Top Posts Tagged with #yandere sal fisher | Tumlook (2024)


Dec 28, 2022

Hello! I’ve been reading your stuff for almost a year now, and idk if your taking requests rn but do you think I could get headcannons of yan!Sal being your best friend and what that would consist of? If your able to of course. Also I love all of your work! I always come back to read it!

Aw yeah, gotta love some platonic yan~ 💖

Sal as your Yandere Best Friend (forever and ever and ever)-

[CW: Yandere, obsessive behavior, borderline stalking, self-sacrifice, emotional manipulation]

>Sal is extremely sociable and gets attached to people quickly. He’s likely to be the one to introduce himself to you and invites you to hang out with him and his other friends almost immediately. Once you guys click, you go from casual acquaintances to ride-or-die overnight. You’re pretty much stuck with him after that (he doesn’t take friendship lightly!) 🤝💙

>Constantly wants to hang around you, even if you’re not doing anything in particular, invites you along to pretty much everything, and shows up at your place unannounced for impromptu bro time. He just really enjoys your company!Because he's constantly asking what you're doing when he's not there, he knows your schedule and where you are pretty much at all times. He would feel very left out if you mention that you did something fun or important without him. (He covers it up well, ‘Oh, I’m glad you had fun! That sounds awesome, I’ll have to try that out/ go there sometime…’ but you can tell by his mood change that he’s upset about not being included 😞)

>Incredibly generous, always willing to do favors for you without expecting more than a ‘thank you’ in return, and is happy to go out of his way to help or please you. He will literally give you the shirt off his back, if it seems like you’re in need of it. After all, what are friends for? (He of course has his limitations, but you’d have to make some pretty preposterous requests for him to deny you something.) 🙇‍♂️

>Wants to do everything that you do. Take the same classes, join the same clubs, have the same hobbies, listen to the same music, and live in the same house as you, if he can manage it... He wants to appreciate what you’re all about, really get to know you on an intimate level and know who you are at your core. Doing all the same things is a great way to do that and an excellent way to spend more time with you, especially if he can get you to teach him a new skill or you both learn something new together. 🎨📸📚

>Very physically affectionate. He’s always down for a hug and likes to stay within close proximity (almost zero personal bubble, unless you make it very clear you need some space, which he will do his best to respect). He’s not keen on strangers getting to close to either of you, but you guys might as well be conjoined at the hip.🤗

>Is quick to be your scapegoat and come to your defense. He’s great at lying and coming up with excuses to get the both of you out of trouble (or just get what you want), will always politely yet firmly speak up when you’re slighted, and he never lets anybody get away with being a jerk to you. Sal can be absolutely scathing when the situation calls for it! Assholes get roasted on the spot if they dare to mess with his BFF. (Be aware: He can take a punch, but he’s not much of a fighter, despite his willingness to get into physical danger for you. Don’t let things get too heated or you’ll have to help patch him up later.) 🩹

>Texts you often and at all times of the day because of his insomnia. If something reminds him of you, you’ll know about it. 💬

>Highly sentimental. He keeps receipts, tickets, photos, and other small mementos from the times you’ve hung out together and talks about those memories with a deep, rose-colored fondness.🎫💭

>Always wants you to talk about your feelings (sometimes to the point of prying), loves it when you tell him your secrets, and plays therapist for you all the time. He delights in lending an ear when you want to vent and when he gets you to spill all those juicy personal details, especially the ones you haven’t really told anybody else about before. Letting him know those things about you means that you trust him enough to be vulnerable and that you two have a really strong bond. He’ll always be there for you, no matter what! ♾💙

#k.e.w.k. answers#k.e.w.k. writes#sally face#sally face imagine#sal fisher#sal fisher x reader#sal fisher x y/n#love sick sally#tw yandere#tw stalking#tw obsessive behavior#tw emotional manipulation#platonic yandere#yandere sal fisher#thank you for the kind words! Glad you like my content and I hope you enjoy these hcs~ 🥰


Jun 14, 2022

hello uwu, i like your blog


and i saw some yan sally faces that... are fascinating and i have a little scenario where her ray of happiness comes up with the great idea of trying to escape, but the duo finds her in time.

Larry and sal catching there darling little escape attempt

Sorry for the delay anon💗thank you for the ask🫶🏻Lowkey i see this going down 2 different way larry man handles you back in the house you end up getting hurt and he still finds you cause sal has bad eyesight

