Guile. Fourth and youngest princess of the royal family of Mal'Ur Kerth, known for their magical prowess, benevolence, and perhaps most importantly, being descendants of the Demon King, Mal'Ur The Arcane Isolator.

Treyvi gulped. This was turning out to be quite the day.


Treyvi took in every detail of the castle. Maids and butlers were still at work, even at this hour, keeping the halls pristine. The walls were covered in antiques and artworks that were likely as old as they were expensive. Armed guards patrolled the halls, bowing when they passed the princess.

The windows gave them a perfect view of the castle gardens, and in the middle of the gardens was the Tower of Oncaudiles. Treyvi yearned to see the inside of it if she got the chance.

They entered a very spacious room that Fria had told them was Lucy's personal tea chamber. An ornate chandelier bathed the room in a soft, sparkling glow, plush chairs and pillows were all around the room, and there was intricate tile work in the floor. Otherwise the room felt oddly... Empty.

Princess Lucille— Lucy, as Fria called her— didn't seem too keen about the two elves currently sitting across from her at her tea table. They had all sat and after several platters of sweets and a pot of tea had been placed in the center Lucy had demanded that her attendants not disturb them. Strangely, the attendants seemed all too eager to leave the room, whereas outside of it they were almost glued to the princess's side.

The princess sat down primly, her posture perfect and head held high. Fria giggled as she sat beside her.

“So then,” the princess began, daintily lifting her teacup and holding it before her with two fingers. “You two are from the same island as my dear Fria, hm?”

Treyvi nodded. “Yes, though we didn't meet until recently.”

The princess hummed. A strange look entered her eyes. “I would assume so. She has never mentioned any elves by name, so I assumed you two were new additions in her life.”

It almost felt like they were talking to a possessive girlfriend...

Dusca finally managed to say something for the first time since the princess had arrived. “Princess... Is... Demon...”

The princess looked at Dusca as she spoke disgruntled. “Oh dear, is that the extent of your vernacular? Are elves not supposed to be a graceful and noble people?”

Dusca growled and Treyvi cleared her throat with clear annoyance.

“I'd rather you don't insult my friend's speech. She is only just learning the common tongue.”

The princess pursed her lips. “Of course she is...”

Fria finally shook her head and nudged the princess, laughing at them all.

“I already told you, they're fine, Lucy. You can relax around them! They won't say anything about it!”

Lucy sent a sidelong look at her best friend before fixing the two elves with a piercing gaze. She seemed to have a realization, though Treyvi had no idea what conclusion she had drawn.

“I see... Anything that happens in here does not leave this room. That's always been the rule between Fria and I.”

Treyvi nodded and Dusca just continued to stare boredly. Lucy took that as their agreement before she let loose.

Really loose.

“Uggggggghhhhh...” Her posture shattered instantly. She slouched down into her chair, sliding down slightly. She grunted and snapped her fingers and her dress burst into flames before disappearing. The outfit she was left in made Treyvi and Dusca balk.

Gone was the prim and proper princess getup, replaced instead by a tight, leather boudoir outfit, dark red and black in color and with the laces drawn tight. While her dress had covered her completely, this outfit showed off her C cup breasts and round perky ass. Her legs, which had previously been hidden by her dress, were covered up to her thighs by tight, heeled boots. Her wings spread out wide as she stretched, the wingspan only a little wider than her arms if they were held out.

“Gods, that's better.” Her voice was less song-like too. Still high in pitch, it instead took on a rougher quality. She spoke less elegantly as well.

“What...” Treyvi stared at the demoness in front of her. “... Huh?”

The princess scoffed. “You wanna touch or something? Close your mouth, elven whor*!”

Treyvi didn't even know where to begin with this. This was a princess?

“You both look confused,” Fria noted. Treyvi stared at the girl.

“That's an apt way of describing my current state, yes.”

Lucy rolled her eyes, glaring with open distaste at Treyvi.

“Ugh, really? ‘That’s an apt way of blah blah blah’!” Lucy's impression of Treyvi sounded far more nasally and high pitched than the elf's voice. The princess spat to the side. Literally. As in, on the floor.