It was months after your kidnapping the leaves have fallen if the trees and died its November now and you had been playing their game you figured if you pretended to enough you have a opening to escape and here was your change on a silver platter. Larry was out and sal was soundly sleeping on the bed. I had fully made my way out of his grasp after several minutes of wriggling like a fish out of water but also trying not to wake him. He was a much deeper sleeper than Larry was. it was harder then it looks. I had to

put a pillow in my place as I slowly creeped across the floor as not to make a sound I slowlyopened the door thank god no sound. I made my way through the halls I pick up shoes and found the keys then I was gone. I hurry and paced across the gravel driveway but right was I’m about to book it to freedom. I hear Larry yelling at me “YN COME BACK” his voice booms at me. I run even faster he’s on my trial my fingers and nose is red due to lack of clothing in the cold as i turn my trial left cutting myself on branches. My legs burning from pain of running after being caged for so long. I turn my head to see him no we’re I crouch by a log in the snow i hear footsteps near ”y/n i know your here if you come out now we won’t be as mad” I wait a little trying to control my heavy breathing form running. A while of the crunching of the snow i feel a tug on my arm ”larry i found her!” ”dear what are you doing you are going to get a cold” sal wraps his arms around me i push him off of me knocking his mask off he scrambles to find it. as i start to bolt all the sudden i’m pinned the cold wet snow on my stomach by i assume larry. “Not so fast darling where do you think you are going?” I shreak out And struggle against his hold “angle i don’t want to hurt you. stop.” He says “GET OFF ME I HATE YOU” he puts his hand on my mouth I bite down hard. He hisses in pain “Y/n dont say i didn't warn you.” Before i can comprehend what he is doing i feel his hand on my leg. Blood smeared from the bite of his hand he cracks it in one swift motion. At first i did not feel it then came the immense wave of pain. I cry out in pain it hurts so much I think I’m gonna pass out. My vision gets blurry as the cold takes me I feel me getting picked up….. a few hours later i feel a slitting headache as I awaken. The pain is awful I cry out that’s when I notice a thick chain on my other ankle while the other is patched up. I hear the door click as sal walks in “I brought medicine. Are you okay princess?” I glare “leave me alone” he looks shock but that shock turns to something else “sweetness, you could of hurt yourself today and you did!” He continues ”what were you thinking i was so scared you disappeared!” he says worriedly as he forces a hug on me. “Promise you wont do that again“ just as I’m about to go off Larry come In You can feel the anger comjng off of him. Which is rare cause he was normally a chill person. But when it came to me someone he cared about he could lose his cool easily. I immediately go silent he glares daggers at me i look down at my hands in response“we need to talk.” I look down “okay” I meekly said “what was your little escape attempt today? Huh”he waits a moment. ”i thought we were past this” I stay silent “answer me Y/N!” I jump at his tone “Well you broke my ankle…”I quietly said “oh? But were you not the one who ran from us you upset sal and me deeply. it looks like we need a tighter leash on you.” My emotions start to flood and I sob Larry stares “Y/N that’s not gonna work on me no more you getting what you want you left us YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE OURS… OUR PRECIOUS ANGLE YOU DISOBEYED BOTH OF US” he stops sal interjects “Y/N don’t you see how much we love you”its silent for a few moments larry speaks up ”think about what you did” as he storms outSal soon follows him ”bye Y/n” he says sadly. I fall to the pillow for little comfort feeling so useless with red puffy eyes i soon feel myself drifting of to a deep slumber filled with happier times.

This was a little dark what do you think should I make a series out of this???

#yandere#yandere sal Larry Johnson#yandere larry johnson#Yandere sally face#sal fisher#Tw yandere#yandere blog#larry johnson#travis phelps#Ashly Campbell#yandere boy


May 21, 2022

yandere Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson from Sally Face Moodboards! :D

i was just kind of bored and wanted to do something since its late at night

#cw blood#fake blood no real crimes werecommitted#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere x y/n#yandere x you#yandere x darling#yandere moodboard#yandere sally face#yandere sally face x reader#yandere sal#yandere sal fisher#yandere sal fisher x reader#yandere sally x reader#yandere sally fisher x reader#yandere larry#yandere larry johnson#yandere larry johnson x reader#yandere larry x reader#yandere-moodboard


Aug 6, 2022

"I would never hurt you like I hurt them, you don't have to be scared, they just got in the way." --Travis's crazy boyfriend AU

Travis walking right into a yandere m’a trap is canon and no one can prove otherwise. Not only would he be easy to manipulate based off trauma, both boys know his past well enough to used educated guesses to entice him more!

Travis would happily start to trust them and lean on them and believe they understand him. They would continue to play the perfect partner in his face. However, they were no such thing. Killing his father in cold blood. Slaying the cult to assure his complete isolation. Only allowing Philip to stay by his side as without him he would shut down entirely.

He wouldn’t notice anything until Larry would get a little too aggressive. Holding him with a bruising grip in public. Noting the concerned or curious stares of onlookers. Even seeing pictures of himself on the newspaper but the other would dismiss it as them bringing up the cult again. When the true personalities of his partners arise they have just killed a man that tried to flirt with Travis. He just wanted them to stop hitting him but they kept going and Travis was terrified.

Fat tears had stained his cheeks and he trembled when they looked over to him. Gently rubbing his soft face, smearing blood on him. They would say that quote. But Travis could no longer believe them when they so willingly beat a man to death who backed off when he mentioned he was already taken.

He was terrified of them. But they loved him more.