“Man you sound like such a nerd! Fria, what're you doing hanging out with these two? They're such losers! One can barely talk and the other looks like she knows the inside of a toilet bowl better than she knows a shower!”

“Hey!” Treyvi glared. “First of all, I don't sound anything like that! Second off, I already told you that Dusca is learning! And third, I know what a shower looks like!”

Lucy crossed her arms and smirked, fangs visible. “You didn't deny the toilet thing.”

Treyvi flushed. “Th-that doesn't make it true!”

Lucy laughed. “Oh my God, it is true, isn't it!”

Her laugh could best be described as ‘better than you’ as she held the back of her knuckles to her mouth as she laughed openly at the elf. Dusca snarled.

Ystarilg hachs turlnui.

Fria nearly spit out her tea, holding a hand over her mouth. Treyvi slammed her fist in the table and pointed at the princess, laughing.

Wainlurg ketscha huol ba tile!

Lucy looked back and forth between all of them as they laughed. She hissed and glared at her best friend.

“Friiiiaaaaa!” She whined, flailing her arms. “What are these skan*s saying about me!? And why are you laughing too!?”

Fria coughed a few more times before she replied. “O-oh, well. Dusca said that she can see your padding slipping out... Which is true...”

Lucy went beet red and covered her breasts which had now been revealed to be stuffed. She growled with fire in her eyes.

“And Treyvi said you probably wear the heels because nobody could look you in the eyes otherwise.”

The princess slammed a hand down and stood leaning across the table to point a finger between the two elves.

“f*ck you two! How dare you speak to me this way!? I'll have you both skinned alive!”

The two elves didn't look scared, which wasn't something Lucy was used to when dealing with people. Normally her demon status was enough for most people, and if that didn't work she normally could get away with threats via being a literal princess. Far be it from that, however, the two elves were now openly mocking her in their native tongue again.


Dusca smirked and barked in response. Treyvi snorted heavily into her hand. Lucy was totally speechless. She turned to Fria, looking lost.

“Fria, are you sure these two are...?”

Fria smiled. “Aren't they wonderful?”

Lucy sighed and stood up straight, putting her hands on her hips. She glared fiercely.

“Fine. You asked for this.”

She snapped her fingers and there was a grinding from the floor. Fria gasped and started clapping giddily while the two elves stumbled as the floor shook.

“What's happening?” Treyvi yelped as she grabbed the table for support.

Fria continued to bounce in excitement, a familiar blush coming to her face. That made the elves nervous. Whenever Fria had that face, terrible things followed.

“You wanna test me, bitches!?” Lucy stomped a foot and the floor shifted. Several tiles slid away to reveal openings in the floor and one in the ceiling. Shortly after, several things rose from the holes. One was a pillory, another was a rack full of different whips, paddles, and phallic objects, and from the hole in the ceiling, a hook descended.

“What the hell...?” Treyvi stared at the implements, thoroughly lost.

“Aigh!” Dusca suddenly squeaked. Treyvi turned quickly to see what had happened, only to see that Lucy had her hand held out and Dusca was floating off the ground.

“Hey! What are you doi— MMF! Mmmfrrmfmm!?”

Fria had come up behind Treyvi and was holding a hand over her mouth. She was openly drooling.

“Let this happen Treyvi! It's been so long since I got this!”

Treyvi didn't know what ‘this’ was. All she knew was that Dusca was now locked in the pillory, her waist bent and butt stuck out as she struggled and cursed at the princess.

Lucy reached into Dusca's pants and grabbed her floral panties before hauling up. Dusca squealed and Lucy laughed haughtily.

“See!? If she's this much of a nerd, you must be the queen of all losers over there!”

Treyvi watched as the demon pulled higher and higher. Dusca quickly went from spitting curses to just yelping and squeaking as her panties became one with her ass. Lucy would give sporadic, inconsistent jerks, never letting Dusca get used to the feeling or clench for the next pull.

She pulled up the highest she'd gone so far and held the panties there as she spoke.