#sally face#sally face au#travis phelps#larry johnson#sal fisher#larry x travis#larvis#laravis#salvis#sal x travis#yandere sal fisher#yandere sally face#yandere Larry Johnson#yandere#Travis not knowing he walked right into their hands#Two is better than one


Feb 25, 2021

S/o who bullies sally (sally faces ) everyday and basically fine with it like be honest he would be fine only if s/o touch him

A/N: literally been gone for over two months or longer, but I’m back lmaooo

Warnings: yandere, bullying, unhealthy relationships

Sal Fisher

☘︎︎ Unsurprisingly, Sal’s very much used to being treated badly by other students, which is kind of messed up considering he’s smaller than most of them and doesn’t really do anything. The point is, Sal doesn’t mind when it’s his darling who does it. They could kick him around like he was a rag doll and he wouldn’t mind because they’re just that lovely. Sal has the mindset that his darling likes him, they just won’t admit it yet, so just being touched by them can make him rather giddy. His friends stick up for him, of course, but Sal will make sure that his darling is targeted by Ash or Larry. They just don’t understand, that’s all.

#yandere sal fisher#yandere sally face#yandere headcanons#yandere imagines#yandere#milksuga writes#milksuga works


Mar 3, 2020

Dear Sally- I really love how much we've been hanging out lately! You're so considerate and kind, and all of your gifts are so sweet and thoughtful... But, I feel like I don't really deserve all this praise and attention from someone so wonderful? I'm happy, but I don't get what you see in me... -K.E.W.K. (they/them)

Sorry this is super super late and short had to deal with school sh*t hope u enjoy K.E.W.K uwu 💙

Also for the sake of this mini oneshot, I will put ur name as...Kelly...cause it starts with a K :> (if u want I can change the name just dm me on Tumblr and I shall fix it uwu)


No ones pov

Kelly was currently waiting on their admirerer known as Sally. They figured who he was, and was under a cherry blossom tree, waiting for him to arrive. During the past couple of months, Sally has been hanging out with Kelly. Of course they enjoyed his company, but deep down inside, they felt as if they didn’t deserve it.

So they sent him a letter, and once she got one back, it read,

“Dear K.E.W.K (Kelly),

If you really want to know why I think you deserve so much, meet me at the cherry blossom tree at 5:30pm, and I will tell you all you need to know.

Your Dear,


And so, they did as the letter insisted.

Kelly then looked up from the ground seeing Sally walk towards them. They smiled at him as they know he was smiling under that mask of his.

“Hey Sally...”

“Hello my dear~” Sally says and gave Kelly a hug. They hugged back, but also thinking, ‘Why is he hugging me...I don’t deserve this..’

“I...I just wanted to ask you one thing Sal...why me? What exactly do you see in me? I am grateful for you hanging out with me really I am!” They said and gave a sigh. “But...I just don’t think you deserve’re wonderful...and I just think you deserve someone way better than me.”

Sally immediately held Kelly’s hands and brought them close to his chest.

“ are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are who I needed in my life, the light of my dark! I love you ever since we met...There is literally no one else on this plant I rather be with unless it is you.” He then took off his mask and gave them a kiss on the forehead.

“You are who I truley desire the most, please do not forget that..”

This art was made by the most beautiful artist @killemwithkawaii


Especially the yandere purge au like omg that is my favorite (If anyone knows of it, dm me, maybe we can rp ;)

Hope u have a great day/night/afternoon

☁️ Dream On ☁️


#yandere x reader#yandere sal fisher#yandere sally face#sally face#sal fisher#yandere letters#yandere male#they/them#fluff#so cute!!


Jan 16, 2020

A huge thank-you to @belle-moi and @raes-ramblings for writing some wonderful fics at my request!! 💕💕💕

Links to the fics:

“Not all Angels that Fall go to Hell” Hey, Hey! This was an art trade with the amazing @mitch-that-bitch !! Thank you sm for letting me bas

(Photo credit goes to Federico Meuli on DeviantArt, and song inspiration credit goes to Ilomilo by Billie Eilish. I also do not own the char

#sally face#fanfiction#yandere sal fisher#yandere sally face


May 12, 2022

hiii iM BACK with some thoughts 💭💭

imagine lovesick sal doing those teen magazine relationship tests and the results aren't going well, so he's genuinely sad like "noo :(( it says they don't like me back" or "ugh our zodiac signs aren't compatible". at some point you have to remind him that you're a couple already so it doesn't really matter 😭

— 🎂

>Okay thats f*cking adorable sdlkfkalsd

>I have drawn Sal doing pretty much this and it still sparks so much joy (though I kind of want to redraw it, along with some other old pieces I really love- he needs MORE MAGAZINES. MORE STICKY NOTES. MORE SNACKIES. MORE YAN. HE DESERVES IT UwU)

>Counter these bad test results by sheepishly approaching him later, telling him you want to tell him something, really drawing it out, and then…

"Sal…. I uh…. I think… I think I might have a… a little crush on you 😳👉👈💓"

"… [y/n] we've been dating for two years..."

"teehee I know Im sorry I didnt tell you I'm just so shyyyy 🙈🙈🙈💞"

#k.e.w.k. answers#sally face imagine#sal fisher#yandere sal fisher#tw yandere#love sick sally#sal fisher x reader#sal fisher x y/n#romance#🎂 anon
Top Posts Tagged with #yandere sal fisher | Tumlook (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.