“Fria and I used to play together all the time!” Lucy laughed. “I don't know if you guys know this, but she's a glutton for punishment!”

“Let go of my friend!”

Treyvi didn't have magic but she wasn't defenseless. She ran behind the princess and acted on impulse. Hopefully she didn't get executed for this...

She grabbed the princess by the bottoms of her outfit. She couldn't see a way to get to her underwear, if she had any on, so she decided to just pull everything.

She hiked up the leather and Lucy squealed. “Hey! What the f*ck do you think you're doing!?”

Treyvi pulled up harder, making the princess whine. “Let her go!”

Growling, Lucy pulled Dusca's panties up and over the pillory, leaving her to struggle. Lucy turned and reached down the front of Treyvi's skirt.

“Let me show you how it's done!”

Treyvi kind of wished she'd left Dusca to her devices. Instead, she was lifted clean off her feet as the princess absolutely devastated her poor muffin with a single pull. Currently they were inside of her lower lips and still climbing higher.

Treyvi cried as she was held aloft, the princess displaying her insane strength. Her tail snaked around and shot up right between Treyvi's cheeks to land a bullseye.


The tail hadn't gone through her clothes but that just means her own panties and skort were currently being jammed in her asshole. And it was dry!

With a tear in her eye, Treyvi managed the only thing she could while dangling by her underwear. She reared back her leg, and kicked forward with all her might.


Lucy's eyes crossed and her face went a little green. Her tail cringed, flexing uncomfortably in Treyvi's ass before it withdrew and she dropped Treyvi on her ass. She sunk to her knees and held her groin.

“Oooooohhhh that's... I need a minute before we keep going...”

“Keep going!?” Treyvi plunged her hands down her skirt, plucking her panties out of her vagin*. “What is this, a game to you!?”

It was with that said that suddenly both elves forgot their concern and urgency and groaned. Dusca even forgot that she was currently having her asshole brutalized by her underwear. Lucy blinked at the shift in atmosphere.

“W-what? What's wrong?”

Treyvi dragged a hand down her face.

“Is this a sex thing?”

Lucy flushed. “W-wha— yes! Isn't that why Fria has you two? Aren't you her sex slaves?”

Treyvi threw her hands up. “Why does everyone keep thinking that!?” Was this what Aurelle had meant earlier!?

Dusca let loose some particularly colorful language in elvish.

“Wait wait wait,” Lucy put a hand to her temple, the other still holding her crotch. “So you two are, like, actually just travel companions? That's not code for dorky, bratty elf slu*ts?”

“No! And she asked us if she could come with us on our journey! We've never had sex with her!”

Lucy stared at Treyvi for a long while before her face became panicked and she turned to stare at Fria. She stood, puss* pelvic pain forgotten as she stood up quickly.


Fria was still salivating. “I'm sure it would've been fine!”

Lucy spit on the ground again. She seemed to do that a lot.

“Fine my perfect ass!” She stomped. “That's the difference between sexy, scandalous dungeon torture and legitimate crime! I'm a princess for God's sake!”

Treyvi held her hands up. “Hold on, you're telling me this ‘tea room’ is actually an elaborate sex dungeon? One that... That you two have used before?”

Fria sighed dreamily. “So many times~”

Lucy was blushing now, her earlier fury evaporated. “Oh my Gods. I'm sorry for this.”

She snapped her fingers and the pillory holding Dusca opened. She had forgotten to undo the wedgie though, so it opened and dragged them up more before they ripped completely. Lucy smacked her forehead.


The elf scrambled away and hid behind Treyvi, looking at Lucy like she'd pounce on her. She didn't even pick the remnants of her wedgie, the fabric trailing behind her, ripped and tattered.

“Fria.” Lucy glared at the girl, who swooned. “How much of our relationship have you told these two about before bringing them here?”

Fria froze. “Ahehe... Uh, I told them that we're—”

Treyvi leaned in to interject. “She said you two were best friends.”

The silence in the room was crushing. Lucy stared at Fria with not a single emotion on her face. Fria stared back as though she was watching her life flash before her eyes. And then...

Lucy teleported. It was in the blink of an eye. First she was standing across the room, then she was beside Fria. She reared back and delivered a brutal haymaker right to the taller girl's gut.

Fria's glasses flew from her face and spittle flew from her lips as her eyes rolled back for a moment. She was lifted slightly off the ground before landing and falling forward. She would've hit the ground if not for Lucy catching her... By her panties.


She gripped the waistband of the silky, frilly, cream fullbacks with both hands and began mauling Fria's underwear. It was a massacre, making both elves instinctively cross their legs and cup their own nethers.

Lucy didn't pull like she was trying to humiliate. She was pulling for violence. Fria still managed to love every second of it, even though her face was green from the punch she had taken a second ago.

Lucy leaned back and tore the panties up with her. She held them there and continued shouting.


The two elves stared in shock. Fria had a wife!? A demon princess wife!? Treyvi heard something hit the ground and it took her a moment to realize it was Dusca passing out. Looks like she'd taken one too many shocks today. Treyvi wasn't far behind, honestly.

Lucy had switched to bouncing her now. For a girl her height, she was awfully strong to be able to throw Fria around so easily.

“Tech-! -nically! You! Are! My! Best! Friend!”

That felt like the wrong answer, and Treyvi was proven correct when Lucy landed a big meaty smack on Fria's ass with a board covered in leather and studs. When had she grabbed one of those paddles— oh yeah, teleportation. Speaking of which, she'd just teleported a larger paddle to her hand and—


Yeah, that.


“It! Slipped! My! Mind! Ahn~!”

The spanking and bouncing continued for quite some time before Lucy's wings unfurled and she went vertical. She dragged Fria's moaning body off the ground and up to the hook. She drove the sharp end directly through the panties and unceremoniously dropped the girl, letting her fall and hang, her legs rigid and straight and fists down by her sides as she bit her lip.

“Oooouuuugggghhh...” Fria moaned. Lucy flew around to look her in the eyes.

“And just what made you think any of this would work!?”

Fria spoke through a slight slur. “I figured it wasn't too much different than the rest of our journey so far...”

Treyvi hated how correct she was in the grand scheme of things. The amount of times now that Treyvi and the others had ended up with their asses violated by their panties or something worse was numbering higher and higher each day.

Lucy gave Fria a vicious titty twister before she pulled back, still holding her nipples for a little bit, and landed before them with a huff.

“I fear we may have gotten off on the wrong foot here.”

Treyvi nodded. “I... I can see that... Is that why you were so mean?”

Lucy blushed. “I can get a little... Jealous. Just a little! A-and only sometimes!”

“What made you think we wanted to have... Whatever all this stuff is, happen?”

Lucy held her face in her hands. “Well at first I was just mad because Fria was with two other girls. But Fria and I are, uh, really into the whole roleplaying thing. I had... I had thought you were both being bratty on purpose. Ya know, so I would punish you? Fria does it all the time...”

Treyvi wishes she could bleach that image from her brain.

“Right,” she moved on swiftly, “well, sorry to say, Dusca and I are just like that. And we really don't want to be part of your sex torture.”

Lucy nodded. “Yes, I can see that now. I'm sorry again. This is incredibly shameful for me. Please, allow me to have a room made for you two here in the castle. It's the least I can do.”

Treyvi hummed. “You're a lot different when you don't want to have sex with me.”

Lucy grimaced. “Oh my Gods, please shut the f*ck up about that forever.”

Treyvi shook her head. “I'm honestly not sure I can.”

Lucy sighed and slumped. She pointed at Dusca's unconscious body.

“So is that your girlfriend, then?”

Treyvi laughed. “No. She and I really are friends. Fria wasn't lying when she said we were just two elves that came from the circle near her home.”

Lucy slumped down, waving a hand. A seat flew over and slid under her butt just as she reached sitting position. With how smooth the maneuver was, she likely did that a lot.

“Would you like some tea? It's not laced or anything, promise.”

Treyvi sat and accepted a cup, falling into small talk with the princess. Frankly, she was actually quite charming when she wasn't busy hating you or playing the role of dungeon master. Treyvi found herself really enjoying their conversation.

She also learned that the Fria they knew now was apparently her being well-behaved, the stories Lucy told of their upbringing together making Treyvi realize how much worse things could’ve been! Apparently she would ‘accidentally’ walk in on Lucy while she was bathing just to see her naked!

“... And that was just what we told each other as kids! I didn't think she'd actually propose to me! My face was so hot, I thought I may have actually been on fire! And that can happen, too!”

Treyvi smiled. “That's adorable. Children are so enamored with acts of romance like that.”

Lucy blinked. “I'm twenty three.”

Treyvi nodded. “As I said. Children.”

Lucy didn't really know how to respond to that, so she ignored it. She looked up, an annoyed glare on her face.

“You learned your lesson up there yet?”

Fria moaned. She'd been bouncing herself for the last ten minutes, a slickness between her thighs shining with the chandelier.

“N-no... I think I need another lesson...”

Lucy scoffed. “I apologize for her. She's always been a skirt chaser. When we were younger, she would offer to hold ladders for the maids so she could look up their dresses.”

Treyvi shook her head. “She's actually been quite tame, compared to your stories of your youth or...” Treyvi looked around the room. “Other exploits.”

Lucy went red and twirled a lock of hair, suddenly a bashful, blushing maiden. “... Really?”

Treyvi nodded. “If we don't count this incident today, the most she does is make lewd remarks or requests. And, well, there was an incident with dolls...” Treyvi was feeling generous enough not to mention the details of that, though. Mostly because the princess's rage was terrifying.

Lucy smiled. “Awww! Free-Bee! You do care!”

Fria moaned again. “N-no I don't! Pull my legs!”

Lucy did exactly that, albeit with hearts in her eyes, and Fria groaned throatily as a climax wracked her body. Her panties tore and she fell into her fiancee's arms. Lucy hugged her like she was a giant stuffed toy.

“I know I always talk about how I want to have two cute elf nerds to degrade, but you need the girls to be on board too!”

Treyvi was going to erase that comment from her brain. It would be so hard to travel with Fria if she held onto that knowledge.

“I'm sorry...” Fria moaned, pawing at Lucy's collarbone. “Cuddles?”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “I really shouldn't, but you're lucky I missed you!”

Lucy called the attendants back and told them to get a room ready for Dusca and Treyvi. She slung Fria over her shoulder like she was a sack of potatoes, giving her a smack on the butt as she hoisted her up.

“I hope you have a good night, Miss Treyvi. If it wouldn't be a bother, would you like to join us for breakfast tomorrow?”

Treyvi, who was struggling to carry Dusca with nearly as much ease as Lucy was with Fria, puffed loudly.

“Hah... That sounds... Wonderful...!” She stumbled, nearly dropping Dusca. “Leaves above, what do you eat, Dusca!?”

She ended up not being able to carry Dusca, so with a silent apology for the pain she'd wake up in, she dragged her by the waist of her pants to the room they'd been given. Even though Treyvi said they weren't dating, the attendants had still set up a shared room for them. The bed was massive though, so she pulled Dusca up onto it— still by her pants— and set her into a comfortable position.

And so Treyvi managed to sleep in the castle on her first visit to the Magical Citadel. It was truly a dream come true!


A wet finger plunged into her ear and twisted, making her cringe before Dusca grabbed hold of her underwear. Treyvi spent the night in an atomic wedgie after explaining what had happened to Dusca, only after her fellow elf had given her a spanking.

When one compared how they interacted to Fria and Lucy, maybe it wasn't so far-fetched that the castle staff had thought the two were actually dating. She winced and tried to pull the waistband off her forehead. It didn't budge, and all she'd succeeded in was accidentally pulling the atomic tighter. She sighed and lay there, realizing she'd be sleeping in the castle on her first visit to the Magical Citadel... In an atomic wedgie.

Nearly a dream come true.

Treyvi the Elf: Unfortunate Adventures in a Fantastic World - Sargentyolo (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.